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AAST/ESTES Emergency Surgery Course

Edition: 1
Publication Date:
September 29, 2022
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  • Edition
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Publication Date
    September 29, 2022
  • Andrew Peitzman MD

    Andrew B. Peitzman, MD

    Mark M. Ravitch Professor and Vice-Chair,

    Chief, Division of General Surgery


    Pittsburgh, PA

  • Contents
    Contributors vii
    Preface xiii
    1. “Why an Emergency General Surgery Course?” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
    Ara Ko, Ananya Anand, and David A. Spain
    2. Initial Assessment and Resuscitation of the Emergency
    Surgery Patient ..............................................3
    Beat Schnüriger, Joël L. Lavanchy, and Tobias Haltmeier
    3. Evaluation of the Acute Abdomen..............................12
    April E. Mendoza, Douglas Fraser, and Nancy A. Parks
    4. General Surgery Issues in the MICU and CTICU....................21
    Lisa Marie Knowlton, Jennifer Knight Davis, and Clay Cothren Burlew
    5. Abdominal Sepsis ...........................................36
    Scott C. Brakenridge, Mackenzie R. Cook, and David H. Livingston
    6. Imaging in Emergency General Surgery .........................49
    Sarah A. Moore and Stephanie A. Savage
    7. Nutrition...................................................69
    Jennifer L. Hartwell and Rosemary A. Kozar
    8. Operating Room (General Setup, Approaches, and Incisions) ........78
    Fernando Ferreira, Eva Barbosa, and Emanuel Guerreiro
    9. Damage Control in Emergency General Surgery...................91
    Andrea Spota, Stefania Cimbanassi, and Osvaldo Chiara
    10. Abdominal Compartment Syndrome and the Open Abdomen ......104
    Bruno M. Pereira, Nathália Sampaio, and Michael Sugrue
    11 Bowel Obstruction..........................................116
    Andrea Costanzi, Michela Monteleone, Alan Biloslavo, and Marina Troian
    12. Mesenteric Ischemia ........................................130
    Hayato Kurihara, Enrico Marrano, and Martina Ceolin
    13. Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage in Emergency Surgery ..............144
    Nicole A. Stassen and Linda Ding
    14. Acute Pancreatitis ..........................................154
    Mark H. Hoofnagle, Nathan T. Mowery, and Jose J. Diaz Jr
    15. Biliary Tree Disease .........................................171
    Tanya Egodage, Laura N. Godat, and Lillian S. Kao
    16. Peptic Ulcer Disease.........................................186
    Kimberly A. Davis, Jamie J. Coleman, and Nicole Goulet 17. Acute Appendicitis..........................................203
    Shahin Mohseni and Dennis Y. Kim
    18. Inflammatory Disease of the Small Bowel and Colon ............. 210
    Brian S. Zuckerbraun, Sean F. Monaghan, and Samuel Wade Ross
    19. Anorectal Emergencies ......................................239
    Bogdan Diaconescu and Tudor Marinescu
    20. Vascular Emergencies .......................................253
    Alan Biloslavo, Marina Troian, Andrea Costanzi, and Michela Monteleone
    21. Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infections .............................271
    Sharon Henry, Sonlee West, and Alexandra Briggs
    22. Abdominal Wall Hernias .....................................290
    Dorin Popa and Dzhendov Todor
    23. Complex Liver Masses .......................................300
    Ram Nirula and Miloš Buhavac
    24. Obstetric and Gynecologic Considerations in Acute Care Surgery ...318
    Karen Brasel and Chrissy Guidry
    25. Thoracic Emergencies .......................................330
    Morgan Schellenberg and Joseph Galante
    26. Esophageal Emergencies.....................................344
    David T. Efron, Matthew Benns, and Lucy Zumwinkle Kornblith
    27. Surgical Complications and Surgical Rescue .....................358
    Oscar D. Guillamondegui, Salina M. Wydo, and Nicole A. Stassen
    28. Complications of Bariatric Surgery.............................373
    Gary Alan Bass, Jonathan Imran, Paul P . Healy, and Noel G. Williams
    29. Complications of Wound Healing..............................381
    David Silver, Rafael G. Ramos-Jimenez, and Matthew D. Neal
    30. Spontaneous Hemoperitoneum ...............................391
    Angela M. Ingraham, Vanessa P . Ho, and Marie Crandall
    Index 401
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AAST/ESTES Emergency Surgery Course

AAST/ESTES Emergency Surgery Course

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