Part of the highly popular Practical Approach to Anesthesia series, this new edition combines the comprehensive depth of a textbook and the user-friendly features of a practical handbook. Focusing on clinical issues in pediatric anesthesia, it contains the in-depth information you need for daily practice and study, presented in a concise, bulleted format for quick reference. With its emphasis on developmental aspects of pediatric anesthesia, numerous illustrations and tables, and methodical approach to decision making, this updated reference is an invaluable resource for anyone involved with anesthesia of children.Key Features
Features new chapters on vascular biology and vascular anomalies, healing and recovery in pediatric surgery, and training and education in pediatric anesthesia. All existing chapters have been fully updated to keep you up to date.
Covers key issues of growth and development – anatomic, physiologic, and pharmacologic – that form the basis for a better understanding of pediatric anesthesia.
Discusses the approach to the pediatric patient, clinical and operational aspects of pediatric anesthesia, anesthetic management of normalities and abnormalities of each organ system, and special situations such as fetal surgery, anesthesia outside the operating room, and trauma.
Provides a clear understanding of anomalies, embryology, anatomy, and surgery so that you’re well prepared to choose the best induction, maintenance, and emergence techniques, as well as make informed monitoring and equipment decisions.
Presents information in a bulleted, outline format for easy reference and review.
Now with the print edition, enjoy the bundled interactive eBook edition, which can be downloaded to your tablet and smartphone or accessed online and includes features like:
Complete content with enhanced navigation
Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links that pull results from content in the book, your notes, and even the web
Cross-linked pages, references, and more for easy navigation
Highlighting tool for easier reference of key content throughout the text
Ability to take and share notes with friends and colleagues
Quick reference tabbing to save your favorite content for future use
Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
7 x 10
Publication Date
August 24, 2015
Robert S. Holzman MD
Thomas J. Mancuso MD
David M. Polaner MD
Section I: Approach to Pediatric Pa tients 1. Fundamental Differences between Children and Adults..........................................................................................1 Robert S. Holzman 2. Developmental Pharmacology.......................................................................................................................................18 Brian J. Anderson, James Peyton, and George H. Meakin 3. General Preoperative Evaluation and Consultative Pediatric Anesthesia........................................................55 Lynne R. Ferrari 4. Risk Management, Assessment and Quality Improvement..................................................................................67 Judit Szolnoki and David M. Polaner 5. Ethical and Legal Considerations in Pediatric Anesthesia.....................................................................................78 David B. Waisel Section II: Clinical and Operational Aspects of Pediatric Anesthesia 6. Anesthetic Equipment and Facilities............................................................................................................................83 Robert S. Holzman 7. Management of General Anesthesia..........................................................................................................................106 David M. Polaner 8. Regional Anesthesia.........................................................................................................................................................125 David M. Polaner and Corrie T. M. Anderson 9. Postanesthetic Recovery.................................................................................................................................................162 Laura A. Downey and Richard H. Blum 10. Pediatric Pain Management...........................................................................................................................................178 Corrie T. M. Anderson and David M. Polaner 11. Systems-Based Pediatric Anesthesia..........................................................................................................................202 David M. Polaner and Joseph P. Cravero 12. Healing and Recovery in Pediatric Surgery...............................................................................................................209 Seema P. Anandalwar and Shawn J. Rangel 13. Training and Education in Pediatric Anesthesiology: A Developmental Approach...................................216 Robert S. Holzman, Andres T. Navedo, J. William Sparks, and Mary Landrigan- Ossar Section III: Anesthetic Management of Norma lities and Abnorma lities 14. The Central Nervous System: Pediatric Neuroanesthesia....................................................................................226 Craig D. McClain and Sulpicio G. Soriano 15. The Eye: Pediatric Ophthalmological Surgery..........................................................................................................265 Elizabeth Eastburn and Thomas J. Mancuso 16. The Head and Neck: Specialty and Multidisciplinary Surgery............................................................................274 Robert S. Holzman and Charles D. Nargozian 17. The Body Cavity and Wall...............................................................................................................................................343 Robert S. Holzman 18. The Cardiovascular System............................................................................................................................................365 Barry D. Kussman and James A. DiNardo 19. Vascular Biology and Vascular Anomalies.................................................................................................................445 Mary