Atlas of Cytopathology: A Pattern Based Approach is the latest installment in a unique new series designed to present diagnostic processes in a way similar to how clinicians actually review specimens. The book is image-rich, with scores of illustrations and tables, and filled with checklists, FAQs, and other tools to support fast, easy comprehension of material. Highlighted are common rather than obscure diseases and conditions, and “normal” cytology is presented first to give you a benchmark for subsequent discussions.
Includes a unique, special section on normal background cells, which can have a significant impact on diagnostic results.
Notes include sample pathology reports and synthesize complicated topics.
Specimens addressed span a range of types, including breast, kidney, urinary, pulmonary, and biliary tracts.
Checklists at the beginning of each chapter and scattered throughout help you pinpoint key elements of each diagnostic process.
Quizzes modeled after actual board questions, Frequently Asked Questions, and hints and hazards presenting real-life diagnostic encounters are also included.
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Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Publication Date
September 19, 2019
Christopher J VandenBussche MD, PhD
The Johns Hopkins Hospital Department of Pathology Baltimore, Maryland
Erika F. Rodriguez MD, PhD
The Johns Hopkins Hospital Department of Pathology Baltimore, Maryland
Derek B. Allison MD
The Johns Hopkins Hospital Department of Pathology Baltimore, Maryland
M. Lisa Zhang MD
Massachusetts General Hospital Department of Pathology Boston, Massachusetts
Includes a unique, special section on normal background cells, which can have a significant impact on diagnostic results.
Notes include sample pathology reports and synthesize complicated topics.
Specimens addressed span a range of types, including breast, kidney, urinary, pulmonary, and biliary tracts.
Checklists at the beginning of each chapter and scattered throughout help you pinpoint key elements of each diagnostic process.
Quizzes modeled after actual board questions, Frequently Asked Questions, and hints and hazards presenting real-life diagnostic encounters are also included.
Enrich Your Ebook Reading Experience
Read directly on your preferred device(s),such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
Easily convert to audiobook,powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
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