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Coaching Psychology Manual

Edition: 2
Publication Date:
July 6, 2015
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Prepare for Wellcoaches certification and your career as a health and wellness coach with Coaching Psychology Manual, 2e . Now in ...
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  • Prepare for Wellcoaches certification and your career as a health and wellness coach with Coaching Psychology Manual, 2e .
    Now in full color and, examples, and real-life scenarios, this comprehensive guide covers techniques and concepts for supporting clients in changing the behaviors and mindsets needed to thrive in all areas of wellness, including fitness, nutrition, weight, mind/body, stress, and management of life issues that impact well-being.
    • Reviewed by the American College of Sports Medicine , the gold standard in credentialing health and fitness professionals, exercise and weight guidelines, sports medicine, ensures quality, currency, and accuracy.
    • Examples of coaching dialogs, specific to the skills discussed offer additional insights and perspectives on effective coaching practices.
    • Important! boxes draw attention to must-know information for facilitating productive and powerful client sessions.Don't forget...boxes highlight critical points to keep in mind while building relationships with clients.
    • Review and discussion topics give you a chance to practice chapter concepts.
    A bonus companion website
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Trim Size
    8.375 x 10.875
    Publication Date
    July 6, 2015
  • Margaret Moore
    • Reviewed by the American College of Sports Medicine, the gold standard in credentialing of health and fitness professionals, exercise, weight management and sports nutrition guidelines, and sports medicine, ensures innovation, high quality, and engaging practical application.
    • Examples of coaching collaboration, specific to the skills discussed, offer additional insights and perspectives on effective coaching practices.
    • Important! boxes draw attention to must-know information for facilitating productive and powerful client sessions.
    • Don't forget... boxes highlight critical points to keep in mind while building relationships with clients.
    • Review and discussion topics give readers a chance to practice chapter concepts.
    Up-to-date information from the Wellcoaches School of Coaching, a global leader in health and wellness coach training and education, helps students and professionals prepare for the ACSM-endorsed Wellcoaches coach certifications
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Coaching Psychology Manual

Coaching Psychology Manual

ISBN/ISSN: 9781496310590
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