Prepare for success on the Examination of Special Competence in Critical Care Echocardiography (CCEeXAM)! Critical Care Echocardiography Review is a ...
Prepare for success on the Examination of Special Competence in Critical Care Echocardiography (CCEeXAM)! Critical Care Echocardiography Review is a first-of-its-kind, review textbook containing over 1,200 questions and answers. Helmed by Drs. Marvin G. Chang, Abraham Sonny, David Dudzinski, Christopher R. Tainter, Ryan J. Horvath, Sheri M. Berg, Edward A. Bittner as well as a team of associated editors and authors from institutions across the nation , this highly visual resource covers every aspect of the use of ultrasound for clinical diagnosis and management in the critical care setting, providing a thorough, effective review and helping you identify areas of mastery and those needing further study.
Includes over 1,200 multiple-choice questions and answers with rationale and selected references.
Features video-based questions, still echocardiograph images and illustrations in both questions and answer explanations to provide dynamic visual support.
Covers all exam content, including the physics of ultrasound, image acquisition and optimization, artifacts, quantification and hemodynamic calculations, cardiac ultrasound, rescue echocardiography, clinical applications of diastology, lung and pleural ultrasound, trauma ultrasound and the E-FAST exam, procedures, and much more.
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Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Publication Date
December 14, 2021
Marvin G. Chang
Abraham Sonny MD, FASE
Assistant Professor Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine Massachusetts General Hospital Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts
David Dudzinski
Christopher R. Tainter MD, RDMS
Ryan J. Horvath MD, PhD
Instructor in Anesthesia Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine Massachusetts General Hospital Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts
Sheri M. Berg MD
Instructor in Anesthesia Medical Director, Post Anesthesia Care Units Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine Massachusetts General Hospital Harvard Medical School Boston, Massachusetts
Edward A Bittner MD, PhD, MS.Ed, FCCM
Associate Professor Program Director, Critical Care Anesthesiology Fellowship Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine Massachusetts General Hospital Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts
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