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Cancer Journal Online

The Journal of Principles & Practice of Oncolog
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Institutional subscriptions are print only and do not include online access. For online access, please contact Ovid.
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*Institutional subscriptions are Print only and do not include online access. For online access, please contact Ovid.

Publication Frequency:
Published 6 times per year (Bimonthly)
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  • The Cancer Journal is a bimonthly, peer-reviewed publication dedicated to advancing the understanding and treatment of both adult and pediatric cancers. We publish cutting-edge clinical studies showcasing innovative applications in medical, surgical, and radiation oncology, as well as recent advancements in immunotherapy and targeted therapies. With editorial guidance from leading experts in oncology, our journal emphasizes translational research that effectively bridges laboratory findings with patient care.
    • Rigorous Peer Review Process: Each submission to The Cancer Journal undergoes a stringent peer review by leading experts in the field to ensure the highest quality of published research.
    • Focus on Translational Research: Our emphasis on translational research ensures the latest scientific discoveries are swiftly integrated into clinical practice, enhancing the care and treatment of cancer patients globally.
    • Wide Accessibility and Global Reach: As a globally diverse publication, the journal attracts submissions from around the world, enabling a rich dialogue between researchers and clinicians from various healthcare systems.
    • Innovative and Cutting-Edge Content: The journal consistently publishes pioneering studies in medical, surgical, and radiation oncology, including the latest in immunotherapy and targeted treatments.
    • Comprehensive Coverage on Cancer Prevention: We prioritize content on cancer prevention and early detection strategies, supporting efforts to reduce cancer incidence and improve outcomes.

    These aspects of the journal make The Cancer Journal an essential resource for oncologists, surgeons, and researchers worldwide
    Product Format
    Online Journal Only
    Publication Frequency
    Published 6 times per year (Bimonthly)
  • Vincent T. DeVita Jr. MD
    Yale School of Public Health Yale School of Medicine Amy and Joseph Perella Professor of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut
    Theodore S. Lawrence MD, PhD
    Isadore Lampe Professor and Chair, Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
    Steven A. Rosenberg MD, PhD
    Chief of Surgery, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health; Professor of Surgery, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences School of Medicine, Bethesda, MD; Professor of Surgery, George Washington University School of Medicine, Washington, DC
  • Peer-Reviewed Articles: Expect only the highest standards of quality with our peer-reviewed articles. Each submission undergoes a rigorous review process by esteemed professionals, providing you with trustworthy and reliable information.

    Expertly Curated Content: Each issue is carefully curated by the journal’s Editor-in-Chief, ensuring the content is highly relevant to the needs of your specialty.

    Comprehensive Archive of Back Issues: Gain access to an extensive archive of past issues, providing a rich repository of valuable medical knowledge. Whether you’re researching case studies, reviewing updates on medical guidelines, or catching up on cutting-edge research, our archive has you covered.

    Free Email Table of Contents and Latest Article Alerts: Never miss an issue or article with our free email alerts. Get the latest table of contents delivered straight to your inbox (eTOCS) or notification of new articles as they publish, ensuring you never miss crucial updates or groundbreaking studies. Tailored for busy professionals, these alerts help you stay informed.

    Responsive Web Design: Our journal's intuitive web design adapts seamlessly to any device, be it a desktop, tablet, or smartphone. Access content anytime, anywhere, and have vital information at your fingertips whether you’re in the office, at home, or on the go.

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Cancer Journal Online

Cancer Journal Online

ISBN/ISSN: 1540-336X
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