An essential resource to prepare for the ACSM Certified Personal Trainer examination, ACSM’s Resources for the Personal Trainer, 6th Edition, provides critical insights for Certified Personal Trainer candidates looking to boost their exam confidence, as well as practicing Personal Trainers who want to take their practice to the next level. This updated edition is fully aligned with the eleventh edition of ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription and equips readers with the latest practices in client screening, exercise program development, and working with special populations.
Published by the American College of Sports Medicine, this top-selling text guides readers from an introduction to the profession and the science behind the field through the building blocks of a successful exercise program and ultimately the establishment of a successful personal training practice. Engaging case studies and study features help ensure the retention for success on the ACSM-CPT exam and provide prospective and practicing Personal Trainers with both the tools and scientific evidence to build safe and effective exercise programs for a variety of clients.
NEW! Update content aligned with the 11th edition of ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription prepares students to confidently perform the most effective client fitness assessments and create successful resistance training programs.
UPDATED! Full-color photographs clarify concepts and techniques.
Chapter objectives keep students focused on the most vital content.
Case Studies provide essential practice applying concepts to realistic scenarios commonly encountered by Certified Personal Trainers.
Key Points and chapter summaries reinforce important chapter takeaways.
Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Lippincott Connect-ACSM
Publication Date
June 17, 2021
Trent Hargens
American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
xi Contents Preface v Acknowledgments viii Contributors ix Reviewers x PART I: Introduction to the Field and Profession of Personal Training 1 1 Importance of the Field and Profession of Personal Training 2 2 Career Track for Personal Trainers 31 PART II: The Science of Personal Training 47 3 Anatomy and Kinesiology 48 4 Biomechanics 113 5 Exercise Physiology 127 6 Nutrition and Human Performance 157 PART III: Behavior Modification 195 7 Theories of Behavior Change 196 8 Adherence to Exercise: Helping Your Client Stay Active 224 9 Eliciting Positive Perceptions and Behaviors: Coaching Techniques 250 PART IV: Initial Client Screening 265 10 The Initial Client Consultation 266 11 Preparticipation Physical Activity Screening Guidelines 286 12 Client Fitness Assessments 314 PART V: Developing the Exercise Program 363 13 Comprehensive Program Design 364 14 Resistance Training Programs 385 15 Cardiorespiratory Training Programs 425 16 Guidelines for Designing Flexibility Programs 448 17 Personal Training Session Components 483 18 Advanced Program Options 499 19 Populations across the Lifespan 524 20 Metabolic Disease and Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors 545xii Contents PART VI: The Business of Personal Training 569 21 Business Basics and Planning 570 22 Legal Issues and Responsibilities 589 Appendix A Editors from the Previous Two Editions of ACSM’s Resources for the Personal Trainer 609 Appendix B Contributors from the Previous Two Editions of ACSM’s Resources for the Personal Trainer 610 Index 613
NEW! Update content aligned with the 11th edition of ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription prepares students to confidently perform the most effective client fitness assessments and create successful resistance training programs.
UPDATED! Full-color photographs clarify concepts and techniques.
Chapter objectives keep students focused on the most vital content.
Case Studies provide essential practice applying concepts to realistic scenarios commonly encountered by Certified Personal Trainers.
Key Points and chapter summaries reinforce important chapter takeaways.
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