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American Journal of Nursing (AJN) Online
The Leading Voice of Nursing Since 1900
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American Journal of Nursing (AJN) The Leading Voice of Nursing since 1900 Award-winning, peer-reviewed AJN provides the evidence-based clinical information, news analysis, original research, and expert opinion so critical to your practice. As nursing’s premier journal, AJN combines trusted, thought-provoking content with heartfelt insight to deliver unique perspective on the art and science of nursing. Advance your career and your practice with AJN’s keen editorial, policy news, and cutting-edge business information relevant to nursing today.
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AJN was named as one of 100 Most Influential Journals in Biology & Medicine over the last 100 Years—the only nursing journal included. (BioMedical & Life Sciences Division (DBIO) of the Special Libraries Association (SLA).
Product Format
Online Journal Only
Publication Frequency
Published 12 times per year (Monthly)
Carl A. Kirton DNP, MBA, RN, ANP
-- Sign up now for AJN eNews , a monthly e-newsletter delivered to your inbox, containing the latest clinical, nursing, and health topics. -- Visit "Off the Charts," AJN 's blog, at http://ajnoffthecharts.wordpress.com . -- Find AJN on Facebook and Twitter. --Practical, hands-on clinical articles on essential topics --Research --Clinical, nursing, and healthcare news --Legal advice --Each issue carries self-study articles for continuing education contact hours.
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24 Issues / 24 months
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36 Issues / 36 months
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