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Porth's Pathophysiology

Concepts of Altered Health States
Edition: 10
Publication Date:
October 8, 2018
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The 10th edition of Porth’s Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States continues a legacy of excellence by providing comprehensive, nursing-focused ...
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  • The 10th edition of Porth’s Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States continues a legacy of excellence by providing comprehensive, nursing-focused coverage designed to help grasp both the physical and psychological aspects of altered health. The book’s unique emphasis on “concepts" of altered health states, as opposed to factual descriptions of diseases and disorders, helps students grasp both the physical and psychological aspects of altered health.

    Porth’s Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States
    Tenth Edition
    Tommie L. Norris, DNS, RN
    Meet today’s clinical challenges with the trusted authority in pathophysiology

    Make the most of your pathophysiology course and master the knowledge to ensure clinical success. Trusted for more than 30 years and updated to reflect today’s nursing challenges, this engaging text makes complex concepts accessible and helps you easily and confidently grasp normal body function, the effects of disease on body systems, and the body’s ability to compensate and adapt. This edition also considers the many technological advances that allow healthcare providers to diagnose earlier and with more accuracy.

    Highlights of the Tenth Edition
    • Approachable presentation builds understanding from basic to advanced concepts and defines key terms as you progress.
    • “Chunked” content keeps you focused on the most critical information and helps you review salient points efficiently.
    • Unit-Opening Case Studies , which are revisited in one or more chapters in the unit, bring pathophysiology to life and equip you for success in clinical practice.
    • Approximately 1,000 vibrant illustrations clarify the clinical manifestations of diseases and disease processes.
    • Understanding boxes break physiologic processes and phenomena into their sequential parts, providing insight into the many opportunities for disease to disrupt the processes.
    • Key Points boxes and In Summary sections reduce the need for memorization and help you incorporate important points into broader conceptual units.
    • NEW! Pediatric Considerations and Geriatric Considerations boxes in each chapter specify how the chapter content applies to these two special populations.
    • NEW! Concept Mastery Alerts explain topics that students can find confusing.
    • Review Exercises at the end of each chapter test your retention and identify areas for further study.
    • References provide fast, efficient access to normal laboratory values in both conventional and SI units, as well as a comprehensive glossary.
    • Narrated animations referenced by icons in the text and available online enhance your understanding of the most challenging and clinically relevant concepts.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Publication Date
    October 8, 2018
  • Tommie L. Norris
    Rupa Lalchandani
    • Unit I- Concepts of Health and Disease
      • Ch 1- Concepts of Health and Disease
      Unit II- Cell Function and Growth
      • Ch 2- Cell and Tissue Characteristics
      • Ch 3- Cellular Adaptation, Injury, and Death
      • Ch 4- Genetic Control of Cell Function and Inheritance
      • Ch 5- Genetic and Congenital Disorders
      • Ch 6- Neoplasia
      Unit III- Disorders of Integrative Function
      • Ch 7- Stress and Adaptation
      • Ch 8- Disorders of Fluid and Electrolyte, and Acid Base Balance
      Unit IV- Infection, Inflammation, and Immunity
      • Ch 9- Inflammation, Tissue Repair, and Wound Healing
      • Ch 10- Mechanisms of Infectious Disease
      • Ch 11- Innate and Adaptive Immunity
      • Ch 12- Disorders of the Immune Response
      Unit V- Disorders of Neural Function
      • Ch 13- Organization and Control of Neural Function
      • Ch 14- Somatosensory Function, Pain, and Temperature
      • Ch 15- Disorders of Motor Function
      • Ch 16- Disorders of Brain Function
      • Ch 17-Sleep and sleep disturbances
      • Ch 18- Disorders of Thought, Emotion, and Memory
      Unit VI- Disorders of Special Sensory Function
      • Ch 19- Disorders of Visual Function
      • Ch 20- Disorders of Hearing and Vestibular Function
      Unit VII- Disorders of the Hematopoietic System
      • Ch 21- Blood Cells and the Hematopoietic System
      • Ch 22- Disorders of Hemostasis
      • Ch 23- Disorders of Red Blood Cells
      • Ch 24- Disorders of White Blood Cells and Lymphoid Tissues
      Unit VIII- Disorders of Cardiovascular Function
      • Ch 25- Structure and Function of the Cardiovascular System
      • Ch 26- Disorders of Blood Flow
      • Ch 27- Disorders of Cardiac Function
      • Ch 28 Disorders of Cardiac Conduction and Rhythm
      Unit IX- Disorders of Respiratory Function
      • Ch 29- Structure and Function of the Respiratory System
      • Ch 30- Respiratory Tract Infections and Neoplasms
      • Ch 31- Disorders of Ventilation and Gas Exchange
      Unit X- Disorders of Renal Function
      • Ch 32- Structure and Function of the Kidney
      • Ch 33- Disorders of Renal Function
      • Ch 34- Acute Kidney Injury and Chronic Kidney Disease
      • Ch 35- Disorders of the Bladder and Lower Urinary Tract
      Unit XI- Disorders of Gastrointestinal Function
      • Ch 36- Structure and Function of the Gastrointestinal System
      • Ch 37- Disorders of Gastrointestinal Function
      • Ch 38- Disorders of Hepatobiliary and Pancreas Function
      • Ch 39- Alterations in Nutritional Status
