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Bailey's Head and Neck Surgery

Edition: 6
Publication Date:
February 8, 2023
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    Designed to enhance the learning experience for both practicing otolaryngologists and otolaryngology residents, Bailey’s Head & Neck Surgery—Otolaryngology, 6th Edition, delivers concise, practical information in all areas of this complex field. Dr. Clark A. Rosen (Laryngology) and his hand-picked editorial team representing all of the sub-disciplines of Head & Neck Surgery-Otolaryngology of Drs. Stacey Gray (rhinology), Patrick Ha (Head and Neck Surgery), Charles Limb (Otology), Stephen Park (Facial Plastics and Reconstructive Surgery), and Gresham Richter (Pediatric Otolaryngology) ensure that all content in this two-volume text is current, useful, and evidence based. Each chapter has been written to increase the reader’s understanding, retention, and ability to successfully apply information in everyday practice. 
    • Features 238 concise chapters covering Basic Science/General Medicine, Rhinology and Allergy, Comprehensive Otolaryngology, Laryngology, Trauma, Pediatric Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Sleep Medicine, Otology, Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, and Contemporary Issues.   

    • Includes new chapters on Diagnosis of Pediatric Sleep Disorders, Pediatric Facial Trauma, Endoscopic Ear Surgery, Robotics in Head and Neck Surgery, and Ethics in Otolaryngology. 

    • Contains more than 3,000 full-color illustrations; helpful summary tables on diagnosis, treatment, complications, and emergencies; and supplemental videos that make complex topics easier to understand. 

    • Provides bulleted lists at the end of each chapter for a quick review of key concepts. 

    Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience 

    • Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. 

    • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech. 

  • Edition
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Publication Date
    February 8, 2023
  • Clark A. Rosen MD, FACS
    Lewis Francis Morrison, MD Endowed Chair in Laryngology
    Professor of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery, University of California, San Francisco
    Director, UCSF Voice and Swallowing Center
    Chief, Division of Laryngology
    University of California, San Francisco
  • Foreword vii
    Preface ix
    Acknowledgments xi
    Contributors xiii
    1 Surgical Anatomy of the Head and Neck 3
    Sarah K. Rapoport and Bruce J. Davidson
    2 Perioperative Management 25
    Larissa Sweeny and David M. Cognetti
    3 Critical Care 39
    Joseph F. Goodman and Lynn Abell
    4 The Dynamics of Wound Healing 61
    Gina D. Jefferson
    5 Understanding Data and Interpreting the
    Literature 72
    Richard M. Rosenfeld
    6 Outcomes Research and Evidence-Based
    Medicine 90
    Michael G. Stewart
    7 Introduction to Otolaryngic Genetics 99
    Selena E. Briggs, Armine Kocharyan,
    Varun Adhvaryu, and Anil K. Lalwani
    8 Head and Neck Imaging 124
    Rashmi S. Thakkar, Tanya J. Rath, and Ann K. Jay
    9 Surgical Pathology in Otolaryngologic
    Practice 148
    Eric L. Wu, Edina Paal, and Jessica H. Maxwell
    10 Neurology in Otolaryngology 171
