Elevate your obstetric care with the fifth edition of AWHONN's High Risk & Critical Care Obstetrics. This indispensable resource has been thoroughly updated to reflect the rapid advancements in maternal healthcare and to address the pressing challenges that modern clinicians face. Designed for professionals navigating the complexities of high-risk pregnancies, this edition provides a comprehensive guide that intertwines physiological, psychosocial, and cultural considerations to enhance patient outcomes.
Key updates in the 5th Edition include:
Expanded Insights on Maternal Morbidity and Mortality: Delve into the latest information about development of critical care capabilities necessary to combat the rising rate of maternal complications in the United States.
Innovative Approaches to Reducing Disparities: Gain access to cutting-edge strategies that aim to address healthcare disparities and improve maternal outcomes across diverse populations.
Enhanced Clinical Practice Adjuncts: Discover expanded discussions on hemodynamic and oxygen transport monitoring, now split into separate chapters on (1) core principles and noninvasive assessment and (2) central assessments.
New Chapters on Emerging Concerns: Explore fresh content on obstetric early warning systems, fetal surveillance in critical care, neurological disorders, and more, providing a holistic view of complex obstetric conditions.
Practical Resources for Clinicians: Benefit from sample clinical guidelines that offer reliable tools and references to optimize the care of high-risk obstetric patients.
With its blend of evidence-based research and practical tools, this edition of AWHONN's classic text equips healthcare providers with the knowledge and confidence needed to tackle the evolving landscape of obstetric care. ,
Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Publication Date
February 11, 2025
AWHONN (Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses)
PART I: Foundations for Practice 1. Maternal Morbidity and Mortality 2. Critical Care Obstetrics Program Development 3. Physiologic Changes During Pregnancy PART II: Clinical Practice Adjuncts 4. Hemodynamics and Oxygen Transport: Principles and Noninvasive Assessment 5. Central Hemodynamic and Oxygen Transport Assessment 6. Mechanical Ventilation During Pregnancy 7. Resuscitation and Blood Component Therapy PART III: Clinical Application 8. Obstetric Early Warning Systems 9. Hypertension in Pregnancy 10. Cardiac Disorders in Pregnancy 11. Pulmonary Edema 12. Pulmonary Disorders in Pregnancy 13. Venous Thromboembolism in Pregnancy 14. Diabetic Ketoacidosis 15. Pregnancy Related Acute Kidney Injury 16. Placenta Accreta Spectrum Disorder 17. Obstetric Hemorrhage 18. Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation in Pregnancy 19. Maternal Sepsis 20. Amniotic Fluid Embolism 21. Trauma in Pregnancy 22. Anesthesia Emergencies in the Obstetric Setting 23. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Pregnancy 24. Fetal Surveillance in the Critical Care Setting 25. Neurological Disorders in Pregnancy 26. Psychological and Behavioral Health Conditions 27. Maternal Stabilization and Transport 28. Postpartum Care of the High-Risk Obstetric Patient PART IV: Practice Resources APPENDIX A: Guidelines for the Care of the Patient with Hypertension During Pregnancy APPENDIX B: Guidelines for the Care of the Obstetric Patient with Diabetic Ketoacidosis APPENDIX C: Guidelines for the Care of the Patient with Placenta Accreta Spectrum Disorder APPENDIX D: Guidelines for the Care of the Patient with Obstetric Hemorrhage APPENDIX E: Massive Transfusion Protocol APPENDIX F: Guidelines for the Care of the Obstetric Patient Following Fetal Surgery APPENDIX G: Guidelines for Care Management with ICU Admission APPENDIX H: Guidelines for the Care of the Obstetric Trauma Patient APPENDIX I: Maternal Stabilization and Transport APPENDIX J: Critical Care Medications APPENDIX K: Laboratory Reference Values for First, Second, and Third Trimesters of Pregnancy APPENDIX L: Safety checklist: Central venous catheters APPENDIX M: Summary of Recommendations to Prevent CLABSI Index
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