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Avoiding Common Errors in Pediatric Emergency Medicine

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Conversational and easy to read, Avoiding Common Errors in Pediatric Emergency Medicine discusses 198 errors commonly made in the practice ...
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  • Conversational and easy to read, Avoiding Common Errors in Pediatric Emergency Medicine discusses 198 errors commonly made in the practice of pediatric emergency medicine and gives practical, easy-to-remember tips for avoiding these pitfalls. This unique manual offers brief, approachable, evidence-based chapters suitable for reading immediately before the start of a rotation, for quick reference on call, or daily for personal assessment and review. 
    • Covers nuanced topics specific to the care of children in the emergency setting, including treatment strategies, procedure competencies, distinct pathophysiology, and disease processes.
    • Discusses the crashing patient, ultrasound and imaging, community and legal issues, applied practice, behavioral health, and medication/pharmacy topics.
    • Summarizes each chapter with handy key points that present must-know information in an easy-access, bulleted format.
    • Helps prevent clinical practice errors in the ED due to applying an adult management approach instead of a directed pediatric approach.
    • Ideal for emergency medicine physicians, residents, and attendings; emergency nurse practitioners, PAs who practice in the ED, and pediatricians. 
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    • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Publication Date
    August 24, 2020
  • Dale P. Woolridge MD, PhD
    Associate Professor of Clinical Emergency Medicine, Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, Assistant Residency Director, Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Arizona Emergency Medicine Research Center, The University of Arizona College of Medicine, Tucson, AZ
    Contributors vi
    ace xxv
    1 Overlooking the Basics and Focusing on Medications That Do Not
    Matter During Pediatric Codes ............................................ 1
    Michael S. Mitchell, MD and Crick Watkins, DO
    2 Placing Provider Comfort Over Family Presence ............................ 2
    Michael S. Mitchell, MD and Sarah Bingham, MD
    3 Overlooking Opportunity to Help the Family by Saving Crucial Evidence ....... 4
    William E. Hauda II, MD, FACEP , FAAP
    4 Epinephrine 1:10 000 vs 1:1000: Are You Prepared to Make Sense of This? ........ 5
    Samuel J. Spizman, MD, FAAP
    5 Do Not Scan Head Trauma Based on Your “Gut”—Use Evidence-Based
    Guidelines! ............................................................. 7
    Anna Schlechter, MD, FAAP
    6 Negative Scan—Positive Belly: Do Not Rely Solely on the CT Scan When
    Evaluating Children With Blunt Force Abdominal Trauma ................... 8
    Anna Schlechter, MD
    7 Appreciate Practice Differences in the Approach to Pediatric Nontraumatic
    Abdominal Pain ........................................................ 10
    Paul Schunk, MD, FAAEM
    8 Neuroimaging of Nontrauma Patients..................................... 11
    Lekha Shah, MD, FAAP , FACEP
    9 To CT or Not to CT: Develop Good Imaging Strategy........................ 13
    Stephanie G. Cohen, MD
    10 Know the Options: Imaging Modalities for Pediatric Neck Masses ............ 14
    Naghma S. Khan, MD, FAAP , FACEP and Kina Le Goodman, MD, FAAP
    11 Advanced Imaging—MRI in Children ..................................... 16
    Matthew Moake, MD, PhD
    12 Pediatric Lung POCUS: An Underutilized Tool for Pediatric Pneumonia ...... 17
    Erin Munns, MD13 Do Not Apply the Adult FAST Criteria to Pediatric Trauma Patients ......... 18
    Anthony Arredondo, DO, FAAP
    14 Cardiac POCUS: Be Able to Distinguish Pericardial Effusions From Their
    Mimics ............................................................... 20
    Daniel Slubowski, MD
    15 Scan First, Irradiate Second: The Error in Jumping to Computed
    Tomography........................................................... 21
    Robert Vezzetti, MD, FAAP , FACEP
    16 Skin and Soft Tissue Infections: Fifty Shades of Grayscale................... 23
    Jason Gillon, MD, FAAP
    17 Errors to Avoid: Overlooking Potential for Lung Injury in Children
    Who Appear Well....................................................... 25
    Chad D. McCalla, MD and Ryan J. Reichert, MD
    18 Not Aggressively Treating the Hypothermic Drowning Victim ............... 26
    Emily Rose, MD, FAAP , FAAEM, FACEP and Mark Zhang, MD
    19 Drowning Prevention—Missing the Opportunity to Teach: Prevention
    When the Near-Miss Events Happen ...................................... 28
    Nicole Barbera, DO and Frederick Place, MD, FACEP , FAAP
    20 When Small Bites Matter: The Deadly Potential of a Pill .................... 30
    Ryan D. Brown, MD, FAAP and Mary Asal, MD, MPH, FAAP
    21 Activated Charcoal: Avoiding Worthless Usage of a Valuable Therapy ......... 32
    Jessica Kraynik Graham, MD and George Sam Wang, MD, FAAP , FAACT
    22 Underestimating the Damage a Simple Laundry Detergent Pod Can Cause .... 33
    David Muncy, DO and Craig T. Carter, DO
    23 Not Having a Plan to Safely and Effectively Cool Critically Ill
    Patients With Heat Stroke................................................ 35
    Shad Baab, MD and James C. O’Neill, MD, FACEP
    24 Cold Illness: Be Prepared to Use All the Tricks for Aggressive Rewarming ..... 36
    Gena Cooper, MD, FAAP
    25 Rabies, It Is More Than Bats: Know Your High-Risk Cases ................... 38
    Adam Kochman, MD, FAAP , FACEP
    26 Antivenom in Children Is Not Based on the Child’s Weight................... 39
    Joshua Siembieda, MD
    27 Otitis Externa: A Dive Into Swimmer’s Ear ................................ 4128 Acute Otitis Media and Complications .................................... 42