    Benjamin T. Crane
    1 1 Ophthalmic Considerations for Otolaryngology—
    Head and Neck Surgery 189
    Seanna Grob, Benyam Kinde, Steven D. Pletcher,
    Nailyn Rasool, and Bryan J. Winn
    12 Anesthesiology 203
    Caron M. Hong, Paul S. Park, and Jeffrey S. Wolf
    13 Endocrinology 220
    Arielle G. Thal and Richard V. Smith
    14 Basic Concepts in Geriatric Otolaryngology 242
    Ozlem E. Tulunay-Ugur and David E. Eibling
    15 Complementary/Integrative Medicine 248
    Li-Xing Man, Dang-Khoa Nguyen, Jeremy J. Jueng,
    and Michael D. Seidman
    16 Tobacco Cessation: How-to Guidance and
    Resources for Practitioners 263
    Dontre’ M. Douse, Henry R. Diggelmann,
    and Grant S. Hamilton III
    17 Palliative Care and Pain Management 275
    Adnan S. Hussaini and Jonathan P. Giurintano
    18 Global Respiratory Infections 293
    Ryan Ruiz and Ken Kazahaya
    ALLERGY 299
    19 Sinonasal Anatomy and Physiology 301
    Randy M. Leung, William E. Walsh,
    and Robert C. Kern
    20 Olfaction 313
    Aria Jafari and Eric H. Holbrook
    21 Immunology and Allergy 323
    Mohamad R. Chaaban and Robert M. Naclerio
    22 Allergy Testing 355
    Christopher D. Brook and James Witt Mims
    23 The Role of Imaging in the Management of
    Sinonasal Disease 366
    George A. Scangas
    24 Diagnostic Tools for Sinonasal Disease 390
    Ryan A. Rimmer and Timothy L. Smith
    25 Allergic Rhinitis 405
    Meha G. Fox, Jennifer A. Villwock, and James Witt Mims
    CONTENTS 26 Nonallergic Rhinitis 416
    Teresa V. Chan-Leveno
    27 Systemic Diseases That Affect the Nose and
    Sinuses 439
    Michael J. Sylvester, David A. Zopf, and Mark A. Zacharek
    28 Epistaxis 452
    Jonathan C. Simmonds, Rodney J. Schlosser,
    and Benjamin S. Bleier
    29 Acute Rhinosinusitis 463
    Jackson R. Vuncannon and Sarah K. Wise
    30 Chronic Rhinosinusitis with Nasal Polyposis 482
    Alice Z. Maxfield, Regan W. Bergmark,
    and Stacey Tutt Gray
    31 Chronic Nonpolypoid Rhinosinusitis:
    Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, Staging, and
    Treatment 494
    Zara M. Patel and Peter H. Hwang
    32 The Unified Airway 509
    Jeb M. Justice, Krishna S. Hanubal, and Richard R. Orlandi
    33 Fungal Rhinosinusitis 518
    Andrew C. Vaughn, Robert T. Adelson,
    Bradley F. Marple, and Matthew W. Ryan
    34 Complications of Rhinosinusitis 535
    Uma S. Ramaswamy and Carla M. Giannoni
    35 Medical Management of Chronic Sinusitis 550
    Justin P. McCormick, Jeffrey D. Suh,
    and Alexander G. Chiu
    36 Endoscopic Sinus Surgery for Chronic
    Rhinosinusitis 561
    Kenneth D. Rodriguez and R. Grant Muller
    37 External Approaches in Sinus Surgery 572
    Carlos D. Pinheiro-Neto and Carl H. Snyderman
    38 Septoplasty, Turbinate Reduction, and Correction
    of Nasal Obstruction 581
    Jonathon Walter Vargo, Neal Gehani, and Steven M.
    39 Endoscopic Orbital Surgery 591
    Jonathan C. Simmonds and Benjamin S. Bleier
    40 Endoscopic Approaches to the Anterior Ventral
    Skull Base 607
    Christina H. Fang, Maria Manuela Chemas-Velez,
    Donata Sukyte-Raube, Jordon G. Grube, James K. Liu,
    and Jean Anderson Eloy
    41 Endoscopic Evaluation and Treatment
    of CSF Leaks 620
    Pete S. Batra
    42 Frontal Sinus Surgery 632
    Erich Vyskocil, Yuresh S. Naidoo, and Peter-John
