Specifically designed for readability and utilizing a concise format, Developmental Psychopathology: An Introduction offers an authoritative, approachable overview of mental ...
Specifically designed for readability and utilizing a concise format, Developmental Psychopathology: An Introduction offers an authoritative, approachable overview of mental developmental disorders and problems faced by children and adolescents. Noted researcher and author Dr. Fred R. Volkmar leads a team of experts from the Child Study Center at Yale University School of Medicine in presenting essential, introductory information ideal for fellows and physicians in child and adolescent psychiatry, as well as psychiatry residents and other health care professionals working in this complex field.
Covers clinical disorders, special considerations such as Trauma, Child Abuse, Pediatric consultation, psychiatric emergencies in children, and various approaches to treatment including CBT, parent management training, trauma-focused interventions, psychopharmacology.
Follows a consistent chapter format: diagnosis, classification/assessment, epidemiology, neurological and psychological factors, clinical expression, differential diagnosis, and treatment.
Includes case studies and example case reports.
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Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Publication Date
June 4, 2021
Fred R. Volkmar MD
Irving Harris Professor of Child Psychiatry, Psychology, and Pediatrics, Director, Developmental Disabilities Clinic, Yale Child Study Center, New Haven, CT
Denis G. Sukhodolsky
Eli R. Lebowitz
Preface vii SECTION I ¦ AN INTR ODUCTION TO THE FIELD 1 An Introduction to Developmental Psychopathology: History, Theory, and Methods 1 2 Perspectives from Typical Child Development 18 3 Scientific Foundations of the Field 45 4 Classification and Assessment 60 5 An Overview of Treatment Approaches 82 SECTION II ¦ CLINIC AL DISORDERS 6 Intellectual Disability 89 7 Autism Spectrum Disorder 104 8 Disorders of Communication and Language 118 9 Learning Disabilities and Developmental Coordination Disorder 132 10 Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder 142 11 Oppositional Defiant and Conduct Disorders 156 12 Anxiety Disorders 171 13 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder 187 14 Depressive and Bipolar Disorders 198 15 Childhood Schizophrenia and Childhood Psychosis 215 16 Tic Disorders 224 17 Eating and Feeding Disorders 236 18 Somatic Symptoms and Somatoform Disorders 252 19 Disorders of Elimination: Enuresis and Encopresis 264 20 Gender Disorders and Gender Dysphoria 272 21 Sleep and Sleep Disorders 282 22 Substance Use Disorders 296 23 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Effects of Trauma 308 SECTION III ¦ SPECIAL SITUATIONS 24 Abuse and Neglect 319 25 Mental Health in Schools 335 26 Child Mental Health and the Legal System 358 27 The Interface of Mental Health and Medicine 380 SECTION IV ¦ TREATMENTS 28 Psychotherapy 399 29 Psychopharmacology 414 30 Family-Based Therapy 439 Index 447 ¦ CONTENTS
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