Home / Medicine / Fundamentals of EEG Technology

Fundamentals of EEG Technology

Vol. 1: Basic Concepts and Methods
Publication Date:
February 2, 1983
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Vol. 1: Basic Concepts and Methods
  • Vol. 1: Basic Concepts and Methods
    Product Format
    Hardcover Spiralbound Book
    Trim Size
    11 x 8 1/2
    Publication Date
    February 2, 1983
  • Fay S. Tyner
    John R. Knott
    W. Brem Mayer Jr.
  • 1. The Electroencephalogram
    2. The EEG Instrument
    3. The EEG Technologist
    4. Dealing with Numbers
    5. Some Principles of Electricity and Electronics
    6. Electrical Safety
    7. Measurement of Frequency and Voltage
    8. The EEG Amplifier and Its Control
    9. Adjustments to the EEG Instrument
    10. Electrodes
    11. Electrode Placement
    12. Polarity and Localization
    13. Montages
    14. Classification of EEG Activity
    15. Commonly Used Activation Procedures
    16. Artifacts
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Fundamentals of EEG Technology

Fundamentals of EEG Technology

ISBN/ISSN: 9780890043851
USD $207.99 Quantity:
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