    43 Anatomy and Physiology of the Salivary
    Glands 647
    Rohan R. Walvekar and Neelam P. Phalke
    44 Nonneoplastic Diseases of the Salivary
    Glands 658
    Rohan R. Walvekar and Neelam P. Phalke
    45 Taste 673
    Natasha Mirza
    46 Stomatitis 680
    Richard O. Wein and Miriam A. O’Leary
    47 Pharyngitis 700
    Patrick Scheffler and Kay W. Chang
    48 Odontogenic Infections 713
    Martha E. Luitje and Timothy D. Doerr
    49 Lymphoid Hypertrophy and
    Lymphadenopathy 725
    Sallie M. Long and David I. Kutler
    50 Headache and Facial Pain 739
    Rakesh K. Chandra and Laura J. Van de laar
    51 Diagnosis and Management of
    Temporomandibular Joint Spectrum Diseases 749
    Gwendolyn S. Reeve and David A. Behrman
    52 Systemic Disease Manifestations
    in the Head and Neck 761
    Evan A. Jones and Julina Ongkasuwan
    53 Soft Tissue Infections of the Head and Neck 774
    Kareem Haroun and Nadia G. Mohyuddin
    54 Swallowing Anatomy and Physiology 801
    Libby J. Smith and Roxann Diez Gross
    55 Functional Assessment of Swallowing 809
    Maggie A. Kuhn, Lisa M. Evangelista,
    and Peter C. Belafsky
    56 Nonsurgical Management of Swallowing
    Disorders 823
    Matina Balou and Milan R. Amin
    57 Surgical Management of Swallowing
    Disorders 835
    Johnathan M. Brown and Rebecca J. Howell
    58 Esophageal Disorders: Evaluation and
    Management 846
    Ashli O’Rourke and Aylin Tansel 60 Upper Airway Disorders: Cough and Inducible
    Laryngeal Obstruction 872
    Christopher D. Dwyer, Daniel P. Buckley, and J. Pieter
    61 Advanced Airway Management: Intubation 888
    Yue Ma, Zaki Ibrahim, and Henry Davidson
    62 The Surgical Airway 919
    Karen M. Kost
    63 Upper Airway Restriction: Evaluation and
    Management 947
    Philip A. Weissbrod, Frederic J. Kolb, and Al Merati
    64 Laryngeal Trauma 972
    Anne C. Kane and Scott P. Stringer
    65 Voice: Anatomy, Physiology, and Clinical
    Evaluation 984
    Lucian Sulica
    66 Laryngopharyngeal Reflux 997
    Kaleigh A. Stabenau, Nikki Johnston,
    and Joel H. Blumin
    67 Infection, Infiltration, and Benign Neoplasms of
    the Larynx 1018
    Andrew Tkaczuk and Craig R. Villari
    68 Benign Vocal Fold Lesions and
    Phonomicrosurgery 1034
    Pavan S. Mallur and Clark A. Rosen
    69 Treatment of Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis and
    Paresis 1049
    Patrick O. McGarey Jr, VyVy N. Young,
    and C. Blake Simpson
    70 Neurologic Disorders of the Larynx 1070
    Neel K. Bhatt and Tanya K. Meyer
    71 Therapy for Voice Disorders 1089
    Jackie Gartner-Schmidt, Samantha Kridgen,
    and Pavan S. Mallur
    72 Care of the Professional Voice 1095
    Julina Ongkasuwan and Mark S. Courey
    73 Special Considerations: Aging Voice,
    Gender Affirming Voice and Laryngeal Care,
    and Variants of Muscle Tension Dysphonia 1 1 10
    Sarah L. Schneider and VyVy N. Young
    74 Awake Procedures in Laryngology 1 125
    Manish D. Shah and Michael M. Johns III
    75 Principles of Trauma 1 143
    James Chan and Yifan Mao
    76 Management of Soft Tissue Injuries of the
    Face 1158
    Deanna C. Menapace and J. Madison Clark
    77 Penetrating Face and Neck Trauma 1 183
    Betty Y. Chen, Michael G. Stewart,
    and Matthew D. Johnson