    Nehal Bhandari, MD, FAAP and Hannah Y . Lee, MD
    29 Don’t Miss Hearing Loss—A Subtle Sign of Serious Pathology................ 43
    Haig Setrakian, MD
    30 Leaking the Information: Be Prepared to Manage Otorrhea .................. 45
    Selina V arma, MD, MPH
    31 Punching Up the Management of External Ear Trauma ..................... 46
    Adrienne Smallwood, MD and Suzanne M. Schmidt, MD
    32 Do Not Miss Middle and Inner Ear Trauma: Not All Ear Drainage
    Is Infectious............................................................ 48
    Brian Wagers, MD, FAAP
    33 Intranasal Foreign Bodies: Optimizing Chances of Successful Removal........ 50
    Kristol Das, MD, FAAP and Priya Jain, MD, FAAP
    34 Blow by Blow on Nasal Trauma in Children ................................ 51
    Anna G. Smith, MD, FAAP and Priya Jain, MD, FAAP
    35 Epistaxis: The Nose Knows How to Stop the Leak ........................... 53
    Kimberly L. Norris, MD
    36 Orbital Fractures: Be Careful to Avoid Getting Trapped ..................... 54
    Amanda Price, MD
    37 Not Using Absorbable Sutures for Children With Facial Lacerations .......... 56
    Emily Greenwald, MD and Nidhya Navanandan, MD
    38 Overlooking the Benefits of Regional Anesthesia in Children ................. 58
    Jonathan Orsborn, MD, FAAP
    39 Using Color of Rhinorrhea As a Justification for Giving Antibiotics ........... 59
    Mahnoosh Nik-Ahd, MD, MPH and Andrea Fang, MD
    40 Basing Treatment of Strep Pharyngitis Solely on Centor Criteria ............. 60
    Crick Watkins, DO and Chad D. McCalla, MD
    41 Neck Pain and Fever Does Not Always Mean Meningitis. Think of RPA.
    Retropharyngeal Abscess ................................................ 62
    Alison Gardner, MD, MS and Kimberly Myers, MD
    42 Oropharyngeal Puncture? Do Not Forget That There Is a Big Blood
    Vessel to Worry About . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
    Rachel O’Brian, MD and Adam Kochman, MD, FAAP , FACEP
    43 Not Believing the Parent Who Believes the Child Choked on Something ....... 65
    Collin Michels, MD and Andrea Fang, MD
    44 Do Not Treat Detergent Pods Like Any Other Type of Ingestion............... 66
    Rajesh Sood, MD, FAAP and Minal Amin, MD, FAAEM
    45 Not Appreciating “Recurrent Croup” to Be a Clinical Sign of
    Anatomic Airway Anomalies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6846 Not Having a Strategy in Place to Manage the Patient With
    a Posttonsillectomy Hemorrhage ......................................... 69
    Mahnoosh Nik-Ahd, MD, MPH and Andrea Fang, MD
    47 Attempting to Close Every Intraoral Laceration ............................ 71
    Katie Rebillot, DO and Kelly D. Y oung, MD, MS
    48 Thinking Ludwig Angina Only Happens in Adults .......................... 72
    Jasmin England, MD, FAAP
    49 Overlooking Simple Strategies to Manage Pain Related to a Dry Socket ........ 74
    Jennifer K. Potter, MD and Sarah N. Weihmiller, MD, FAAP
    50 Dismissing Sialadenitis as a Simple Infection and Throwing Antibiotics at It .. 75
    Zachary T. Burroughs, MD, FAAP
    51 Do Not Forget About the Secondary Teeth While Managing a Primary
    Tooth Injury ........................................................... 77
    Moon O. Lee, MD, MPH, FACEP
    52 Focusing on Only the Teeth When There Is Dental Trauma .................. 78
    Michael Hrdy, MD and Simone L. Lawson, MD, FAAP
    53 Not Thoroughly Evaluating Facial Fractures ............................... 80
    Ioannis Koutroulis, MD, PhD, MBA and Angelica W . DesPain, MD
    54 Put Down the Scalpel—A Thoughtful Approach to Neck Masses .............. 81
    Nicole Gerber, MD and Adam E. Vella, MD, FAAP
    55 Blunt Neck Trauma..................................................... 83
    Kara K. Seaton, MD, FAAP
    56 Penetrating Neck Trauma ............................................... 84
