The perfect point-of-care guide for nurses and health professionals caring for patients undergoing diagnostic tests and procedures, Fischbach’s A Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests, 11th Edition, provides an essential foundation for safe, effective, informed nursing practice. This proven, comprehensive manual is organized the way a nurse thinks — by specimen, function, and test type — describing an extensive array of tests for diverse populations and delivering step-by-step guidance on correct procedures, tips for accurate interpretation, and expert information on patient preparation and aftercare.
Extensively updated and easy to navigate, the 11th Edition clarifies the role today’s healthcare providers play in quality care planning, individualized patient assessment, analysis of patient needs, interventions, patient education, patient follow-up, and outcome evaluation. This unique resource also alerts users to potential risks and complications, interfering factors, and more to ensure the most confident, competent application in clinical settings.
Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Publication Date
September 3, 2021
Frances Talaska Fischbach RN, BSN, MSN
Associate Professor of Nursing (Ret) School of Nursing University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Milwaukee, WI
Margaret Fischbach
Kate Stout RN, MSN
Critical Care Nurse Specialist ACLS Instructor and AHA Affiliate MountainView Hospital Las Vegas, Nevada
Chapter 1 Diagnostic Testing
Chapter 2 Blood Studies: Hematology and Coagulation
Chapter 3 Urine Studies
Chapter 4 Stool Studies
Chapter 5 Cerebrospinal Fluid Studies
Chapter 6 Chemistry Studies
Chapter 7 Microbiologic Studies
Chapter 8 Immunodiagnostic Studies
Chapter 9 Nuclear Medicine Studies
Chapter 10 X-Ray and Computed Tomography (CT) Studies
Chapter 11 Cytologic, Histologic, and Genetic Studies
Chapter 15 Prenatal Diagnosis and Tests of Fetal Well-Being
Chapter 16 Special Diagnostic Studies
NEW! Coverage of emerging and evolving diagnostic considerations familiarizes students with Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), Influenza A H1N1 Pandemic Virus (H1N1pdm09 Virus), musculoskeletal ultrasound, and testing for bicarbonate (HCO3) level.
UPDATED! Charts, tables, and appendices provide fast access to the most up-to-date diagnostic information.
UPDATED! Patient preparation and posttest instructions clarify key procedures.
UPDATED! Nursing intervention content reinforces students’ understanding of essential terminology.
UPDATED! Test organization streamlines processes for efficient study and practice.
Straightforward organization helps students easily locate tests by specimen, function, and test type and quickly access appropriate introductory information, reference values, procedures, clinical implications, and interventions.
Clinical Alerts emphasize critical safety information at a glance.
Procedural Alerts help prevent common errors or procedural complications.
Notes alert students to helpful tips for safe, effective practice.
Fischbach's A Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests
ISBN/ISSN: 9781975173432
USD $85.99 Quantity :
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