Home / Medicine / Diseases of the Lung Anatomical Chart

Diseases of the Lung Anatomical Chart

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Diseases of the Lung visually and textually describes eight common diseases of the lung. The central illustration shows the left ...
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  • Diseases of the Lung visually and textually describes eight common diseases of the lung.
    The central illustration shows the left lung cross-sectioned to show the affects of the disease. Close up detailed views and
    definitions, signs and symptoms of each disease are included.
    The following diseases are shown:
    • influenza (flu)
    • emphysema
    • chronic bronchitis
    • tuberculosis (TB)
    • lung cancer
    • cystic fibrosis
    • asthma
    • pneumonia
    Made in the USA.
    Available in the following versions :
    • 20" x 26" heavy paper laminated with grommets at top corners ISBN 9781587799082
    • 20" x 26" heavy paper ISBN 9781587799075
    Product Format
    Trim Size
    20 x 26
  • Anatomical Chart Company
$ 24.99 USD $24.99

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Diseases of the Lung Anatomical Chart

Diseases of the Lung Anatomical Chart

ISBN/ISSN: 9781587799082
USD $24.99 Quantity :
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