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Essentials of Pediatric Nursing

Edition: 4
Publication Date:
January 24, 2020
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Essentials of Pediatric Nursing, 4th Edition, helps students develop the clinical reasoning capability to confidently meet the unique challenges of ...
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  • Essentials of Pediatric Nursing, 4th Edition, helps students develop the clinical reasoning capability to confidently meet the unique challenges of caring for children and their families in a wide variety of healthcare settings. Utilizing the nursing process, a concise, concept-based approach makes relevant information accessible and builds students’ understanding progressively from concept to application. Rather than repeating medical-surgical content previously mastered, the text builds upon students’ prior knowledge, establishing an understanding of broad concepts before cultivating students’ critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
    Covering a wide scope of relevant topics with an emphasis on common issues and pediatric-specific content, Essentials of Pediatric Nursing focuses on conceptual learning to help you make the most of your class time and ensure that your students are equipped for a successful career in pediatric nursing care. This updated edition introduces new Unfolding Case Studies and Clinical Reasoning Alerts that encourage discussion and clinical decision-making, as well as new Practice and Learn Growth and Development Case Studies and Skill-based Pediatric Videos on thePoint that guide students through commonly encountered scenarios and applications to equip them for the rigors of pediatric practice. 
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Hardcover Book
    Trim Size
    8 3/8 x 10 7/8
    Publication Date
    January 24, 2020
  • Theresa Kyle
    Susan Carman
  • Unit I Foundations of Pediatric Nursing

    Unit II Health Promotion of the Growing Child and Family

    Unit III Working With Children and Families

    Unit IV Nursing Care of the Child With a Health Disorder

    Appendix A Growth Charts

    Appendix B Blood Pressure Charts for Children and Adolescents


  • Key Terms

    Each chapter includes a list of key terms considered to be vital to understanding the content in the chapter. Each key term appears in boldface, with the definition included in the text.

    Learning Objectives

    The provision of learning objectives for each chapter helps to guide the student toward prioritizing information for learning. The objectives also provide a method for the student to evaluate understanding of the presented material.

    Words of Wisdom

    Each chapter opens with inspiring Words of Wisdom (WOW) which set the tone for the chapter. The WOW statements offer students helpful, motivating, or interesting statements that stimulate thinking about children and their families.

    Case Studies

    Real-life scenarios present relevant child and family information that is intended to improve the student’s clinical reasoning skills. Questions throughout the chapter about the scenarios provide an opportunity for the student to critically evaluate the appropriate course of action.

    New! Clinical Reasoning Alert

    The Clinical Reasoning Alert promotes critical thinking in the nursing process on information key to clinical reasoning.

    Unfolding Patient Stories

    Unfolding Patient Stories, written by the National League for Nursing, are an engaging way to begin meaningful conversations in the classroom. These vignettes, which appear at the end of select chapters, feature patients from Wolters Kluwer’s vSim for Nursing Pediatric (codeveloped by Laerdal Medical) and DocuCare products; however, each Unfolding Patient Story in the book stands alone, not requiring purchase of these products.

    Atraumatic Care

    These highlights, located throughout the book, provide tips for providing atraumatic care to children in particular situations relating to the topic being discussed.

    Take Note!

    The Take Note! feature draws the student’s attention to points of critical emphasis throughout the chapter. This feature is often used to stress vitally important information.

    Consider This!

    In every chapter the student is asked to Consider This! These first-person narratives engage the student in real-life scenarios experienced by their patients. The personal accounts evoke empathy and help the student to perfect caregiving skills. Each box ends with an opportunity for further contemplation, encouraging the student to think critically about the scenario.

    Thinking About Development

    The content featured in these boxes will encourage students to think critically about special developmental concerns relating to the topic being discussed.

    Healthy People 2030

    Throughout the textbook, Healthy People 2030 objectives related to children’s health and well-being are outlined in box format. Nursing implications or guidance related to working toward achievement of these objectives is provided. These objectives reflect the proposed Healthy People 2030 guidelines (current at the time this book went to the press).

    Evidence-Based Practice

    Throughout the chapters, pertinent questions addressed by current research have been highlighted into Evidence-Based Practice boxes, which discuss recent evidence-based research findings and provide recommendations for nurses.

    Teaching Guidelines

    Teaching Guidelines, presented in most of the chapters, serve as valuable health education tools. The guidelines raise the student’s awareness, provide timely and accurate information, and are designed to ensure the student’s preparation for educating children and their families about various issues.

    Drug Guides

    The Drug Guide tables summarize information about commonly used medications. The actions, indications, and significant nursing implications presented assist the student in providing optimum care to children and their families.

