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Core Curriculum for Infusion Nursing

An Official Publication of the Infusion Nurses Society
Edition: 5
Publication Date:
September 1, 2023
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An official publication of the Infusion Nurses Society, Core Curriculum for Infusion Nursing, 5th Edition, provides comprehensive preparation for the ...
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  • An official publication of the Infusion Nurses Society, Core Curriculum for Infusion Nursing, 5th Edition, provides comprehensive preparation for the Certified Registered Nurse Infusion (CRNI®) exam from the global authority on infusion nursing and helps you deliver optimal care in any practice setting. The convenient outline format streamlines review and ensures fast access to essential information across the core content areas of Technology and Clinical Application; Fluid and Electrolyte Balance; Pharmacology, Infection Prevention and Control; and Transfusion Therapy, Antineoplastic Biologic Therapy, and Parenteral Nutrition. 
    This fully revised 5th Edition reflects the latest CRNI exam format and the growing scope of infusion nursing practice: 
    • UPDATED! Content aligned with the current CRNI exam boosts confidence on the certification exam. 
    • UPDATED! Focus on infusion nursing for special populations highlights the latest approaches to children, older adults, and pregnant women.    
    • UPDATED! Coverage of pharmacologic and antineoplastic drugs clarifies important considerations for safe, effective treatment. 
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    7 x 10
    Publication Date
    September 1, 2023
  • Infusion Nurses Society
    Mary Alexander MA, RN, CRNI, CAE, FAAN
    Chief Executive Officer
    Infusion Nurses Society
    Norwood, MA
  • Unit 1 Principles of Practice
    • Chapter 1 Anatomy and Physiology
    • Chapter 2 Infection Prevention and Control
    • Chapter 3 Phlebotomy
    Unit 2 Access Devices
    • Chapter 4 Technology and Clinical Applications
    • Chapter 5 Special Populations
    Unit 3 Infusion Therapies
    • Chapter 6 Introduction to Infusion Therapies
    • Chapter 7 Pain Management
    • Chapter 8 Cardiovascular Therapy
    • Chapter 9 Antineoplastic Therapy
    • Chapter 10 Biologic/Immunologic Therapy
    • Chapter 11 Anti-Infective Therapy
    • Chapter 12 Blood Products
    • Chapter 13 Fluid and Electrolytes
    • Chapter 14 Parenteral Nutrition
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Core Curriculum for Infusion Nursing

Core Curriculum for Infusion Nursing

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975223045
USD $86.99 Quantity :
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