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Designing & Creating a Culture of Care for Students & Faculty: The Chamberlain University College of Nursing Model

Edition: 1
Publication Date:
August 30, 2017
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Confidently adapt your nursing education program to the cutting-edge caring method with the experienced insight of the Chamberlain University College ...
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  • Confidently adapt your nursing education program to the cutting-edge caring method with the experienced insight of the Chamberlain University College of Nursing. From effective faculty development to proven patient satisfaction strategies, this case-based monograph outlines your path to better patient-focused outcomes and institutional excellence.

    Apply the experienced insight of the Chamberlain University College of Nursing to:
    • Avoid common pitfalls in adapting your program
    • Create a caring environment for faculty and students
    • Recognize and develop faculty
    • Build a path to better patient outcomes
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    6 x 9
    Publication Date
    August 30, 2017
  • Susan Groenwald
    Dr. Susan L. Groenwald is the president of Chamberlain University. She began her career as a rehabilitation nurse after earning a nursing diploma from West
    Suburban Hospital School of Nursing in Oak Park, Illinois. After earning bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Rush University College of Nursing in Chicago, Dr. Groenwald worked as a clinical nurse specialist and director of the oncology graduate program at Rush University and later served as the senior program director at the Illinois Cancer Council’s Comprehensive Cancer Care Center. She earned a PhD in higher education leadership from Capella University. In 1981, Dr. Groenwald founded a company that provided business-to-business services. Dr. Groenwald’s accomplishments as a leader within the industry were recognized in 1999 when she was named National Businesswoman of the Year by the Chicago Chapter of the National Association of Women Business Owners
    and received a Blue Chip Enterprise Award from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and Massachusetts Mutual. After selling the company, Dr. Groenwald served as the director of operations for Focused Health Solutions, Inc., developing clinical programs and managing a team of nurses who provided disease management services for large selfinsured employers. In 2006, Dr. Groenwald joined Chamberlain University College of Nursing. She is the author of numerous articles and has edited five textbooks on cancer nursing, one of which—Cancer Nursing: Principles and Practice—won the American Journal of Nursing Book Award. Dr. Groenwald is a fellow of the American Academy of Nursing, the National League for Nursing’s Academy of Nursing Education, and the Institute of Medicine Chicago.
  • About the Editor vi
    About the Contributors vii
    Foreword from the Chamberlain University Board of Trustees Chair ix
    Foreword from the Cleveland Clinic Health System ECNO xi
    Preface xiii
    Acknowledgments xvi

    Chapter 1 The Case for a Culture of Care 1
    Chapter 2 Designing a New Model of Academic Service: Operationalizing Chamberlain Care 15
    Chapter 3 Promoting Teaching Excellence: A Culture of Care for Faculty 35
    Chapter 4 A Culture of Care for Students 65
    Chapter 5 Evolving Our Culture of Care 95

    Appendix A Master Instruction Classroom Observation 111
    Appendix B Teaching Excellence Comprehensive Program 119
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Designing & Creating a Culture of Care for Students & Faculty: The Chamberlain University College of Nursing Model

Designing & Creating a Culture of Care for Students & Faculty: The Chamberlain University College of Nursing Model

ISBN/ISSN: 9781496396211
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