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Essential Anatomy Dissector

Edition: 2
Publication Date:
September 16, 2013
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Now in its Second Edition, this concise guide highlights the key concepts and important structures of human anatomy. Its intent ...
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  • Now in its Second Edition, this concise guide highlights the key concepts and important structures of human anatomy. Its intent is to take the medical student through the dissection process quickly and efficiently. The strength of this book is in its concise format. Each chapter begins with Learning Objectives and Key Concepts, and the text features color coding to easily locate and follow dissection protocols that are presented in anatomical outlines. Includes many new illustrations to help clarify dissection instructions.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Trim Size
    7 x 10
    Publication Date
    September 16, 2013
  • John T. Hansen PhD
    Professor and Associate Dean for Admissions, Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, NY
  • Introduction
    1. Thorax
      1. Thoracic Wall
      2. Pleural Cavities and the Lungs
      3. Mediastinum and Heart
      4. Posterior and Superior Mediastinum
    2. Abdomen
      1. Anterior Abdominal Wall
      2. Scrotum, Spermatic Cord, and Testis
      3. Peritoneum and Peritoneal Cavity
      4. Bile Passages, Celiac Trunk, and Portal Vein
      5. Superior and Inferior Mesenteric Vessels
      6. Removal of the GI Tract
      7. Posterior Abdominal Structures
      8. Posterior Abdominal Wall
    3. Pelvis and Perineum
      1. Pelvis
      2. Anal and Urogenital Triangles
      3. Split Pelvis
    4. ‘Back and Spinal Cord
      1. Back
      2. Deeper Back Muscles and Spinal Cord
    5. Lower Limb
      1. Anterior and Medial Thigh
      2. Gluteal Region and Posterior Thigh
      3. Popliteal Fossa and Leg
      4. Sole of the Foot
      5. Joints of the Lower Limb
    6. Upper Limb
      1. Shoulder
      2. Axilla and Arm
      3. Flexor Region of the Forearm
      4. Palm
      5. Extensor Forearm and Dorsal Hand
      6. Joints of the Upper Limb
    7. Head and Neck
      1. Posterior Triangle of the Neck
      2. Anterior Triangle and Root of the Neck
      3. Face
      4. Interior of Skull and Brain Removal
      5. Orbit and Eye
      6. Parotid Region
      7. Temporal Region
      8. Retrophayngeal Region
      9. Pharynx
      10. Bisection of the Head
      11. Palate, Mouth, and Nasopharyngeal Wall
      12. Larynx
      13. Ear
  • --Closely follows Grant's method, but is roughly half the size of Grant's Dissector
    --Color-coded so students can easily locate and follow the dissection protocols presented within the framework of anatomical outlines.
    --Each section begins with Learning Objectives and Key Concepts.
    --Outline format so students can easily group concepts or regional anatomy into blocks of information that are systematically presented.
    --The dissector is written so that students may begin their dissection in virtually any region of the body.
    --Every entry in the book is cross-referenced to the most recent editions of the five leading anatomy atlases: Agur: Grant's Atlas of Anatomy , Clemente: Anatomy , Rohen/Yokochi: Color Atlas of Anatomy and Netter: Atlas of Human Anatomy .
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Essential Anatomy Dissector

Essential Anatomy Dissector

ISBN/ISSN: 9781469851518
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