    Rachel Weigert, MD and Kelly R. Bergmann, MD
    57 Torticollis: Maybe a T wist but Hopefully Never a Shout...................... 86
    Amber M. Morse, MD, FAAP and Heather A. Heaton, MD, FACEP
    58 Atlantoaxial Rotatory Subluxation (AARS): When Children
    Truly Look Like Little Birds ............................................. 88
    Heather A. Heaton, MD, FACEP and Amber M. Morse, MD, FAAP
    59 Managing Pediatric Eye Injuries: You Will Shoot Your Eye Out, Kid!........... 90
    Kathleen M. Smith, MD, MPH
    60 Be Prepared to Manage Eye Lacerations ................................... 92
    Nicholas Pokrajac, MD
    61 Be Prepared to Care for the Other Pediatric Red Eye: Hyphema............... 93
    Mylinh Thi Nguyen, MD
    62 Pediatric Vision Loss .................................................... 95
    Nicky Amin, MD
    63 Be Prepared to Manage Eye Burns—Chemical, UV , Thermal ................. 97
    Ashley L. Flannery, DO, FACEP , FAAEM64 Do Not Confuse Orbital Cellulitis With Preseptal Cellulitis .................. 98
    Meghan Cain, MD
    65 “Eye Spy” Abnormal Pupils: Be Aware That an Abnormal Pupillary
    Exam Is Often a Sign of Underlying Problems ............................. 100
    Emily Wagner, MD and Geoffrey P . Hays, MD
    66 Nasolacrimal Duct Disorders: More Than Just Tears ....................... 102
    Meghan Cain, MD
    67 Conjunctivitis: A Sight for Sore Eyes ..................................... 103
    Yvette Wang, MD and Elise Zimmerman, MD, MS
    AIRWAY 105
    68 Not Considering an Infant’s Airway as a “Difficult Airway” from the
    Beginning ............................................................ 105
    Jenna Lillemoe, MD and Ari Cohen, MD, FAAP
    69 Not Knowing the Differences Between the Pediatric and Adult
    Airways Can Lead to Failure to Intubate the Pediatric Airway ............... 106
    James C. O’Neill, MD, FACEP and Shad Baab, MD
    70 Get Rid of Your Discomfort With Percutaneous Transtracheal Ventilation .... 108
    David Skibbie, MD, MA, FACEP , FAAEM
    71 Treating All Noisy Breathing as the Same................................. 110
    Emily C. MacNeill, MD and Nicholena Richardson, MD
    72 Don’t Rush to Intubate an Infant After PGE1 Administration................ 112
    Erica Scott, MD and Kathleen Kinney Bryant, MD, FACEP
    73 Thinking Lack of Wheezing Is a Good Finding With Severe Asthma .......... 113
    Julia E. Martin, MD, FACEP
    74 Giving Albuterol to All Kids With Bronchiolitis............................ 115
    Rachel Cafferty, MD and Julia Fuzak Freeman, MD, FAAP
    75 Treating Patients With Cystic Fibrosis and Pneumonia With Typical
    Treatments for Community-Acquired Pneumonia ......................... 116
    Maneesha Agarwal, MD, FAAP , FACEP
    76 Not Recognizing Risk Factors for PE in Children........................... 118
    Sephora N. Morrison, MBBS, MSCI, MBA, CPE and James Chamberlain, MD
    77 Overlooking the Concurrent Injuries in Children With Rib Fractures . . . . . . . . . 120
    Anna Handorf, MD and Ari Cohen, MD, FAAP
    78 Do Not Miss Undiagnosed Congenital Heart Disease: In Babies With Heart
    Disease, Color Matters!................................................. 122
    Sean Larsen, MD and Jenny Mendelson, MD79 Poor Feeding, Cough, and Fussiness? Common Complaints Deserve a
    Comprehensive Workup for Pericarditis in the Postoperative Congenital
    Heart Disease Patient .................................................. 123
    Tyler Kingdon, MD and Julia Schweizer, MD, FAAP
    80 A Faint Chance of Danger—Do Not Assume Pediatric Syncope Is Just
    Orthostasis Without Ruling Out These Diagnoses.......................... 125
    Beatrice Leverett, MD and Forrest T. Closson, MD
    81 Chest Pain: Do Not Let a Normal Examination Falsely Reassure You......... 127
    Erica Marburger, MD and Whitney Minnock, MD
    82 T achycardia: Don’t Assume T achycardia Is Just “Stranger Danger” .......... 128
