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Essentials of Exercise Physiology

Edition: 5
Publication Date:
October 14, 2015
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Help your students succeed in the course and their future careers with this Fifth Edition of the briefer version of ...
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  • Help your students succeed in the course and their future careers with this Fifth Edition of the briefer version of the best-selling McArdle Exercise Physiology text. The book emphasizes nutrition as the foundation of exercise and uses a new student-friendly magazine-style design, hallmark pedagogy, and an engaging writing style to make exercise physiology interesting and understandable for today’s undergraduate students.

    Featuring updates in every section that reflect the latest trends and research in the field, Essentials of Exercise Physiology helps students develop a deep understanding of the interrelationships among energy intake, energy transfer during exercise, and the related physiologic systems. As they progress through the book, students also master the how-tos of applying key concepts to enhance exercise training, athletic performance, and health.

    In addition, the Fifth Edition includes a suite of instructor and student resources designed to save you time and help your students succeed.

    Student Resources:
    • An online Interactive Question Bank with study and quiz options helps students master the content of the course.
    • Supplemental documentation relevant to the field includes The Internet and Exercise Physiology, Surgeon General’s Vision for Health Fit Nation 2010, and a Guide to Reliable Supplemental Information Sources.
    • A list of Frequently Cited Journals in Exercise Physiology enables students to increase their understanding of topics of interest.
    • Animations of key exercise physiology concepts selected by reviewers help students understand complex processes.

    Instructor Resources:'
    • PowerPoint presentations make it easy to integrate the textbook with your students’ classroom experience via either handouts or slide shows.
    • A complete image bank enhances lecture and exam preparation.
    • A robust test generator helps you put together tests that assess your students’ understanding.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    8.375 x 10.875
    Publication Date
    October 14, 2015
  • William D. McArdle BS, M.Ed, PhD
    Professor Emeritus, Department of Family, Nutrition, and Exercise Science, Queens College of the City University of New York, Flushing, NY
    Frank I. Katch EdD
    Victor L. Katch EdD
    • Each section has been updated to cover new and emerging topics in exercise physiology as well as the latest research findings.
    • New video call-outs draw students to online resources that will help enhance their understanding of key concepts.
    • Chapter Objectives help students focus on and retain crucial topics.
    • “Ancillaries at a Glance” boxes outline the wide range of learning tools students can access for extra practice and reinforcement.
    • A vibrant full color art program illustrates key concepts and draws attention to important content and features.
    • Real world examples, graphics, and clear narrative combine to make complex physiological phenomena understandable to beginning students.
    • A Closer Lookboxes focus on practical applications, including timely exercise, sports, and clinical topics related to both elite athletes and average people.FYI (For Your Information) boxeshighlight key information about different exercise physiology areas, making topics exciting and relevant for all readers.Summaries provide need-to-know facts and information to help students learn and retain key content.Think It Throughquestions ask students to apply information to real-life situations, encouraging integrative, critical thinking. These questions can also be used to stimulate classroom discussion.
    • Key terms help students master the vocabulary of the field.
    • Online references make it easy for students to learn more about exercise physiology topics of interest.
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Essentials of Exercise Physiology

Essentials of Exercise Physiology

ISBN/ISSN: 9781496302090
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