This updated reference provides a contemporary perspective on pediatric Physical Therapy in a convenient outline format ideal for daily consultation. ...
This updated reference provides a contemporary perspective on pediatric Physical Therapy in a convenient outline format ideal for daily consultation. Consistent with APTA’s "Guide to Physical Therapist Practice, 3.0," Handbook of Pediatric Physical Therapy , 3rd Edition helps both students and professionals quickly locate essential information necessary to effectively assess, diagnose, and plan interventions. This edition reflects the latest advances in the field as it presents each condition's etiology, assessment considerations, treatment, and all other information related to contemporary pediatric physical therapy practice.
UPDATED! The latest information on growth and development, pediatric disorders, measurement, interventions, assistive technology, and administrative issues is presented in an outline format that allows readers to answer clinical questions quickly.
NEW! Additional coverage on orthopedics, wellness, and autism spectrum disorder brings the book thoroughly up-to-date.
NEW! Up-to-date material has been added on the latest interventions, including strategies that are implemented in the NICU.
NEW! Use of current language and perspectives used across service systems and the field’s latest assessments prepares readers to meet the need of clients in today’s pediatric practice.
NEW! Information from up-to-date fact sheets produced by the Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy outline current best practices.
UPDATED! A focus on a comprehensive, holistic intervention approach that leads to functional outcomes and active participation of the child is supplemented by coverage of today’s available protocols.
NEW! Coverage of standardized tests now appears in a separate Measurement Instrument Section at the end of Chapter 3.
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Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Publication Date
May 18, 2018
Toby Long
UPDATED! The latest information on growth and development, pediatric disorders, measurement, interventions, assistive technology, and administrative issues is presented in an outline format that allows readers to answer clinical questions quickly.
NEW! Additional coverage on orthopedics, wellness, and autism spectrum disorder brings the book thoroughly up-to-date.
NEW! Up-to-date material has been added on the latest interventions, including strategies that are implemented in the NICU.
NEW! Use of current language and perspectives used across service systems and the field’s latest assessments prepares readers to meet the need of clients in today’s pediatric practice.
NEW! Information from up-to-date fact sheets produced by the Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy outline current best practices.
UPDATED! A focus on a comprehensive, holistic intervention approach that leads to functional outcomes and active participation of the child is supplemented by coverage of today’s available protocols.
NEW! Coverage of standardized tests now appears in a separate Measurement Instrument Section at the end of Chapter 3.
Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience
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Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
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