      Unit XII- Disorders of Endocrine Function
      • Ch 40- Mechanisms of Endocrine Control
      • Ch 41-Disorders of Endocrine Control
      Unit XIII- Disorders of Genitourinary and Reproductive Function
      • Ch 42- Structure and Function of the Male Reproductive System
      • Ch 43- Disorders of the Male Reproductive System
      • Ch 44- Structure and Function of the Female Reproductive System
      • Ch 45- Disorders of the Female Reproductive System
      • Ch 46- Sexually Transmitted Infections
      Unit XIV- Disorders of Musculoskeletal Function
      • Ch 47- Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System
      • Ch 48- Disorders of Musculoskeletal Function: Trauma, Infection, Neoplasms
      • Ch 49- Disorders of Musculoskeletal Function: Developmental and Metabolism Disorders
      • Ch 50- Disorders of Musculoskeletal Function: Rheumatic Disorders
      Unit XV- Disorders of Integumentary Function
      • Ch 51- Structure and Function of the Skin
      • Ch 52- Disorders of Skin Integrity and Function
    • Case Studies: Each unit opens with a case study that introduces a patient's case history and symptoms. Throughout some of the chapters in that unit, more information is added to the case as it relates to the information being presented, showing students an example of a real-life application of the content.
    • Objectives: Objectives appear at the beginning of each major section of content to provide a focus for your study. After you have finished each of these areas of content, you may want to go back and make sure that you have met each of the objectives.
    • Key Terms and Glossary: It is essential for any professional to use and understand the vocabulary of his or her profession. Throughout the text, you will encounter key terms in bold purple. This is a signal that a word and the ideas associated with it are important to learn. In addition, a glossary is provided to help you expand your vocabulary and improve your comprehension of what you are reading. The glossary contains concise definitions of frequently encountered terms. If you are unsure of the meaning of a term you encounter in your reading, check the glossary in the back of the book before proceeding.
    • “Key Points” Boxes: One of the ways to approach learning is to focus on the major ideas or concepts rather than trying to memorize a list of related and unrelated bits of information. Healthcare providers must apply these concepts in the clinical setting, which requires an understanding of the underlying etiology, histology, symptoms, risk factors, and hallmark features of a particular disease. As you have probably already discovered, it is impossible to memorize everything that is in a particular section or chapter of the book. Not only does your brain have a difficult time trying to figure out where to store all the different bits of information, your brain does not know how to retrieve the information when you need it. Most important of all, memorized lists of content can seldom, if ever, be applied directly to an actual clinical situation. The “Key Points” boxes guide you in identifying the major ideas or concepts that form the foundation for truly understanding the major areas of content. When you understand the concepts in the “Key Points” boxes, you will have a framework for remembering and using the facts given in the text.
    • “In Summary” Boxes: The “In Summary” boxes at the end of each main section provide a review and a reinforcement of the important content that has been covered. Use the summaries to ensure that you have covered and understood what you have read.
    • “Understanding” Boxes: “Understanding” boxes focus on the physiologic processes and phenomena that form the basis for understanding disorders presented in the text. This feature breaks a process or phenomenon down into its component parts and presents it in a sequential manner, providing an insight into the many opportunities for disease processes to disrupt the sequence.
    • “Geriatric Considerations” and “Pediatric Considerations” Boxes: “Geriatric Considerations” and “Pediatric Considerations” boxes at the end of each chapter provide insight on how the content of the chapter is reflected in these two populations. These lifespan considerations highlight variations that can be attributed to age--for example, the immaturity of the immune system of newborns and the decreased phagocytic action in older adults, both of which increase the risk for disease.
    • Interactive learning resources appeal to a variety of learning styles. As mentioned previously in this preface, icons in the text direct readers to relevant resources
      • Concept Mastery Alerts: Concept Mastery Alerts clarify fundamental nursing concepts to improve the reader’s understanding of potentially confusing topics, as identified by Misconception Alerts in Lippincott’s Adaptive Learning Powered by prepU
      • Concepts in Action Animations bring physiologic and pathophysiologic concepts to life, explaining concepts that are difficult to understand.
      Journal Articles offer access to current articles relevant to each chapter and available in Wolters Kluwer journals to familiarize students with nursing literature.
    • Interactive Tutorials include graphics and animations and provide interactive review exercises.
    • Review Exercises: The Review Exercises at the end of each chapter are designed to help you integrate and synthesize material, and to help you verify your understanding of the material presented. . If you are unable to answer a question, reread the relevant section in the chapter. (Answers are available at http://thepoint.lww.com/Porth10e for instructors.)
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Porth's Pathophysiology

Porth's Pathophysiology

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