    78 Principles in Rigid Fixation of the Facial
    Skeleton 1195
    Robert M. Kellman and Sherard A. Tatum
    79 Surgical Approaches to the Craniofacial
    Skeleton 1213
    Gabriela Heslop and Sydney C. Butts
    80 Mandibular and Dental Fractures 1229
    Jesse E. Smith and Herman Kao
    81 Midface Fractures 1246
    Sarah M. Kidwai, G. Nina Lu, and Kris S. Moe
    82 Orbital and Naso-orbital-ethmoid Fractures 1265
    Clinton D. Humphrey and J. David Kriet
    83 Nasal Fractures 1284
    Grant S. Gillman and Anna E. Bakeman
    84 Frontal Sinus Fractures 1299
    Raj D. Dedhia, David A. Shaye, and E. Bradley Strong
    85 Developmental Considerations in Pediatric
    Otolaryngology 1329
    Jonathan N. Perkins and Stephen C. Maturo
    86 Laryngeal Anomalies and Laryngotracheal
    Clefts 1342
    Yann-Fuu Kou, Christopher T. Wootten,
    and Charles M. Myer III
    87 Congenital Anomalies of the Nose 1358
    John P. Bent, David E. Conrad,
    and Elizabeth A. Shuman
    88 Tracheal and Bronchial Disorders in
    Children 1367
    Abdulrahman Althubaiti, Amy M. Manning,
    and Tendy Chiang
    89 Neonatal Respiratory Distress 1384
    Mark Boston and Benjamin K. Walters
    90 Ankyloglossia and Other Oral Frenula 1396
    Anna K. Meyer and Anna H. Messner
    91 Pediatric Oromotor Feeding Disorders and
    Aversion 1410
    Claire Kane Miller and J. Paul Willging 92 Evaluation and Management of Pediatric
    Stridor 1423
    Andre M. Wineland, Jeffrey Dorrity, and Deepak Mehta
    93 Cough in Children 1435
    Samantha Anne and Joseph E. Dohar
    94 Pharyngeal Dysphagia and Aspiration in
    Children 1442
    Abby R. Nolder, Mary Roz Timbang,
    and Ashley O’Neill
    95 Laryngeal Stenosis and Airway
    Reconstruction 1455
    Michael J. Rutter and Alessandro de Alarcon
    96 Pediatric Voice 1473
    D. Aaron Haynes and Julina Ongkasuwan
    97 Pediatric Tracheotomy 1486
    Meredith M. Lind and Jeffrey P. Simons
    98 Ingestion Injuries and Foreign Bodies of the
    Aerodigestive Tract 1507
    Christine Li Barron, Ian N. Jacobs, and Kris R. Jatana
    99 Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis 1523
    Cristina M. Baldassari and Craig S. Derkay
    100 Adenotonsillar Disease in Children 1545
    Anita Jeyakumar and Ron B. Mitchell
    101 Diagnosis and Initial Management of Pediatric
    Sleep Disorders 1562
    Javan Nation and Nancy Grover
    102 Surgical Management of Pediatric Sleep
    Disordered Breathing 1575
    David F. Smith, Carol Li, and Stacey L. Ishman
    103 Velopharyngeal Dysfunction 1594
    Clare Richardson, Jason S. Park, and Kathleen C. Y. Sie
    104 Pediatric Rhinosinusitis: Acute and
    Chronic 1607
    Deborah X. Xie, James W. Schroeder Jr,
    and Emily F. Boss
    105 Pediatric Allergy and Immunology 1619
    Kelsey Lecerf and Rekha Raveendran
    106 Pediatric Skull Base Lesions 1631
    Jacob G. Eide, Patrick C. Walz, Tord D. Alden,
    and Jeffrey C. Rastatter
    107 Pediatric Salivary Gland Disorders 1645
    Conor M. Devine and Sam J. Daniel
    108 Acute and Chronic Pediatric Otitis Media 1662
    Stephanie J. Wong, Sarah N. Bowe,
    and Matthew T. Brigger
    109 Newborn and Pediatric Hearing Screening and
    Amplification 1674
    Julie Highland, Kavita Dedhia, and Albert H. Park
    1 10 Aural Implantation and Rehabilitation in
