Using a highly readable, case-based format, Clinical Scenarios in Surgery: Decision Making and Operative Technique, Second Edition , presents 135 cases ...
Using a highly readable, case-based format, Clinical Scenarios in Surgery: Decision Making and Operative Technique, Second Edition , presents 135 cases that take readers step by step through the principles of safe surgical care. Ideal for senior surgical residents who are preparing for the oral board exam, this updated resource presents today’s standards of care in all areas of general surgery, including abdominal wall, upper GI, emergency general surgery, hepatobiliary, colorectal, breast, endocrine, thoracic, vascular, pediatric, skin and soft tissue, trauma, critical care, transplant, and head and neck surgeries.
Fourteen chapters are new to the Second Edition, including six in the greatly-expanded section on Trauma.
Each full-color case begins with a patient presentation and proceeds through differential diagnosis, workup, diagnosis and treatment, surgical procedures, postoperative management, and a case conclusion.
Coverage includes key technical steps, potential pitfalls and special intraoperative considerations, take-home points, and suggested readings.
Color figures, tables, and algorithms present information in a format that is easy to understand and remember.
Every chapter includes a table summarizing Key Technical Steps and Potential Pitfalls for the procedure discussed.
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Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Publication Date
October 1, 2018
Justin B. Dimick MD
Justin B. Dimick, MD, MPH Assistant Professor of Surgery Center for Healthcare Outcomes and Policy University of Michigan
Gilbert R. Upchurch M.D.
Fourteen chapters are new to the Second Edition, including six in the greatly-expanded section on Trauma.
Each full-color case begins with a patient presentation and proceeds through differential diagnosis, workup, diagnosis and treatment, surgical procedures, postoperative management, and a case conclusion.
Coverage includes key technical steps, potential pitfalls and special intraoperative considerations, take-home points, and suggested readings.
Color figures, tables, and algorithms present information in a format that is easy to understand and remember.
Every chapter includes a table summarizing Key Technical Steps and Potential Pitfalls for the procedure discussed.
Enhance Your eBook Reading Experience
Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
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