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Flexibility, Yoga Training, and Ergonomic Postural Advice DVD

Publication Date:
August 16, 2011
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Flexibility, Yoga Training, and Ergonomic Postural Advice DVD contains three parts: Yoga and Respiration, Ergonomics and Posture, and Flexibility and ...
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  • Flexibility, Yoga Training, and Ergonomic Postural Advice DVD contains three parts: Yoga and Respiration, Ergonomics and Posture, and Flexibility and Yoga . Yoga and Respiration focuses on respiration, the foundation for all exercise. You’ll learn to combat shallow breathing that comes from work-related stress. In the Ergonomics and Posture section, you'll learn how to manage the stress of working in an office environment and how to overcome the postural effects that come from extended sitting. Flexibility and Yoga focuses on good breathing techniques and perfect posture. This section will help you learn to achieve good breathing and perfect posture, important to maintain a stress-free lifestyle.
    The signature of this DVD is its emphasis on diaphragmatic breathing. Alongside proper breathing advice, awareness of functionally centrated postures is emphasized in all movements. Workstation ergonomics, postural micro-breaks, and spine sparing hip hinge techniques are all described. Finally, rather than simply show stretches for a myriad of muscles functional dynamic, release techniques are shown for the most common stiff regions – the hip and mid-thoracic spine.
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    Product Format
    Installed Software DVD
    Publication Date
    August 16, 2011
  • Craig Liebenson DC
    Private Practice, Los Angeles, CA
  • Section 1 : Flexibility, Yoga Training, & Ergonomic Postural Advice
    Part 1: Yoga and Respiration
    1. Exercise Basics – What to Expect
    2. Respiration Assessment
    3. Lower Belly Breathing
    4. Postural Correction with Active Exhalation
    5. The Dying Bug
    6. The Abdominal Brace
    1. Micro Breaks
    - McGill Overhead Arm Reach
    - Brügger’s Postural Correction
    2. Hip Hinge Advice
    - Sit to Stand
    - Standing Posture Correction
    - Sparing Your Spine: Putting on Socks
    - Sparing Your Spine: Putting on Socks
    - Sparing Your Spine: Putting on Socks
    3. Balance
    - Vele’s Ski Jumper
    - The Rocker Board
    - Dynamic
    - Static Double Leg
    - Static Single Leg
    - The Wobble Board
    - Double Leg
    - Single Leg
    - The Bosu
    - Double Leg
    - Single Leg
    - Single Leg Stance
    - Eyes Open: Floor
    - Eyes Open: Balance Pads
    - Eyes Closed: Floor
    - Eyes Closed: Balance Pads
    - Tandem Gait
    - Floor
    - Foam
    - Pebbles
    4. A Dynamic Warm-up
    - McGill’s Overhead Arm Reach
    - Brügger’s Postural Correction
    - Plyometric Scissor Lunge
    - Warrior – Back Lunge
    - Baseball Squat
    - Squat with Quick feet
    - Plyometric 180° Squat
    - Single Leg Stance – Eyes Open Floor
    - Single Leg Stance – Eyes Closed Floor
    1. Stretching Basics
    2. Hip
    - Psoas (Hip) Stretch
    - Angle Lunge with Reach
    - Warrior – Back Lunge
    - Active Hip Strech
    3. Figure 4 Buttocks Stretch
    4. Mid-Back Postural Correction
    - Cat-Camel
    - Foam Roll: Snow Angel
    - Foam Roll: Upper Back Cat
    - Foam Roll: Horizontal Back Stretch
    - Yoga Sphinx on Hands
    - Yoga Sphinx on Forearms
    - Active Mid-Back Stretches: Squat with Ball
    - Active Mid-Back Stretches: Superman
    - Dead Bug Resistance with Stick
    - Squat with Stick
    - Bosu with Manual Resistance and Stick
    5. A Functional Core Routine
    - Bird Dog
    - Kolar Dying Bug
    - Foam Roll: Bicycle Kicks
    - Side Bridge
    - Side Bridge with Trunk Twist
    - Superman
    - Squat with Ball
    - Crab Walk
    - Warrior / Back Lunge
  • “Proper respiration and quality of movement are integral to the success of any exercise or rehab program. This video exemplifies these principles. Well done, Craig!”
    Clare Frank, DPT
    “This DVD is a wealth of information about biomechanics for teachers of Yoga, Pilates and all movement modalities.”
    – Larry Payne, Ph.D.
    Co-author Yoga for Dummies, Yoga Rx and The Business of Teaching Yoga'
$ 59.99 USD $59.99

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Flexibility, Yoga Training, and Ergonomic Postural Advice DVD

Flexibility, Yoga Training, and Ergonomic Postural Advice DVD

ISBN/ISSN: 9781582559216
USD $59.99 Quantity:
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