Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2022 and 2023!
Grabb and Smith’s Plastic Surgery, Eighth edition, offers a comprehensive resource to the field for plastic surgery residents and medical students with an interest in professional practice, as well as established plastic surgeons who want to received updated knowledge in this specialty. Accurately drawn illustrations, key points and review questions help you develop a deeper understanding of basic principles and prepare effectively for the In-Training Exam (ITE) and other certification exams.
Covers comprehensive plastic surgery knowledge and includes procedural sketches in a clear but succinct style.
Features key points—at the beginning of each chapter—emphasizing topics you will find on the In-Training Exam (ITE) and board certification exam.
Chapters close with review questions to ensure thorough comprehension of content and a list of references highlighting the most important papers.
Designed for fast, accurate comprehension of material: bulleted lists and tables scattered throughout, concise and to-the-point text, and numerous illustrations.
Ideal for plastic surgery residents and medical students interested in professional surgical practice.
Serve as a reference resource for practicing plastic surgeons to refresh knowledge and to enhance competency in various topics.
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