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Achieving Excellence in Nursing Education

Publication Date:
November 30, 2012
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Achieving Excellence in Nursing Education is based on the National League of Nursing’s Excellence in Nursing Education Model that describes ...
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  • Achieving Excellence in Nursing Education is based on the National League of Nursing’s Excellence in Nursing Education Model that describes the eight core elements required to achieve and sustain excellence in educational programs: clear program standards, well-prepared faculty, qualified students, well-prepared administrators, evidence-based programs and teaching/evaluation methods, quality and adequate resources, recognition of expertise, and student-centered, interactive and innovative programs and curricula.

    Each chapter of the book addresses one of the core elements, with the visual depiction of that component of the model noted. Within each chapter, the core element is explored and justification to support its importance in achieving excellence is provided. The text acts as a springboard for nurse educators’ pursuit of excellence in nursing education.
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    6 x 9
    Publication Date
    November 30, 2012
  • Marsha Adams PhD, RN, CNE, ANEF, FAAN
    Theresa Valiga EdD, RN, CNE, ANEF, FAAN
  • List of Tables and Figures'
    Chapter 1: Excellence in Nursing Education: An Introduction
    Theresa M. Valiga, EdD, RN, FAAN
    Chapter 2: Excellence: Everyone’s Responsibility'
    Marsha H. Adams, DSN, RN, CNE &Theresa M. Valiga, EdD, RN, FAAN
    Chapter 3: Clear Program Standards and Hallmarks that Raise Expectations: Needed to Achieve Excellence in Nursing Education'
    Marsha H. Adams, DSN, RN, CNE
    Chapter 4: Well-prepared Faculty: Needed to Achieve Excellence in Nursing Education'
    Judith A. Halstead, DNS, RN, ANEF
    Chapter 5: Student-centered, Interactive, Innovative Programs and Curricula: Needed to Achieve Excellence in Nursing Education'
    Elizabeth Speakman, EdD, RN, CDE, ANEF
    Chapter 6: Evidence-based Programs and Teaching/Evaluation Methods: Needed to Achieve Excellence in Nursing Education'
    Marilyn H. Oermann, PhD, RN, FAAN, ANEF
    Chapter 7: Well-prepared Educational Administrators: Needed to Achieve Excellence in Nursing Education'
    Mary Lou Rusin, EdD, RN
    Chapter 8: Quality and Adequate Resources: Needed to Achieve Excellence in Nursing Education'
    Carolyn Mosely, PhD, RN, CS, FAAN
    Chapter 9: Qualified Students: Needed to Achieve Excellence in Nursing Education'
    Barbara McLaughlin, DNSc, RN, CNE

    Chapter 10: Recognition of Expertise: Needed to Achieve Excellence in Nursing Education'
    Helen J Streubert, EdD, RN, CNE, ANEF
    Chapter 11: Summary and Recommendation Regarding Achieving Excellence in Nursing Education'
    Linda Caputi, EdD, RN, CNE

    Appendix A: Author Profiles'
    Appendix B: The NLN’s Excellence in Nursing Education Model
    Appendix C: The NLN’s Hallmarks of Excellence in Nursing Education with Indicators for Each Hallmark'
    Appendix D: The NLN’s Task Group on Nursing Education Standards (2001-2003) & Task Group on Excellence in Nursing Education (2003-2005)'
    Appendix E: Self-Assessment Checklist'
    Appendix F: Glossary of Terms Used in the NLN’s Hallmarks of Excellence in Nursing Education
  • The authors are all experienced teachers and national leaders in nursing education.

    A review of selected literature offers a critical evidence base to guide future decision making.

    The NLN’s Hallmarks of Excellence in Nursing Education is used to highlight the characteristics or traits that serve to define a level of outstanding performance or service.

    Self-assessment checklist presents indicators for faculty to determine the extent to which they are achieving each nursing hallmark.
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Achieving Excellence in Nursing Education

Achieving Excellence in Nursing Education

ISBN/ISSN: 9781934758045
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