F. Landrigan-Ossar 20. Gut Development: Surgical and Anesthetic Implications....................................................................................469 Robert S. Holzman 21. The Foregut and Chest....................................................................................................................................................477 Megan A. Clinton and Babu V. Koka 22. The Midgut...........................................................................................................................................................................507 Robert S. Holzman 23. The Hindgut.........................................................................................................................................................................513 Robert S. Holzman 24. Abdominal Tumors............................................................................................................................................................527 Daniel Vo 25. The Urogenital System....................................................................................................................................................547 Robert S. Holzman 26. The Musculoskeletal System and Orthopedic Surgery.........................................................................................561 Mary Ellen McCann, Robert M. Brustowicz, and Robert S. Holzman 27. Integumentary System....................................................................................................................................................612 Jennifer Zieg 28. Hematopoietic System....................................................................................................................................................627 Ellen Y. Choi and Thomas J. Mancuso 29. Endocrine Disease.............................................................................................................................................................641 Megan Brockel and David M. Polaner 30. Neuromuscular Disorders...............................................................................................................................................656 Ellen Y. Choi and Thomas J. Mancuso 31. Metabolic Diseases and Inborn Errors of Metabolism..........................................................................................670 Christopher L. Ciarallo 32. Abnormalities of the Immune Response and Infection........................................................................................694 Thomas J. Mancuso Section IV: Special Situations in Pediatric Anesthesia 33. Fetal Medicine and Anesthesia for Fetal Surgery....................................................................................................701 Debnath Chatterjee and Jeffrey L. Galinkin 34. Delivery Room Issues and Resuscitation of the Newborn...................................................................................724 Thomas J. Mancuso 35. Pediatric Resuscitation....................................................................................................................................................732 Lianne Stephenson and Thomas J. Mancuso 36. Anesthesia for the Preterm Newborn.........................................................................................................................738 Mali Hetmaniuk and Thomas J. Mancuso 37. Minimally Invasive Surgery............................................................................................................................................747 Thomas Weissmueller, Kai Matthes, and Robert S. Holzman 38. Solid Organ and Bone Marrow Transplantation......................................................................................................759 Mindy Cohen 39. Anesthesia Outside the Operating Room..................................................................................................................767 David M. Polaner 40. Trauma and Casualty Management............................................................................................................................778 Robert S. Holzman 41. Anesthesia and Childhood Obesity............................................................................................................................801 Debnath Chatterjee Index.......................................................................................................................................................................................817
Key Features
Features new chapters on vascular biology and vascular anomalies, healing and recovery in pediatric surgery, and training and education in pediatric anesthesia. All existing chapters have been fully updated to keep you up to date.
Covers key issues of growth and development – anatomic, physiologic, and pharmacologic – that form the basis for a better understanding of pediatric anesthesia.
Discusses the approach to the pediatric patient, clinical and operational aspects of pediatric anesthesia, anesthetic management of normalities and abnormalities of each organ system, and special situations such as fetal surgery, anesthesia outside the operating room, and trauma.
Provides a clear understanding of anomalies, embryology, anatomy, and surgery so that you’re well prepared to choose the best induction, maintenance, and emergence techniques, as well as make informed monitoring and equipment decisions.
Presents information in a bulleted, outline format for easy reference and review.
Now with the print edition, enjoy the bundled interactive eBook edition, which can be downloaded to your tablet and smartphone or accessed online and includes features like:
Complete content with enhanced navigation
Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links that pull results from content in the book, your notes, and even the web
Cross-linked pages, references, and more for easy navigation
Highlighting tool for easier reference of key content throughout the text
Ability to take and share notes with friends and colleagues
Quick reference tabbing to save your favorite content for future use
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