    Children 1690
    Prashant S. Malhotra and David H. Chi
    1 1 1 Genetic and Nongenetic Sources of Hearing Loss
    in Children 1720
    A. Eliot Shearer, John H. Greinwald Jr,
    and Margaret A. Kenna
    1 12 Congenital Aural Atresia and Acquired External
    Auditory Canal Stenosis 1741
    Varun V. Varadarajan, Mallory J. Raymond,
    Edward E. Dodson, and Paul R. Lambert
    1 13 Management of Cleft Lip and Palate 1760
    Adam B. Johnson, Christopher M. Discolo,
    and Rajanya S. Petersson
    1 14 Vascular Anomalies of the Head and Neck 1779
    Tara L. Rosenberg and Karthik Balakrishnan
    1 15 Pediatric Head and Neck Tumors 1797
    Anthony Sheyn, Gustavo G. Rangel, and Daniel C. Chelius
    1 16 Pediatric Thyroid Disease 1814
    Daniel C. Chelius, Amy L. Dimachkieh, and Ken Kazahaya
    1 17 Congenital Cysts, Sinuses, and Infections of the
    Head and Neck 1830
    Clare Richardson, David R. White, and Sanjay R. Parikh
    1 18 Relevant Syndromes in Pediatric
    Otolaryngology 1840
    Diego Preciado and Steven Goudy
    1 19 Anesthesia Considerations for Pediatric
    Otolaryngology 1869
    Jumah G. Ahmad, Lauren K. Senior, Maria Matuszczak,
    and Soham Roy
    120 Pediatric Facial Trauma 1894
    Brent J. Geffen, Jamie L. Funamura, J. Fredrik Grimmer,
    and Travis T. Tollefson
    121 Infections of the Pediatric Upper and Lower
    Airway 1908
    Sophie G. Shay and Robert H. Chun
    122 Surgical Management of Craniofacial
    Disorders 1925
    James D. Phillips, Hannah G. Kay, and Brianne Barnett
    123 Management of Reflux and Eosinophilic
    Esophagitis 1938
    Vrinda Bhardwaj, Mary Shannon Fracchia, and Jeremy
    David Pragern VOLUME TWO
    SURGERY 1949
    124 Head and Neck Tumor Biology 1951
    Alec Vaezi, Daniel E. Johnson, and Jennifer R. Grandis
    125 Tumor Immunology and Immunotherapy 1980
    Nicole C. Schmitt and Robert L. Ferris
    126 Principles of Multidisciplinary Treatment in Head
    and Neck Cancer 1995
    Michelle M. Chen and Andrew G. Shuman
    127 Principles of Head and Neck Radiation
    Oncology 2001
    Sue S. Yom and William R. Ryan
    128 Chemotherapy and Targeted Therapy in Head and
    Neck Cancer 2014
    Barbara Burtness and Rahmatullah Wais Rahmati
    129 Salvage Surgery in Head and Neck
    Cancer 2029
    Saral Mehra, Avanti Verma, and Ronald Walker
    130 Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer 2044
    Punam A. Patel and Cecelia E. Schmalbach
    131 Malignant Melanoma of the Head and Neck
    Region 2058
    Michelle M. Chen and Kelly M. Malloy
    132 Salivary Gland Neoplasms 2079
    Marco A. Mascarella and Seungwon Kim
    133 Lip Cancer and Reconstruction 2092
    Liana Puscas, Michael A. Fritz, and Joseph B. Meleca
    134 Neck Dissection: Anatomy, Workup, and
    Indications for Oncologic Treatment 21 13
    Alice L. Tang and Chad A. Zender
    135 Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma 2133
    Jason Y. K. Chan, Kenneth C.W. Wong, and Macy Tong
    136 Oral Cavity Cancer 2155
    Joseph Zenga and Daniel G. Deschler
    137 Oropharyngeal Cancer 2181
    Melina J. Windon, Lisa M. Rooper, and Carole Fakhry
    138 Unknown Primary Cancer of the Head
    and Neck 2197
    Umamaheswar Duvvuri and John R. de Almeida
    139 Robotics in Head and Neck Surgery 2210
    Jennifer Bruening, Neil D. Gross, and Ryan J. Li