    Kristin Kahale, MD and Whitney Minnock, MD
    83 Secondary Signs of Endocarditis: Know Them by Heart .................... 130
    William Martin, MD and Sean Thompson, MD
    84 Viruses Can Be Real Heart Breakers—Do Not Let the Myocarditis
    Patient Blend in With All the Respiratory Viral Illnesses .................... 131
    Josephine Stout, MD and Jenny Mendelson, MD
    85 Remember That Very Little of Pediatric Hypertension Is Cardiac............ 133
    Marie Kotenko, MD, MPH and Whitney Minnock, MD
    86 Getting to the Heart of the Matter: Do Not Miss These Features of Pathologic
    Murmurs ............................................................. 134
    Natasha Smith, MD and Mimi Lu, MD
    87 Do Not Crash and Burn by Missing Kawasaki Disease ...................... 136
    Carly Loner, MD and Kathleen Stephanos, MD, FAAEM
    88 Pediatric Electrocardiogram Differences: Know Which Findings Are
    Normal in Children and Which Ones Spell Trouble ........................ 137
    Andrea P . Anderson, MD and Sabreen Akhter, DO, DTM
    89 Do Not Be Shocked! Know the Meaning of the First Three Letters of
    a Pacemaker’s Code.................................................... 139
    Ryley McPeters, MD and Stephen Mac, MD, FAAP
    ¦ ABDOMEN 141
    90 Be Aware of the Varied Presentation of Pediatric Appendicitis ............... 141
    Vishal Naik, MD and Anupam B. Kharbanda, MD, MSc
    91 Pyloric Stenosis: Diagnosis the Stenosis Before It Becomes “Classic” ......... 142
    Corinne Shubin, MD and Jessica Wall, MD, MPH, MSCE, FAAP
    92 The Inception of an Intussusception: Look for the Bowel Within
    a Bowel Even if Symptoms Are Not “Classic”.............................. 144
    Carl Mirus IV , MD and Kathleen Stephanos, MD, FAAEM
    93 GI bleed: Do Not Be fooled by bleeding imposters.......................... 14594 The Hard Truth of Constipation—Do Not Miss the Potentially
    Serious Causes ........................................................ 147
    Jennifer E. Guyther, MD and Carmen Avendano, MD
    95 Pediatric Diarrhea—Hydration Is the Most Important Factor in Treatment ... 148
    Neethu M. Menon, MD
    96 Dehydration and Electrolyte Problems: Do Not Start IV Fluids in
    Children Without a Trial of PO Fluids and Antiemetics .................... 150
    Jonathan Higgins, MD, FAAP and Ryan Kearney, MD, MPH
    97 Why Is My Baby’s Poop White?: Do Not Forget to Check the Direct
    Bilirubin Level for Jaundiced Infants..................................... 151
    Dhritiman Gurkha, MD and Whitney Minnock, MD
    98 Lets Be Blunt—Do Not Underestimate the Importance of Serial Abdominal
    Examinations in Pediatric Blunt Abdominal Trauma ...................... 153
    Eva Tovar Hirashima, MD, MPH
    99 Oh Heavens…. HUS and Escherichia coli 0157:H7—Do Not Rush
    to Give Antibiotics to Children With Bloody Diarrhea ...................... 154
    Matthew B. Underwood, MD, FACEP
    100 T wist of Fate: Do Not Ignore Bilious Emesis in a Baby...................... 156
    Carrie M. Myers, MD and Ashley M. Strobel, MD, FACEP , FAAP
    101 Let Your Light Shine!: Do Not Confuse a Hydrocele for a Hernia ............ 157
    Kevin Landefeld, MD and Matthew Carlisle
    102 Time Is Stoma: G-Tube Dislodgement Is a Time-Sensitive Emergency ....... 158
    Ashley M. Strobel, MD, FACEP , FAAP
    103 “Not Aggressively Treating Patients With Nephrotic Syndrome
    Presenting With Fever” ................................................. 160
    Rebecca C. Bowers, MD, FACEP and Vinayak Gupta, MD
    104 Renal: Nephritis: “Not Having a Strategy to Evaluate Hematuria in a Child” .... 162
    Landon A. Jones, MD
    105 Overlooking Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis in Patients With Nephrotic
    Syndrome ............................................................ 163
    Jeremiah Smith, MD, FAAP
    106 “Urine” Trouble Now—Evidence to Approach Pediatric UTI ................ 165
