Reviewing fundamentals serves to strengthen understanding and skills. Fundamentals of Nursing Made Incredibly Easy, Third Edition, is an easy-to-use resource ...
Reviewing fundamentals serves to strengthen understanding and skills. Fundamentals of Nursing Made Incredibly Easy, Third Edition, is an easy-to-use resource for the nurse, the nursing student, and the nursing instructor. The book is structured into three comprehensive sections:
Foundational Concepts - Offering an overview of the nursing profession, coupled with insights into health care, ethical and legal considerations, and the intricacies of the nursing process.
General Nursing Skills - Covering essential skills such as communication, health assessment, vital sign monitoring, infection control, and medication basics.
Physiologic Needs - Diving into critical care areas including oxygenation, patient self-care, mobility, skin integrity, pain management, and nutrition, along with urinary and bowel elimination.
New topics include
Healthy People 2030
Nutrition and
Social media relating to the profession of nursing
Wound care current practice
Medication and bar code scanning
Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
7 x 9
Incredibly Easy! Series®
Publication Date
July 31, 2024
Keelin Cromar DNP, RN
Capella University Minneapolis, Minnesota
Casey Moebius
Part 1 Foundational Concepts Chapter 1: Overview of Nursing Keelin Cromar, MSN-Ed, RN Chapter 2: Basics of Health and Illness Casey Moebius, DNP, RN Chapter 3: Ethical and Legal Considerations Sandra Groth, DNP, MSN-Ed, RN, CNE Chapter 4: Nursing Process Keelin Cromar, MSN-Ed, RN
Part 2 General Nursing Skills Chapter 5: Communication Melody Skinner, DNP, APRN, CPNP Chapter 6: Health Assessment Sarah Wedel, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC, AGPCNP-BC Chapter 7: Taking Vital Signs Tacie Fulton, DNP, MSN-Ed, BSN, RN Chapter 8: Asepsis and Infection Control Rachel Reitan, DNP, FNP, MSN-Ed, CWS Chapter 9: Medication Basics Darla Green, DNP, RN, FNP-C Chapter 10: Medication Administration Lisa Vaira, MSN, RN, CNE, CHSE-A Chapter 11: IV Therapy Robin Lockhart, PhD, MSN, RN
Appendix: Lippincott Advisor Problem-Based Care Plans Taxonomy
Just the Facts: brief outline of content at the start of every chapter
Education Corner: provides patient-teaching tips on such topics as procedures, equipment, and home care
Ages and Stages: identifies areas and procedures in which age could impact the nurse’s care
Stay on the Ball: focuses on critical areas involving possible dangers, risks, complications, contraindications, or ways to ensure safety
Take Note!: offers tips on documentation
Memory Joggers: offer mnemonics and other aids to help you understand and remember difficult concepts
That’s a Wrap: A quick overview of chapter content
Quick Quiz: End-of-chapter exercise to reinforce chapter objectives
USD $59.99
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