    140 Hypopharyngeal and Cervical Esophageal
    Carcinoma 2228
    Mihir Kiran Bhayani and Cheryl C. Nocon
    141 Early Laryngeal Cancer 2252
    Andrew J. McWhorter and Henry S. Park
    142 Advanced Laryngeal Cancer 2282
    Marc A. Cohen, Stephanie Flukes, and Richard J. Wong
    143 Tracheal Tumors 2298
    Michael G. Moore, Benjamin P. Anthony,
    and Jeffrey M. Bumpous
    144 Soft Tissue Tumors of the Head and Neck 2310
    Lindsey Moses, Janine M. Rotsides, and Babak Givi
    145 Lymphomas of the Head and Neck 2327
    Sunder S. Gidumal, Andrew B. Tassler,
    and Raymond L. Chai
    146 Neoplasms of the Nose and Paranasal
    Sinuses 2342
    Madeleine P. Strohl, Riccardo L. Carrau,
    and Ivan H. El-Sayed
    147 Orbital Tumors 2357
    Craig Miller, Neda Esmaili, Michael E. Stadler, Trevor
    G. Hackman, Adam M. Zanation, and Brian D. Thorp
    148 Cranial Base Surgery 2377
    Carlos D. Pinheiro-Neto, Carl H. Snyderman,
    and Paul A. Gardner
    149 Odontogenic Cysts, Tumors, and Related Jaw
    Lesions 2394
    Danielle Bottalico, Vikas Mehta, and Heather A. Edwards
    150 Thyroid Neoplasms 2414
    Daniel Vinh, Diana Bell, and Mark Zafereo
    151 Hyperparathyroidism: Evaluation and Surgical
    Management 2423
    Jay K. Ferrell and Maisie L. Shindo
    152 Surveillance and Survivorship in Head and Neck
    Cancer 2440
    Michael A. Belsky, Marci L. Nilsen,
    and Jonas T. Johnson
    153 Swallowing Therapy in Head and Neck Cancers
    and Late Effects of Therapy in Head and Neck
    Cancers 2451
    Lisa M. Evangelista and D. Gregory Farwell
    154 Voice Restoration after Total
    Laryngectomy 2464
    Heather M. Starmer, Daniel G. Deschler,
    and Jeremy D. Richmon
    SURGERY 2477
    155 Sleep Medicine for the Otolaryngologist 2479
    Pell Ann Wardrop, Kathleen L. Yaremchuk,
    and Amy E. Schell156 Medical Therapy for Obstructive Sleep Apnea 2505
    Jennifer L. Newitt, Ryan J. Soose, and Patrick J. Strollo Jr
    157 Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Pathophysiology, Drug-
    Induced Sleep Endoscopy, and Endotyping 2525
    Phillip Huyett and Eric J. Kezirian
    158 Nonapneic Snoring and Upper Airway Resistance
    Syndrome 2536
    Macario Camacho and Robson Capasso
    159 Nasal Surgery for Sleep-disordered Breathing 2542
    Yi Cai, David T. Kent, and Jolie L. Chang
    160 Pharyngeal Surgery 2551
    Michael J. Hutz, B. Tucker Woodson, and Raj C. Dedhia
    161 Neurostimulation 2568
    Maria V. Suurna, Maurits S. Boon, and Colin Huntley
    162 Skeletal Surgery 2584
    Courtney T. Chou and Stanley Yung C. Liu
    163 Development of the Ear 2601
    Bing M. Teh, Michael J. Wareing, Abbas A. Anwar,
    and, Anil K. Lalwani
    164 Anatomy and Physiology of Hearing 2616
    Didier A. Depireux and Ronna Hertzano
    165 Assessment of Peripheral and Central Auditory
    Function 2639
    Melissa J. Weaver Hall and Patrick J. Antonelli
    166 Vestibular Function and Anatomy 2669
    Heather M. Weinreich, Sally M. Rosengren,
    Allison S. Young, and Miriam S. Welgampola
    167 Assessment of Vestibular and Balance Function
    Using Laboratory Testing 2681
    Devin L. McCaslin and Christopher M. Welch
    168 Neurophysiologic Intraoperative Monitoring 2704
    Douglas J. Totten, Michael H. Freeman, and David S.