    James (Jim) Homme, MD, FACEP
    107 Funny Dermatologic Findings .......................................... 166
    Kathryn Kean, MD
    108 Vaginitis in the Prepubertal Girl—A Not So Challenging
    Discharge Diagnosis ................................................... 168109 GU Torsion (Male and Female).......................................... 169
    Quinn Cummings, MD
    110 Not Just Adults: Abnormal Uterine Bleeding and Teenage Menstrual Issues... 171
    Amy Pattishall, MD and Atsuko Koyama, MD, MPH
    111 Straddle Injuries Management: Be Able to Distinguish Accident From Abuse .. 172
    Carrie Busch, MD, MSCR
    112 A Sticky Situation: Know How to Manage Labial Adhesions ................. 174
    Cullen Clark, MD and Kathleen Meadows, MD, FAAP
    113 Always Look Under the Diaper: Congenital Abnormalities of
    the Genitourinary Tract ................................................ 175
    Perry White Mitchell, MD and Matthew Carlisle, MD, MAS
    114 Always Check Under the Hood: Do Not Confuse Phimosis and Paraphimosis ... 177
    Tseng-Che Tseng, MD and Rebecca Hutchings, MD
    115 Neonatal Rashes: Know the Bad From the Not So Bad...................... 179
    Denisse Fernandez Goytizolo, MD and Madeline M. Joseph, MD, FACEP , FAAP
    116 Be Prepared to Manage the Common Pediatric Rashes ..................... 181
    Kayla McManus, DO and Todd Wylie, MD
    117 Be Prepared to Manage Common Pediatric Infectious Rashes ............... 183
    James Buscher, MD and Madeline Joseph, MD, FACEP , FAAP
    118 The Fits and Starts of Atopic Dermatitis: Strategies to Adjusting Treatment .... 185
    Sami K. Saikaly, MD and Jennifer J. Schoch, MD
    119 Be Prepared to Recognize and Manage the “Bad” Rashes ................... 186
    Akhila Reddy Mandadi, MD and Madeline M. Joseph, MD, FACEP , FAAP
    120 Do Not Be Tricked Into Missing a Diagnosis of Henoch-Schönlein Purpura ... 188
    Ankita T aneja, MD, MPH and Todd Wylie, MD
    121 Be Prepared to Accurately Diagnose and Support Your Patients
    With Erythema Multiforme............................................. 189
    Corey W . Dye, MD and Madeline M. Joseph, MD, FAAP , FACEP
    ¦ ENDOCRINE 191
    122 DKA: Being Overly Concerned About IV Fluids ........................... 191
    Nadira Ramkellawan, MD and Frederick Place, MD, FACEP , FAAP
    123 Allowing Hypoglycemia to Surprise You in the Pediatric Patient
    Presenting With Gastroenteritis ......................................... 192
    Lindly A. Theroux, DO and Scott W . Sutton, MD
    124 Do Not Forget the Stress-Dose Steroid in Hypopituitarism! ................. 194125 Not Using Hydrocortisone for Treating Congenital Adrenal
    Hyperplasia (CAH) .................................................... 196
    Mahmoud Hamdan, MD, CDE, ABCL
    126 Overlooking the Clinical Scenarios That Place a Child at Risk for SIADH..... 197
    Joseph Abraham T anga, MD and Matthew Neal, MD, MBA
    127 Forgetting Thyrotoxicosis in Patients With Vague Complaints............... 199
    Mahmoud Hamdan, MD, CDE, ABCL
    128 Not Considering Rickets as a Cause of New-Onset Seizures in Young
    Children ............................................................. 200
    Joyce Granger, MD, FAAP
    129 Not So Simple, or Is It? Prepare to Care for Febrile Seizures in Children ...... 203
    James (Jim) Homme, MD, FACEP
    130 Status Epilepticus: The Most Common Neurologic Emergency in Children .... 204
    Brittany Tyson, MD and Emily Rose, MD, FAAP , FAAEM, FACEP
    131 A Lower Threshold to Seize: Understand First-Time Seizure
    in Pediatric Patients ................................................... 206
    Nicholas Orozco, MD, MS and Emily Rose, MD, FAAP , FAAEM, FACEP
    132 Pediatric Headache .................................................... 208
    Amy Briggs, MD and Emily Rose, MD, FAAP , FAAEM, FACEP
    133 Pediatric Stroke Is Routinely Missed on Initial Presentation:
