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Handbook of Dialysis

Edition: 6
Publication Date:
May 30, 2025
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Packed with evidence-based, practical information on all aspects of dialysis training and therapy, Handbook of Dialysis, 6th Edition, covers everything ...
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  • Packed with evidence-based, practical information on all aspects of dialysis training and therapy, Handbook of Dialysis, 6th Edition, covers everything from preparation and procedures to surgery, problems, and side effects. Edited by Drs. John T. Daugirdas, Peter G. Blake, and Todd S. Ing, and authored by international nephrology experts, this easy-to-use handbook offers concise, up-to-date guidance for clinicians and dialysis providers. Each chapter addresses a different area of patient management, including diagnostic workups, patient safety, and basic and advanced patient monitoring issues in acute dialysis and hemodialysis cases.
    • Features a quick-reference, outline format; numerous tables, diagrams, and charts; and a new four-color design for visual appeal and faster navigation
    • Offers complete, concise coverage of peritoneal dialysis, acute dialysis, hemodiafiltration, home and intensive dialysis, blood-based therapies, the physiology of peritoneal dialysis, diabetes, hypertension, optimal management of anemia, infections, nutrition, mineral bone disorder, and much more
    • Contains new coverage of incremental dialysis and technological methods of volume control and a new chapter on patient reported outcomes and experience measures in dialysis
    • Includes new data on high convective volume therapy, new antibiotics to prevent various catheter infections, expanded coverage of hemoperfusion and CRRT, and updated references and readings throughout
    • Provides more emphasis on high molecular weight uremic toxin removal and removal of protein-bound uremic toxins
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Publication Date
    May 30, 2025
  • John T. Daugirdas M.D.
    Peter Blake
    Todd S. Ing MB, FRCP
    Professor Emeritus of Medicine, Stritch School of Medicine, Loyola University Chicago, Maywood, IL
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Handbook of Dialysis

Handbook of Dialysis

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975253219
USD $84.99 Quantity:
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