Home / Allied Health / Fundamentals of Sports Injury Management

Fundamentals of Sports Injury Management

Edition: 3
Publication Date:
February 23, 2011
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Focused on the topics needed by coaching, physical and health education, exercise science, sports medicine, and other health science students, ...
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  • Focused on the topics needed by coaching, physical and health education, exercise science, sports medicine, and other health science students, without the complicated extraneous material found in other texts, this new edition has been substantially revised to meet the needs of the non-athletic training student. Instead of rehashing material from a comprehensive athletic training textbook, authors Marcia Anderson and Gail Parr provide a truly unique text that addresses the specific needs of students who will be expected to provide initial care to an injured athlete without immediate access to a certified athletic trainer. In addition to appropriately structuring the content for these non-athletic trainers, the authors also provide relevant pedagogical features for students to successfully understand and retain the material, including key terms, chapter objectives, and case study questions that require students to analyze a situation and determine the best course of action. Red Flags and Application Strategies further reinforce the real-world application of the material.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    8.375 x 10.875
    Publication Date
    February 23, 2011
  • Marcia K. Anderson
    Professor, Athletic Training Curriculum, Department of Movement Arts, Health, Promotion and Leisure Studies, Bridgewater State College, Bridgewater, MA
    Gail P. Parr
    Associate Professor, Department of Kinesiology, Towson University, Towson, MD
  • I. Foundations of Injury Prevention
    1. Introduction to Injury Care
    2. Legal Issues
    3. Injury Prevention

    II. Injury Pathology, Assessment and Management
    4. Injury Mechanism and Classification of Injury
    5. The Healing Process
    6. Injury Management
    7. Injury Assessment
    8. Emergency Conditions

    III. Specific Conditions
    9. Cranial & Facial Conditions
    10. Spinal Conditions
    11. Throat, Thorax & Visceral Conditions
    12. Shoulder Conditions
    13. Elbow, Wrist and Hand Conditions
    14. Pelvis, Hip and Thigh Conditions
    15. Knee Conditions
    16. Foot, Ankle and Lower Leg Conditions

    IV. Special Considerations
    17. Environmental Conditions
    18. Systemic Conditions
    • --NEW: Numerous illustrations and photographs replace outdated images from the previous edition.
    • --NEW: Case study application questions at the end of each chapter require students to analyze a situation and determine the best course of action.
    • --NEW: Fully updated and revised design enlivens the material.
    • --Red Flag boxes give readers immediate information on when a condition needs physician referral.
    • --Clearly defined Learning Objectives at the beginning of each chapter guide students in their reading.
    • --Key Terms and Glossary aid studying and act as a ready reference.
    • --Application Strategies demonstrate the hands-on skills that students must master, and provide real application of the material.
    • --Clearly identified Signs and Symptoms with directions for evaluation and management.
    • --Chapter summaries highlight key points for ease of studying.
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Fundamentals of Sports Injury Management

Fundamentals of Sports Injury Management

ISBN/ISSN: 9781451109764
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