    Do Not Be Routine! .................................................... 209
    Danielle Wickman, MD and Emily Rose, MD, FAAP , FAAEM, FACEP
    134 “Flaming Hot Pediatric Brains”—Anti-NMDA and Other Forms
    of Encephalitis ........................................................ 211
    Anna Darby, MD, MPH and Emily Rose, MD, FAAP , FAAEM, FACEP
    135 Pediatric Vertigo: Differentiating Life-Threatening From Benign Etiologies .... 213
    Daniel L. Johnson, MD, MSEd
    136 Be Able to Scrutinize the Causes of Pediatric Ataxia ....................... 214
    Kelsey Ford Bench, MD and Emily Rose, MD, FAAP , FAAEM, FACEP
    137 Muscular Dystrophy ................................................... 216
    Carlee Carranza, DO and Emily Rose, MD, FAAP , FAAEM, FACEP
    138 Skull Fractures: When Do We Really Need to Know They Are There? . . . . . . . . . 218
    Mark S. Mannenbach, MD
    139 When a River Does Not Run Through It—Prepare to Manage Pediatric
    Hydrocephalus ........................................................ 219
    Flavien Leclere, MD, MA and Emily Rose, MD, FAAP , FAAEM, FACEP
    140 Be Prepared to Troubleshoot and Manage Shunts .......................... 221141 Be Prepared to Manage Pediatric Neurologic Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
    Christopher S. Amato, MD, FAAP , FACEP
    142 Fingertip Injuries: Keep It SIMPLE, Do Not Forget to Check the Tendons,
    and Use Glue ......................................................... 225
    Daniel Scholz, MD, MPH and James (Jim) Homme, MD
    143 Supracondylar Fractures ............................................... 226
    Joseph Arms, MD
    144 It Is Not Just a Sprain: Do Not Miss Cases of Slipped Capital Femoral
    Epiphysis and Idiopathic Osteonecrosis (Legg-Calve-Perth Disease) ......... 228
    Jonathan Nielson, MD and Kelly R. Bergmann, MD
    145 Big Problems in Little Bones: Do Not Miss Physeal Fractures ............... 229
    Jana L. Anderson, MD and Mark S. Mannenbach, MD
    146 Be Prepared for an Easy ED Fix: Subluxed Radial Head—
    The Nursemaid’s Elbow ................................................ 231
    Jana L. Anderson, MD
    147 Ankle Fracture—Triplane and Juvenile Tillaux Fracture.................... 232
    Rahul Kaila, MD
    148 Pediatric Cervical Spine Trauma: The Biggest Pain in the Neck
    Would Be to Miss One.................................................. 234
    Atim Uya, MD and Michael Hazboun, MD
    149 SCIWORA: Do You SCIWORA What I SCIWORA? ......................... 235
    Ryan Ericksen, MD and Amanda L. Bogie, MD, FAAP , FACEP
    150 Overuse Syndromes: When a Good Thing Has Gone Too Far ................ 237
    David Soma, MD, CAQSM
    151 What to Know About Lumbago.......................................... 238
    Jonathan Strutt, MD, FAAP
    ¦ Infectious Disease 240
    152 Everything At Once—Obtain Cultures Quickly But Do Not Delay
    Antibiotics for Fever in the First 28 Days.................................. 240
    Candace Engelhardt, MD, FAAP
    153 Risky Business: Know How to Approach the “What Ifs” in Neonatal
    Fever Risk Stratification ................................................ 241
    Clifford C. Ellingson, MD, FAAP
    154 Fever 2 Months Old and Beyond ......................................... 243
    Anne Whitehead, MD, FAAEM156 It Is a Small World After All: Know the Differential for Fever, Diarrhea,
    and Rash in the Traveling Child ......................................... 246
    Nicholas Sausen, MD and Stephen Mac, MD
    157 Diagnose Outpatient Pediatric Pneumonia Clinically and Avoid the X-Ray ... 247
    Devan Pandya, MD and Tommy Y . Kim, MD
    158 I Thought It Was Just a Cold: Do Not Forget to Consider Sepsis ............. 249
    Danielle Dardis, MD and Jennifer Plitt, MD
    159 Meningitis—Do Not Delay the Lumbar Puncture in Patients With
    High Suspicion for Bacterial Meningitis .................................. 250