    Common Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests

    The Common Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests tables in each chapter of Unit IV provide the student with a general understanding of how a broad range of disorders is diagnosed. Rather than reading the information repeatedly throughout the narrative, the student is then able to refer to the table as needed.

    Common Medical Treatments

    The Common Medical Treatments tables in each chapter of Unit IV provide the student with a broad awareness of how a common group of disorders is treated either medically or surgically. The table serves as a reference point for common medical treatments.

    Comparison Charts

    These charts compare two or more disorders or other easily confused concepts. They serve to provide an explanation clarifying the concepts for the student.

    Nursing Procedures

    Step-by-step nursing procedures provide a clear explanation of pediatric variations to facilitate competent performance.

    Concept Mastery Alerts

    Concept Mastery Alerts clarify pediatric nursing concepts to improve the reader’s understanding of potentially confusing topics as identified by Misconception Alerts in Lippincott’s Adaptive Learning Powered by PrepU. Data from thousands of actual students using this program in courses across the United States identified common misconceptions for the authors to clarify in this new feature.

    Nursing Patient Safety Goals

    Found within applicable chapters, this feature provides examples of how nurses may intervene to insure the National Patient Safety Goals are met. The feature helps to make The Joint Commission goals more relevant to the student.

    Dosage Calculation Box

    This box provides a dosage calculation example in each of the alteration/disorder chapters. Reiteration of the significance of accurate dosage calculation assists the student with mastery of this critical concept.

    Key Concepts

    At the end of each chapter, Key Concepts provide a quick review of essential chapter elements. These bulleted lists help the student focus on the important aspects of the chapter.


     NEW! Nursing Process Icons

    Specialized icons throughout the text draw the student’s attention to the nursing process. With the nursing process highlighted, students are further readily able to identify key nursing functions.

     New! Watch and Learn

    A special icon throughout the book directs students to free video clips located on  that highlight growth and development, communicating with children, and providing nursing care to the child in the hospital.

     Concepts in Action Animations

    These unique animations, also located on , bring physiologic and pathophysiologic concepts to life and enhance student comprehension.

    Tables, Boxes, Illustrations, and Photographs

    Tables and boxes are included throughout the chapters to summarize key content areas. Beautiful illustrations and photographs help the student to visualize the content. These features allow the student to quickly and easily access information.


    References that were used in the development of the text are provided at the end of each chapter. The listings allow the student to further pursue topics of interest. Multiple online sources are provided on  as a means for the student to electronically explore relevant content material.

    Developing Clinical Judgment

    This section located at the end of each chapter assists the student with the development of clinical judgment through:

    • Practicing for NCLEX—these NCLEX-RN® style questions (multiple choice, multiple response, fill-in-the blank) test the student’s ability to utilize critical thinking in the application of the nursing process to chapter material. The questions are styled similarly to the national licensing examination (NCLEX-RN®).
    • Dosage Calculation Questions—these problems test the student’s ability to accurately determine medication dosages particular to children.
    • Critical Thinking Exercises—these exercises serve to stimulate the student to incorporate the current material with previously learned concepts and reach a satisfactory conclusion. The exercises encourage students to think critically, problem solve, and consider their own perspective on given topics.
    • Study Activities—these activities promote student participation in the learning process. This section encourages increased interaction/learning via clinical, online, and community activities.
    • Bringing It All Together: A Case Study—an additional real-life scenario is presented. Applicable child and family information is meant to improve the student’s clinical reasoning skills. The case is further developed through critical thinking questions on .
    • Answers—answers to the Developing Clinical Judgment questions are provided to instructors on .
    • Leading content in context: Content provided in the context of the student learning path engages students and encourages interaction and learning on a deeper level.
    • Powerful tools to maximize class performance: Course-specific tools, such as adaptive learning powered by PrepU, provide a personalized learning experience for every student.
    • Real-time data to measure students’ progress: Student performance data provided in an intuitive display lets you quickly spot which students are having difficulty or which concepts the class as a whole is struggling to grasp.
    • Preparation for practice: Integrated virtual simulation and evidence-based resources improve student competence, confidence, and success in transitioning to practice.
      • vSim for Nursing: Co-developed by Laerdal Medical and Wolters Kluwer, vSim for Nursing simulates real nursing scenarios and allows students to interact with virtual patients in a safe, online environment.
      • Lippincott Advisor for Education: With over 8,500 entries covering the latest evidence-based content and drug information, Lippincott Advisor for Education provides students with the most up-to-date information possible, while giving them valuable experience with the same point-of-care content they will encounter in practice.
    • Training services and personalized support: To ensure your success, our dedicated educational consultants and training coaches will provide expert guidance every step of the way.
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Essentials of Pediatric Nursing

Essentials of Pediatric Nursing

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