Home / Medicine / Handbook of Patient Care in Cardiac Surgery

Handbook of Patient Care in Cardiac Surgery

Edition: 7
Publication Date:
December 21, 2009
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The thoroughly updated Seventh Edition of this popular and widely used handbook presents the most current protocols and recommendations for ...
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  • The thoroughly updated Seventh Edition of this popular and widely used handbook presents the most current protocols and recommendations for care of patients undergoing cardiac surgery. This edition reflects current ACLS guidelines and the latest developments in cardiac surgery. The transplantation chapter has been entirely rewritten by a new author.

    Experts from leading hospitals offer detailed, practical guidelines on preoperative evaluation and preparation, intraoperative management, and postoperative care for all current cardiac surgical procedures. Perspectives valuable for cardiac surgeons, cardiac nurses, and anesthesiologists are included throughout. Coverage includes a chapter on infants and children. Appendices list drug dosages for adults and for infants and children.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    5 x 8
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Handbook Series
    Publication Date
    December 21, 2009
  • John H. Lemmer Jr., MD
    The Oregon Clinic, Legacy Good Samaritan Hospital; Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, OR; Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, OR
    Gus J. Vlahakes
  • 1. Preoperative Evaluation and Management

    2. Operative Management

    3. Postoperative Management

    4. Postoperative Complications Involving the Heart and Lungs

    5. Postoperative Complications Involving Other Organ Systems

    6. Late Postoperative Management

    7. Management of Infants and Children

    8. Mechanical Cardiac Support and Transplantation

    Appendix 1. Nomogram for Determining Body Surface Area from Height and Weight

    Appendix 2. Recommendations for Preventing Bacterial Endocarditis

    Appendix 3. Usual Dosages of Drugs Commonly Used in Adults

    Appendix 4. Usual Dosages of Drugs Commonly Used in Infants and Children
  • -- NEW : ACLS guidelines updated to reflect the latest information
    -- NEW : Transplantation chapter entirely rewritten by a new author
    --Appendices list drug dosages for adults and infants and children
    --Combines medical and nursing perspectives
    --Covers preoperative evaluation, intraoperative management, postoperative management, and complications
    --Includes a chapter on management of infants and children
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Handbook of Patient Care in Cardiac Surgery

Handbook of Patient Care in Cardiac Surgery

ISBN/ISSN: 9780781773850
USD $89.99 Quantity :
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