    Amanda Dupont, MD, Ayush Gupta, MD and Whitney Minnock, MD
    160 Pertussis Infection in Infants and Children: Do Not Miss the Early Signs ..... 252
    Suzanne E. Seo, MD and Derya Caglar, MD
    161 Bronchiolitis: Value Aggressive Airway Clearance Over Nebulizers,
    X-Rays, and Steroids in Bronchiolitis .................................... 253
    Sarah Becker, DO, FAAP
    162 Bad to the Bones—Do Not Let a Child Limp Out of the ED Without
    Considering Septic Joint................................................ 255
    Seth Ball, MD and Getachew Teshome, MD, MPH
    163 Tumor Lysis Syndrome ................................................ 257
    Mahnoosh Nik-Ahd, MD, MPH
    164 Do Not Get Caught Unaware: Recognizing NEW-ONSET CANCER .......... 258
    Alexander Werne, MD, Saharsh Patel, MD and Efrat Rosenthal, MD
    165 Sickle Cell Disease Is Not Just Anemia: Be Prepared for Complications
    Affecting All Organ Systems ............................................ 260
    Gregory Hall, MD, MHA, FACEP and Evan Verplancken, MD
    166 Hemolytic Anemia: Think Before You Transfuse .......................... 262
    Y ongtian Tina T an, MD, MBA, Rosy Hao, MD, and Carol C. Chen, MD, MPH, FAAP
    167 Feeling Blue Despite O
    ?: Consider Methemoglobinemia ................... 264
    Morgan J. Sims, MD, FAAP and Benjamin F . Jackson, MD, FAAP , FACEP
    168 Pediatric Neutropenia: Worth a Pause, but Not Always Panic ................ 266
    Cortlyn Brown, MD and Heidi Werner, MD, MSHPEd
    169 Fever and Neutropenia: Be Prepared When That Oncology Patient
    Arrives ............................................................... 267
    Ian Kane, MD
    170 Hemophilia—Do Not Undertreat the Bad Bleeds .......................... 269
    William White, MD, MA, Jessica L. Chow, MD, MPH and Dina Wallin, MD
    171 How Much Is Too Much: Spotting Abnormal Bleeding Disorders ............ 270 ¦ GENETICS/METABOLISM 273
    172 Recognition and Management of Inborn Errors of Metabolism—
    The Needle in the Haystack ............................................. 273
    James (Jim) Homme, MD
    173 Have No Fear; an Inborn Error of Metabolism Is Here! Managing
    Patients With Known Inborn Errors of Metabolism ........................ 275
    James (Jim) Homme, MD
    174 Be Aware of Abnormal Newborn Screens ................................. 277
    Cree Kachelski, MD, FAAP and Jason (Jay) Homme, MD, FAAP
    175 Umbilical Care: Do Not Confuse the Normal Granulation With
    the Purulence of Omphalitis ............................................ 279
    Robert Peterson, MD
    176 I Am So Hungry! Know the Right Questions to Ask About Feeding
    Difficulty in the Neonate ............................................... 280
    Katina M. Summerford, MD and Rachel E. M. Cramton, MD
    177 Is It Supposed to Look That Way?: Know What Is Normal
    Postcircumcision So You Can Reassure Parents............................ 282
    Alyssa Bernardi, DO and Rachel E. M. Cramton, MD
    178 Skin and Bones, or Normal Growth: Identifying Failure to Thrive ........... 284
    Marci Macaraeg, MD and Rachel E. M. Cramton, MD
    179 Anaphylaxis: It May Come as a Shock, but It Does Not Have
    to End in Tragedy… ................................................... 286
    Lindsey Retterath, MD and Melissa E. Zukowski, MD, MPH, FACEP ,FAAP
    180 Primary Immunodeficiency: Know What to Expect When Cell
    Lines Go Awry ........................................................ 287
    Monica Hajirawala, MD and Julia Schweizer, MD, FAAP
    181 Do Not Forget to Look for the Five W’s of Cutaneous Injuries ............... 290
    Caroline Wang, MD and Julia N. Magana, MD
    182 Do Not Miss Abusive Head Trauma! ..................................... 291
    Leah Sitler, MD and Julia N. Magana, MD
    183 Broken Bones in Broken Homes: When to Get a Skeletal Survey ............. 292184 Sentinel Moments, Sentinel Injuries: Know How to Recognize
