Home / Allied Health / Essentials of Research Methods in Health, Physical Education, Exercise Science, and Recreation

Essentials of Research Methods in Health, Physical Education, Exercise Science, and Recreation

Edition: 3
Publication Date:
September 20, 2007
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This easy-to-read, user-friendly text explores the full range of basic topics typically covered in research courses in exercise science, kinesiology, ...
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  • This easy-to-read, user-friendly text explores the full range of basic topics typically covered in research courses in exercise science, kinesiology, and physical education. The book provides the information and skills needed to write effective research proposals and theses; read, assess, interpret, and apply published research; and understand how to conduct basic studies in health, physical education, exercise science, athletic training, and recreation.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Hardcover Book
    Trim Size
    7.375 x 9.125
    Publication Date
    September 20, 2007
  • Kris E. Berg EdD
    Professor, School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, College of Education, University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, NE
    Richard W. Latin
  • Preface

    Part I Introductory Concepts
    • Chapter 1: Introduction to Research
    • Chapter 2: Ethics in Human Subject Research
    • Part II Research Writing
    • Chapter 3: Getting Started: Information Retrieval
    • Chapter 4: The Research Paper and Proposal
    • Chapter 5: Completing the Research Paper: Results, Discussion, Conclusion, and References
    • Chapter 6: Research Writing
    • Part III Statistics
    • Chapter 7: Basic Statistical Concepts
    • Chapter 8: Central Tendency, Variability, and the Normal Curve
    • Chapter 9: Probability and Hypothesis Testing
    • Chapter 10: Relationships and Predictions
    • Chapter 11: Comparing Mean Scores
    • Chapter 12: Selected Nonparametric Statistics
    • Part IV Measurement and Research Design
    • Chapter 13: Measurement and Data Collection Concepts
    • Chapter 14: Experimental Validity and Control
    • Chapter 15: Experimental Research and Designs
    • Chapter 16: Nonexperimental or Descriptive Research
    • Chapter 17: Qualitative Research Methods
    • Part V Quality Control and Application of Research
    • Chapter 18: Quality Control in Research
    • Chapter 19: Assessment and Application of Research

    Appendix A: Statistics Tables

    Appendix B: Answers to Statistics Exercises

    Appendix C: Sample Consent Form and Sample Letters


    References and Suggested Readings

  • -- NEW Additional useful assessment and application tips.
    --Numerous informative examples from health, physical education, exercise science, and recreation disciplines that illustrate key concepts, topics, and terms
    --Statistics chapters feature exercises that can be solved manually and/or by computer. Answers are provided in an appendix
    --Summary, Learning Activities, and Exercises at the end of each chapter reinforce the material and offer additional study tools.
    --Key concepts listed at the beginning of each chapter show importance of topic, making for study that is more efficient and review.
    --Appendices provide useful reference material and study tools including answers to expanded statistics problems and data sets, tables, answers to review questions, plus sample letters and forms.
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Essentials of Research Methods in Health, Physical Education, Exercise Science, and Recreation

Essentials of Research Methods in Health, Physical Education, Exercise Science, and Recreation

ISBN/ISSN: 9780781770361
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