Home / A Comparison of Meta-Aggregation and Meta-Ethnography as Qualitative Review Methods

A Comparison of Meta-Aggregation and Meta-Ethnography as Qualitative Review Methods

Publication Date:
February 4, 2019
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Analyzing qualitative research can be done if the right methodology is utilized. Meta-ethnography is grounded in primary research traditions from ...
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  • Analyzing qualitative research can be done if the right methodology is utilized. Meta-ethnography is grounded in primary research traditions from the social sciences. It is an approach used to generate new theoretical knowledge related to sociological interests and generate new theoretical frameworks rather than aggregate knowledge. Meta-aggregation is a method of systematic review that mirrors the processes of a quantitative review while holding to the traditions and requirements of qualitative research. This book explores qualitative synthesis and the implications of particular approaches on the findings of qualitative reviews and compares and contrasts the methods used in qualitative research.
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Publication Date
    February 4, 2019
  • Craig Lockwood
    Alan Pearson
  • 1. Introduction
    2. Background
    3. An Examination of Meta-Ethnography
    4. An Examination of Meta-Aggregation
    5. Comparing Meta-Ethnography with Meta-Aggregation
    6. Discussion and Conclusions
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A Comparison of Meta-Aggregation and Meta-Ethnography as Qualitative Review Methods

A Comparison of Meta-Aggregation and Meta-Ethnography as Qualitative Review Methods

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975124236
USD $19.99 Quantity:
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