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African American Voices

Reflecting, Reforming, Reframing
Publication Date:
July 1, 2009
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African American Voices: Reflecting, Reforming, Reframing is the second work in a series devoted to promoting diversity in nursing and ...
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  • African American Voices: Reflecting, Reforming, Reframing is the second work in a series devoted to promoting diversity in nursing and nursing education. This text was written to ensure that all nurse educators and for those who want to be nurse educators are prepared as culturally competent and culturally sensitive health care providers who serve patients who do not look like them, or speak like them, or believe in the same ideas that they do. It presents a number of issues facing the nursing profession, such as the nursing shortage and its impact on the delivery of health care for underrepresented populations; integration of innovative simulations to teach cultural competence; the shortage of nurse educators, especially African Americans, and the value of mentoring; and the role of PhD in nursing programs.

    This text, written by a diverse author pool, helps prepare a variety minority nurse educators and researchers to meet the complex needs of ethnic and racial populations. Nurse educators and students will find exciting strategies that can be used to promote excellence and build tomorrow’s diverse nursing workforce. Further, this book serves to provide a platform for discussions surrounding health care issues in the African American community: health issues that are too often ignored or described within a broad context leading one to think that one size fits all is appropriate for all African Americans. This book covers a variety of topics affecting various aspects of health care in the African American community and is designed to help nurse educators think about how they portray health care issues of the African American community. In addition, African American Voices: Reflecting, Reforming, Reframing provides the tools needed by the academic community to adequately prepare the next generation of educators regarding a variety of topics.
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    6 x 9
    Publication Date
    July 1, 2009
  • Pamela Hammond PhD, RN, FAAN, ANEF
  • List of Tables
    List of Figures
    Foreword Janice G. Brewington, PhD, RN, FAAN
    Preface Pamela V. Hammond, PhD, RN, FAAN, ANEF

    Chapter 1: Core Values, Visibility and Leadership in Nursing Education: An African American Nurse Leader’s Perspective
    Beverly Malone PhD, RN, FAAN

    Chapter 2: Personality and Depression: Affects on Academic Achievement in College Students
    Bertha L. Davis, PhD, RN, FAAN, ANEF
    Spencer R. Baker, PhD, CCFC

    Chapter 3: Enhancing Student Understanding of Challenges Faced by African Americans Related to Cancer Prevention and Control
    Sandra Millon Underwood, PhD, RN, CHN, FAAN

    Chapter 4: Challenges in Integrating HIV/AIDS, Mental Health and Substance Abuse: Implications for Educators
    Delroy M. Louden. PhD, FRSH

    Chapter 5: Mentorship and Nurse Educators: A Model for Diversity
    Willar F. White-Parson, PhD, APRN, BC, FAAN

    Chapter 6: Using Simulation to Enhance Cultural Competency
    Richardean Benjamin, PhD, RN, MPH, PMHCNS-BC, ANEF

    Chapter 7: Closing the Gap on Racial/Ethnic Diversity in Nursing Education
    Mary H. Hill, DSN, RN

    Chapter 8: Nursing Care or Care of Nursing? Doctoral Education and the Shortage of African American Nursing Faculty
    Maurice C. Taylor, PhD, JD
    Earlene B. Merrill, EdD, RN, CNE

    Chapter 9: Health Disparities Research: The Issue for HBCU PhD Nursing Programs
    Pamela V. Hammond, PhD, RN, FAAN, ANEF
    Janet Simmons Rami, PhD, RN

    Appendix A: Author Profiles

    Appendix B: PhD Dissertations: Hampton University School of Nursing, 2002-2009

    Appendix C: PhD Dissertations: Southern University and A&M College School of Nursing, 2004-2009
  • Written by a talented set of African American professionals who have cared for populations of clients or taught students who looked like them and many who did not.

    Discussions of important curriculum issues regarding personality and depression, cancer prevention, HIV/AIDS, mental health, and substance abuse offer readers information critical to licensed practical nurse, diploma, associate degree, and baccalaureate and higher degree nursing programs.
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African American Voices

African American Voices

ISBN/ISSN: 9781934758083
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