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Breast Imaging

A Core Review: eBook with Multimedia
Edition: 3
Publication Date:
January 24, 2023
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Your enhanced VST eBook includes a full suite of study tools on any device—both online and offline: Anytime, anywhere access ...
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  • Your enhanced VST eBook includes a full suite of study tools on any device—both online and offline:
    • Anytime, anywhere access – study on the go with 100% offline access to your downloaded title
    • Margin notes – make annotations as you are reading
    • Read aloud – listen and follow along as your book is read to you
    • Workbook – improve your focus as you edit notes, add bookmarks, and review key concepts in one place
    • Global search – search across book content, figures, and your workbook
    Prepare for success on the breast imaging component of the radiology Core Exam! Breast Imaging: A Core Review, 3rd Edition, by Drs. Biren A. Shah and Sabala Mandava, is an up-to-date, practical review tool written specifically for the Core Exam. This helpful resource contains 300 image-rich, multiple-choice questions with detailed explanations of right and wrong answers, fully revised content, high-yield tables for easy review, and additional eBook questions to ensure you’re ready for the Core Exam or recertification exam.
    • Features questions in all exam areas, including disease processes, physics, quality control, and safety, as well as standards of care, breast cancer screening, diagnostic breast imaging and findings, breast pathology, and interventions 

    • Features over 300 high-resolution images 

    • Provides concise answers with explanations of each choice followed by relevant, up-to-date references 

    • Follows the structure and content of what you’ll encounter on the test, conveniently organized by topic

      The VST Ebook features 356 interactive multiple-choice Q&A, including 52 that unique to the ebook

      Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience 

    • Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. 

    • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech. 

  • Edition
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Publication Date
    January 24, 2023
  • Biren A Shah MD
    Sabala Mandava MD
    Senior Staff Radiologist, Division of Breast Imaging
    Director, Breast Imaging Fellowship
    Associate Program Director, Women's Imaging Fellowship
    Henry Ford Health System
    Clinical Asssitant Professor
    Wayne State University School of Medicine
    Detroit, Michigan
    • Features questions in all exam areas, including disease processes, physics, quality control, and safety, as well as standards of care, breast cancer screening, diagnostic breast imaging and findings, breast pathology, and interventions 

    • Features over 300 high-resolution images 

    • Provides concise answers with explanations of each choice followed by relevant, up-to-date references 

    • Follows the structure and content of what you’ll encounter on the test, conveniently organized by topic

      Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience 

    • Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. 

    • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech. 

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Breast Imaging

Breast Imaging

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975195700
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