The Atlas of Image-Guided Intervention in Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine is a practical guide for practitioners who perform interventional procedures with radiographic guidance to alleviate acute or chronic pain. The author provides an overview of each technique, with detailed full-color illustrations of the relevant anatomy, technical aspects of each treatment, and a description of potential complications. For this revised and expanded Second Edition, the author also discusses indications for each technique, as well as medical evidence on the technique's applicability. The new edition features original drawings by a noted medical artist and for the first time includes three-dimensional CT images that correlate with the radiographic images and illustrations for a fuller understanding of the relevant anatomy.
Product Format
Hardcover Book
Trim Size
10.875 x 8.375
Publication Date
December 16, 2011
James P. Rathmell MD
Chair, Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Leroy D. Vandam Professor of Anaesthesia, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Section I Basic Techniques, Radiation Safety, and Pharmacology 1 Basic Techniques for Image-guided Injection 2 Radiation Safety 3 Radiographic Contrast Agents 4 Pharmacology of Agents Used During Image-guided Injection
Section II Spinal Injection Techniques 5 Interlaminar Epidural Injection 6 Transforaminal and Selective Spinal Nerve Injection 7 Facet Injection: Intra-articular Injection, Medial Branch Block, and Radiofrequency Treatment 8 Sacroiliac Joint Injection 9 Lumbar Discography and Intradiscal Treatment Techniques
Section III Sympathetic and Peripheral Nerve Blocks 10 Stellate Ganglion Block 11 Celiac Plexus Block and Neurolysis 12 Lumbar Sympathetic Block and Neurolysis 13 Superior Hypogastric Block and Neurolysis 14 Intercostal Nerve Block and Neurolysis
Section IV Implantable Devices 15 Implantable Spinal Drug Delivery System Placement 16 Spinal Cord Stimulation System Placement
NEW : 3D CT with reconstruction
NEW : Dual lead placement, i.e. cervical and lumbar placement
NEW : Intra-articular injections of the knee and hip
NEW : Updated radiation safety guidelines
Combination of anatomical diagrams with radiological images
Detailed descriptions of patient positioning for each procedure
Strong emphasis on the imaging
"There are quite few books available on pain injections that are heavy on either text or images. This book is happy marriage of both. It's a nice introduction to pain procedures for anyone pursuing a career in interventional pain management."
Atlas of Image-Guided Intervention in Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
ISBN/ISSN: 9781608317042
USD $248.99 Quantity :
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