Now in its Second Edition, Anatomy of the Brain Illustrated Pocket Anatomy folding study guide takes the Anatomical Chart Company's most popular anatomical images and puts them in a durable, portable format that is perfect for the on-the-go student. Printed on a write-on, wipe-off laminated surface, this guide shows numbered anatomical structures and contains answers that can be concealed for easy self-testing and memorization. This edition features a fresh, clean design, additional content, and improved organizational features such as key subject headers at the top of each panel. This quick reference covers:
Nerves, arteries, vessels, ventricles, and cells
Limbic system and coronal section
Midbrain, medulla oblongata, and spinal cord
Meninges and venous sinuses
Lobes of the brain, Circle of Willis
Somatotopic organization of the cerebrum
Circulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
Size: 9" x 4" folded, unfolded 9" x 24" Made in USA Illustrated Pocket Anatomy Study Guides available on the following: Muscular and Skeletal Systems ISBN 9780781778783 Anatomy of the Heart ISBN 9780781776813 Vertebral Column and Spine Disorders ISBN 9780781779820 Anatomy of the Brain ISBN 9780781776837 Spinal Nerves and Autonomic Nervous System ISBN 9780781776844 Circulatory System ISBN 9780781779851 Anatomy and Disorders of the Respiratory System ISBN 9780781776868 Anatomy and Disorders of the Digestive System ISBN 9780781776882 Set of 8 Study Guides # PASET8
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Anatomical Chart Company's Illustrated Pocket Anatomy: Anatomy of The Brain Study Guide
ISBN/ISSN: 9780781776837
USD $16.99 Quantity:
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