    169 Diseases of the External Ear 2724
    Joni K. Doherty and Raymond W. Kung
    170 Eustachian Tube Dysfunction 2751
    Joonas Toivonen, Carrie L. Nieman, and Dennis Poe
    171 Intratemporal and Intracranial Complications of
    Otitis Media 2770
    Nicole T. Jiam, H. Alexander Arts,
    and Meredith E. Adams
    172 Middle Ear and Temporal Bone Trauma 2783
    Rodney C. Diaz, Kara D. Brodie, and Hilary A. Brodie
    173 Cholesteatoma—Pathogenesis and
    Treatment 2801
    Mallory J. Raymond, Ted A. Meyer, and Paul R. Lambert
    174 Surgery of the Mastoid and Petrosa 2819
    Timothy E. Hullar, Hilary A. Brodie,
    and Richard A. Chole
    175 Reconstruction of the Tympanic Membrane and
    Ossicular Chain 2837
    John L. Dornhoffer and Michael B. Gluth
    176 Otosclerosis 2859
    Brandon Isaacson, J. Walter Kutz Jr, and Peter S. Roland
    177 Acute Paralysis of the Facial Nerve 2877
    Jeffrey T. Vrabec and Benjamin D. Lovin
    178 Otologic Manifestations of Systemic Disease 2895
    Tiffany P. Hwa, Arnaud F. Bewley, and Michael J.
    179 Noise-Induced Hearing Loss 2909
    Colleen G. Le Prell
    180 Ototoxicity 2936
    Kay W. Chang
    181 Cerebrospinal Fluid Otorrhea 2950
    Scott B. Shapiro and Ravi N. Samy
    182 Cerebellopontine Angle Tumors 2959
    Yohan Song, Matthew L. Bush, and D. Bradley Welling
    183 Other Neoplasms of the Ear and Lateral Skull
    Base 2991
    Morgan E. Davis, Yin Ren, and Rick A. Friedman
    184 Stereotactic Radiosurgery 3035
    P. Ashley Wackym, Joseph P. Weiner, and Ian Paddick
    185 Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss 3060
    Betty S. Tsai Do and Sujana S. Chandrasekhar
    186 Tinnitus and Hyperacusis 3071
    Maura K. Cosetti and Pamela C. Roehm
    187 Aging and the Auditory and Vestibular
    System 3090
    Adam Thompson-Harvey, Yuri Agrawal,
    and Carrie L. Nieman
    188 Cochlear Implants and Other Implantable
    Auditory Prostheses 3105
    Oliver F. Adunka, Kevin Y. Zhan,
    and Craig A. Buchman
    189 “Heads Up” Ear Surgery: Endoscopes for Otology
    and Neurotology 3141
    Divya A. Chari and Daniel J. Lee
    190 Hearing Aids and Assistive Listening Devices 3157
    Catherine V. Palmer, Lori D. Zitelli, and Barry E. Hirsch191 Clinical Evaluation of the Patient with
    Vertigo 3182
    Nedim Durakovic, Courtney C. J. Voelker,
    and Joel A. Goebel
    192 Peripheral Vestibular Disorders 3212
    Bryan K. Ward and John P. Carey
    193 Central Vestibular Disorders 3231
    Kristen K. Steenerson and Jeffrey D. Sharon
    194 Vestibular Rehabilitation 3259
    Joshua Huppert, Angelica Taylor, and Michael E. Hoffer
    195 Regenerative Strategies for Overcoming
    Deafness 3265
    Alan G. Cheng and Stefan Heller
    196 Preoperative Evaluation and Facial Analysis in
    Facial Plastic Surgery 3275
    Andrew Winkler, Justin M. Wudel, and Elizabeth F.