    the Signs of Abuse ..................................................... 294
    Leslie Palmerlee, MD, MPH
    185 Cannot Miss: Adolescent Sexual Assault.................................. 295
    Molly Hallweaver, MD and Angela Jarman, MD, MPH
    186 It Is Normal to Be Normal: Understand Unique Aspects of the Prepubescent
    Sexual Assault Examination ............................................ 297
    Samantha Kerns, MD and Mary Bing, MD, MPH
    187 Treat the Patient, Not the Poison ........................................ 298
    Michelle Odette, MD and Daniel K. Colby, MD
    188 The Minefield of Minor Consent: Be Sure That You Are Following
    Your State’s Legal Statutes ............................................. 300
    Rachel J. Heidt, MD and Kendra Grether-Jones, MD
    189 Evidence-Based Medicine: Have the Tools to Test Wisely ................... 302
    Eddie G. Rodriguez, MD and Fernando Soto, MD, FACEP
    190 My Baby Turned Blue: Changing the Terminology From ALTE to BRUE ..... 304
    Supriya Sharma, MD, FAAP and Marianne Gausche-Hill, MD, FACEP , FAAP , FAEMS
    191 The Technological-Dependent Child..................................... 306
    Blair Rolnick, MD, FAAP and Christopher S. Amato, MD, FAAP , FACEP
    192 Well-Child Care in the Emergency Department Setting: Looking
    for “Goldilocks Moments” by Doing Just the Right Amount................. 308
    Mark S. Mannenbach, MD
    193 Psych Outbursts, Pediatric Behavioral Management: Exhaust All
    Nonpharmacologic Measures Before Chemically or Physically
    Restraining a Child .................................................... 310
    Adriana Porto, MD and Whitney Minnock, MD
    194 Navigating the Complexity of Autism Spectrum Disorder
    in the Pediatric ED—Work With Caregivers to Individualize Care............ 311
    Sarah Kleist, MD
    PHARMACY 313
    195 Avoiding Common Errors in Pediatric Emergency Medicine:
    Sedation Adjuncts—Do Not Underestimate the Power of Distraction and
    Analgesia for Pediatric Procedures....................................... 313
    Anita A. Thomas, MD196 Wait, Are Pediatricians Secretly Mathematicians?: Do Not Forget
    That All Dosing in Children Is Weight-Based.............................. 314
    Matthew Shapiro, MD
    197 May the Dose Be With You… Focus on Communication to Avoid the 10-fold
    Dosing Error .......................................................... 316
    Elise Milani, MD and Stephen Lim, MD, FAAEM
    198 Just a T aste: Be Aware of Bad T asting Medicines That Kids May
    Refuse to T ake ........................................................ 317
    Rachel Wiltjer, DO and Jennifer E. Guyther, MD
    Index 319
    • Covers nuanced topics specific to the care of children in the emergency setting, including treatment strategies, procedure competencies, distinct pathophysiology, and disease processes.
    • Discusses the crashing patient, ultrasound and imaging, community and legal issues, applied practice, behavioral health, and medication/pharmacy topics.
    • Summarizes each chapter with handy key points that present must-know information in an easy-access, bulleted format.
    • Helps prevent clinical practice errors in the ED due to applying an adult management approach instead of a directed pediatric approach.
    • Ideal for emergency medicine physicians, residents, and attendings; emergency nurse practitioners, PAs who practice in the ED, and pediatricians. 
    Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience
    • Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
    • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
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Avoiding Common Errors in Pediatric Emergency Medicine

Avoiding Common Errors in Pediatric Emergency Medicine

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975138363
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