The book is the only BOC examination preparation guide that includes over 2,000+ questions that provides a framework to begin your certification exam prep!
Students will use this to focus their study as a part of a preparation program. The outline format allows students to look over chapters at a glance to determine potential deficiencies in recall. The text mimics the current Board of Certification (BOC) examination format and focuses exclusively on the 12 NATA Educational Competencies as the framework. The text also offers the reader a concise look at anatomy and physiology with many tables and pictures for the visual learner.
An accompanying interactive DVD-ROM includes videos, animations, images, interactive quizzes, labeling exercises, supplemental content, and more.
Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
8.375 x 10.875
Publication Date
April 21, 2009
Barbara Long MS, VATL, ATC
Chair, Department of Health and Exercise Science, Director, Athletic Training Program, Assistant Professor, Health & Exercise Science, Bridgewater College, Bridgewater, VA
Charles W. Hale IV, MSEd, VATL, ATC
Clinical Education Coordinator, Athletic Training Program, Assistant Professor, Health & Exercise Science, Bridgewater College, Bridgewater, VA
Preface Test Taking Tips
Section 1 Fundamental Knowledge
Ch. 1.1 General Anatomy &Physiology Principles
Ch. 1.2 Anatomy of the Lower Extremity
Ch. 1.3 Anatomy of the Upper Extremity
Ch. 1.4 Anatomy of the Neck and Spine
Ch. 1.5 Systemic Anatomy and Physiology
Ch. 1.6 Kinesiology
Ch. 1.7 Palpations
Section 2 Risk Management & Injury Prevention
Ch. 2.1 Risk Factors for Activity
Ch. 2.2 Pre-Participation Assessments
Ch. 2.3 Protective Devices & Procedures
Ch. 2.4 Health Maintenance
Ch. 2.5 Environmental Factors
Section 2: Simulation Examination Section 3: Pathology of Injuries &Illnesses
Chapter 3.1: Human Cell Function & Dysfunction
Chapter 3.2: Inflammation & Infection
Chapter 3.3: Circulation & Homeostasis
Chapter 3.4: Exercise & Illness, Injury, or Disease
Section 11: Nutritional Aspects of Injuries & Illnesses
Chapter 11.1: Healthy & Pathologic Nutrition
Chapter 11.2: Weight Control
Chapter 11.3: Ergogenic Aids
Section 12: Health Care Administration
Section 13: Professional Development & Responsibility
Section 14: Flash Blox
Appendix 1: Medical Abbreviations
Appendix 2: Common Terms
Appendix 3: Code of Ethics
Appendix 4: Standard of Practice
Appendix 5: Position Statement Synopses
Appendix 6: SOAP Note Guideline
Appendix 7: Web Addresses
Appendix 8: Content Check Off Sheets
Appendix 9: Quiz & Test Answers
--DVD and companion website with: --Nearly 1,000 additional practice exam questions mimic the computer-based BOC exam. --More than 120 video clips present special tests and joint mobilization techniques. --More than 300 flash cards reinforce your knowledge of muscle origin, insertion, action, innervation, and arterial supply. --Outline format makes it easy for students to quickly skim the content and determine areas that are less familiar --Focuses exclusively on the 12 NATA Educational Competencies as the framework --Test-taking Strategy section (in Frontmatter) gives valuable pointers for passing the exam. --Nearly 1,200 multiple-choice questions in the book are formatted similar to the BOC exam. --Figures and tables (including anatomy and physiology illustrations) illustrate key concepts and provide at-a-glance summaries of key facts. --'Flash Box' section at the end of the book offers 'at a glance' informational pages consisting of major regions of the body. There is a concise one page overview with information regarding each joint (e.g. range of motion, special test names, PNF patterns, etc.)
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