    197 Fundamentals of Photography for the
    Otolaryngologist 3291
    Matthew M. May and Grant S. Hamilton III
    198 Local Cutaneous Flaps and Grafts 3302
    Brian Jewett and Erin Ostby
    199 Tissue Expanders 3329
    Jonathan M. Sykes and Cristen E. Olds
    200 Scar Camouflage 3339
    Tyler M. Rist and Krishna G. Patel
    201 Nasal Reconstruction 3351
    Samuel L. Oyer and Stephen S. Park
    202 Lip Reconstruction 3400
    Mark M. Mims and William W. Shockley
    203 Auricular Reconstruction 3415
    Natalie Justicz and Joseph R. Dusseldorp
    204 Periorbital Reconstruction 3446
    Mark M. Mims and J. Madison Clark
    205 Facial Reanimation 3468
    Liliana Ein and Tessa A. Hadlock
    206 Surgical Anatomy of the Nose: A Foundation for
    Rhinoplasty 3483
    Marc A. Polacco, David W. Kim, and Ted Mau
    207 Rhinoplasty: Incisions, Approaches, and
    Analysis 3505
    Grant S. Gillman
    208 The Nasal Dorsum: Management of the Upper
    Two-Thirds of the Nose 3516
    Danielle F. Eytan, Randolph B. Capone,
    and Ira D. Papel
    209 Management of Nasal Tip and Alar Base 3532
    Richard Kao and Dean M. Toriumi
    210 Management of the Crooked Nose 3550
    Jeffrey S. Mella, Sarah P. Rosen, and
    Stephen S. Park
    2 1 1 Functional Septorhinoplasty 3564
    Ciersten A. Burks and Robin W. Lindsay
    212 Revision Rhinoplasty 3579
    Richard E. Davis and Elizabeth H. Wick
    213 Cleft Septorhinoplasty 3638
    Tsung-yen Hsieh, Raj D. Dedhia, and
    Travis T. Tollefson
    214 The Aging Forehead 3651
    Kian Karimi and Peter A. Adamson
    215 Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty 3675
    Jonathan M. Sykes and Cristen E. Olds
    216 Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty 3686
    Victoria Givens, Jess Prischmann,
    and Stephen W . Perkins
    217 Rhytidectomy and Platysmaplasty (Face-Lift and
    Neck Lift) 3704
    Kate O’Connor and Andrew Jacono
    218 Otoplasty: Anatomy, Embryology, and Otoplasty
    Technique 3738
    Edward H. Farrior and Chelsea A. Troiano
    219 Congenital Auricular Malformation 3757
    Karthik S. Shastri and Scott J. Stephan
    220 Chin Augmentation 3774
    Jonathan M. Sykes and Cristen E. Olds
    221 Facial Resurfacing 3788
    Edwin F. Williams and Robert M. Rhodes
    222 Management of Benign Facial Lesions 3801
    Jonathan M. Soh and John A. Zitelli
    223 Congenital Vascular Lesions of the Head
    and Neck 3818
    Milton Waner and Teresa O
    224 Management of Alopecia 3840
    Jeffrey S. Epstein, Gorana Kuka Epstein,
    Raymond J. Konior, and Steven Gabel
    225 Injectables for Facial Rejuvenation 3857
    Alisa Yamasaki and Linda N. LeeSECTION XI: CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN
    226 Patient Safety in Otolaryngology 3875
    Jared Johnson and John D. Cramer
    227 Legal and Regulatory Considerations for
    the Otorhinolaryngologist—Head and Neck
    Surgeon 3887
    Udayan K. Shah, Anna G. Small, and Phyllis
    228 Coding in Otolaryngology 3898
    Seth M. Brown and Abtin Tabaee
    229 Building a Comprehensive Outpatient
    Otolaryngology Practice 3906
    Prerak D. Shah and Jagdish Dhingra
    230 Databases Driving Improvement 3918
    Alexander L. Schneider and Jennifer M. Lavin
    231 Telemedicine for Otolaryngology 3931
    John F. Kokesh, Samantha Kleindienst Robler,
    and Manan Udayan Shah
    232 Quality Improvement in Otolaryngology 3944
    Rahul K. Shah, Emily F. Boss, and David W. Roberson
    233 Conflict of Interest 3952
    Andrew H. Murr and Susan J. Murr
    234 Anatomy: Functional Etymology 3963
    Raj C. Dedhia
    235 Individual and System Solutions for Physician/
    Provider Well-Being 3968
    Julie L. Wei
    236 Simulation in Otolaryngology 3983
    Brian Cervenka, Ellen S. Deutsch,
    and Sonya Malekzadeh
    237 Cognitive and Implicit Bias 3993
    Karthik Balakrishnan
    238 Ethics in Otolaryngology 4001
    Alyssa K. Ovaitt and Susan McCammon
    Index I-1
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Bailey's Head and Neck Surgery

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