Your instant access VST eBook comes with a Comprehensive quiz that provides experience with high-yield, board-style teaching questions and answers. ...
Your instant access VST eBook comes with a Comprehensive quiz that provides experience with high-yield, board-style teaching questions and answers.
Why purchase an enhanced VST eBook? It includes a full suite of study tools on any device—both online and offline:
Immediate access – get the information you need now, not in days or weeks
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Closely mirroring the daily sign-out process, Atlas of Forensic Pathology: A Pattern-Based Approach, Dr. Walter L. Kemp (Montana State Medical Examiner), Dr. Rhome L. Hughes, and Dr. Jeffrey J. Barnard (Dallas County Chief Medical Examiner) provides a highly illustrated succinct “day-to-day” educational guide to the interpretation of patterns of findings at forensic autopsy to best allow for an accurate determination of cause and manner of death. The format of the book will also guide a pathologist in how to identify pertinent information (i.e., how to search for the patterns) and assemble a thorough and streamlined autopsy report.
Nearly 1,400 high-quality photos from the authors’ extensive collection focus on the range of forensic autopsy findings and their interpretation. Images are captioned with diagnostic considerations, including call-outs regarding diagnostic clues.
Primarily organized by either cause or circumstances of death, this reference also includes helpful chapters on death investigation, death certification, special dissections, and other special topics related to forensic pathology.
Comprehensive quiz in VST ebook provides experience with high-yield, board-style teaching questions and answers
Practical tools throughout the text include:
Checklists for key elements of the autopsy in various circumstances.
“Pearls and Pitfalls” and “Near Misses” sections with lessons from real life sign-out experience.
“Frequently Asked Questions” sections that discuss common dilemmas in the determination of cause and manner of death.
“Sample Note” sections that provide examples of how to organize an autopsy report and suggestions for wording of cause of death.
Comprehensive quiz provides experience with high-yield, board-style teaching topics.
Atlas of Forensic Pathology: A Pattern Based Approach: eBook with Multimedia
ISBN/ISSN: 9781975222529
USD $269.99 Quantity:
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