The 2024 Lippincott Pocket Drug Guide for Nurses provides current, vital drug information “in a nutshell.” This handy pocket guide contains essential information on over 3,900 medications, including 19 generic drugs newly approved by the FDA, in an easy-access A-to-Z format.
The “mini” drug monographs include generic and trade names, drug classes, pregnancy risk category and controlled substance schedule, boxed warnings, indications & dosages, dose adjustments, adverse effects, drug interactions, nursing considerations, and patient teaching.
Appendices cover alternative and complementary therapies, topical drugs, ophthalmic drugs, laxatives, combination drugs by therapeutic class, hormonal contraceptives, and commonly used biologicals. Index includes all generic, brand, and combination drugs mentioned in the text and highlights drugs by therapeutic class for easy identification.
Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Publication Date
August 25, 2023
NEW! Complete monographs on 19 NEW FDA-approved drugs
All the latest changes to drug indication, dosages, and administration information
Alphabetized by generic name for easy access
Includes brand names, drug class, pregnancy risk, and controlled substance schedule for each drug
Prominent alerts for new drugs and FDA boxed warnings
Appendices on alternative therapies, topical and ophthalmic drugs, laxatives, contraceptives, biologicals, and combination products
Anatomy of a drug monograph on inside front cover guides readers to thorough understanding
Detailed index of all generic and brand names and drug classes included
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