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Cardiovascular Care Made Incredibly Visual!

Edition: 3
Publication Date:
January 31, 2018
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Get the vital basics of cardiovascular care, with the expert direction and clear-cut images of the freshly updated Cardiovascular Care ...
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  • Get the vital basics of cardiovascular care, with the expert direction and clear-cut images of the freshly updated Cardiovascular Care Made Incredibly Visual! ™, 3rd Edition.

    Let this colorful, down-to-earth text guide you smoothly through essential skills, concepts, and equipment how-to’s, including physical assessments, diagnostic tests, cardiac monitoring, and handling emergencies and complications. Get ready for success in both the classroom and with patient care; the clear explanations, Incredibly Visual ™ humor, and numerous illustrations make this the enjoyable way to learn positive, effective cardiac care.

    Master the fundamental concepts, skills, and processes of cardiac care …
    • NEW and updated guidance on the Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) algorithms, with step-by-step direction on handling emergency situations
    • NEW end-of-chapter selected readings that support evidence-based learning
    • Hundreds of colorful images that bring complex cardiovascular care concepts to life —drawings, charts, photos, and diagrams explaining and reinforcing key cardiovascular concepts in easy-to-follow ways
    • Ideal reference and review for nursing students, new nurses, and other healthcare practitioners —detailed visuals and clear, concise explanations to help you master cardiovascular anatomy, and physiology and effective treatments and interventions
    • Perfect for visual learners —numerous images that demonstrate skills and interventions in easy-to-follow ways, including:
      • Essential cardiovascular anatomy and physiology
      • Physical assessment techniques
      • Diagnostic tests
      • Common disorders
      • ECG interpretation, including rhythm strip analysis, the 8-step method, and arrhythmias
      • Cardiac monitoring methods, including handling monitor problems
      • Hemodynamic monitoring
      • Handling complications
      • Treatments and interventions
      • Emergency procedures
    • Excellent teaching aid—visual, step-by-step instruction applied to real-life patient care scenarios, backed by expert clinical tips
    • Perfect supplement to medical-surgical texts on cardiovascular care, clarifying complex concepts
    • Chapter features:
      • Just the facts —quick summary of chapter content
      • Vision Quest —End-of-Chapter games that help you match words, concepts, and photos to reinforce key learning points
      • “Nurse Joy and Jake” —Practical advice and expert insights offered throughout
      • Memory jogger —simple techniques for remembering vital information 
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    7 x 9
    Incredibly Easy! Series®
    Publication Date
    January 31, 2018
  • Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
  • 1. Anatomy and physiology
    Angela Kelly, DNP, RN, APN, WHNP-BC, RNC-OB
    2. Assessment
    Shafeah Morrison, DNP, ARNP, APN-C, FNP-BC
    3. Diagnostic tests
    Shafeah Morrison, DNP, ARNP, APN-C, FNP-BC
    4. ECG interpretation
    Jaime Mendiola, RN, MSN, CCRN, ACNP
    5. Hemodynamic monitoring
    Lynn M. Simko, PhD, RN, CCRN
    6. Common disorders
    Diane M. Allen, PhD, ANP, BC, CLS
    7. Complications
    Madelyn Danner, RN, MSN, CCRN, CEN
    8. Treatments
    Shafeah Morrison, DNP, ARNP, APN-C, FNP-BC
  • Doody’s 4 Star! Review
    'This book covers a wide range of cardiovascular issues in a unique presentation with hundreds of illustrations. The visuals are colorful, of appropriate size, and have selected written material. This is a perfect book for a visual learner. The presentation is at a beginning professional level perfect for students or those new to the cardiac area.'' - Gina Oliver, PhD, APRN, FNP-BC, CNE for Doody's Book Review Service
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Cardiovascular Care Made Incredibly Visual!

Cardiovascular Care Made Incredibly Visual!

ISBN/ISSN: 9781496363374
USD $66.99 Quantity :
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