Health Assessment Made Incredibly Easy! 4th Edition is illustrated with hundreds of drawings, diagrams, and photos to support easy-to-follow, expert ...
Health Assessment Made Incredibly Easy! 4th Edition is illustrated with hundreds of drawings, diagrams, and photos to support easy-to-follow, expert nursing instruction on many of the skills needed for head-to-toe physical assessments of every body system. The step-by-step guidance builds your confidence to perform thorough, accurate health assessments from the minute you start your career.
Key features help you move through the content with confidence:
Peak technique illustrates and describes the best ways to perform specific physical examination techniques.
Bridging the gap explains cultural variables that may influence the health assessment.
Handle with care pinpoints age-related variations in assessment findings.
Interpretation station provides sure-fire guidelines for interpreting assessment findings quickly and easily.
Memory jogger helps the reader remember important points.
Just for fun provides quick-study information in a gamelike format.
And that’s not all! Look for key points in the margins throughout the book. They are there to explain key concepts, provide important care reminders, and offer reassurance. ,
Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
7 x 9
Publication Date
July 31, 2024
Laura Willis DNP, APRN-CNP, FNP-C
Contents Part I Beginning the assessment 1 Health history 2 Fundamental physical assessment techniques 3 Nutritional assessment 4 Mental health assessment Part II Assessing body systems 5 Skin, hair, and nails 6 Neurologic system 7 Eyes 8 Ears, nose, and throat 9 Cardiovascular system 10 Respiratory system 11 Breasts and axillae 12 Gastrointestinal system 13 Female genitourinary system 14 Male genitourinary system 15 Musculoskeletal system Appendices and index ,
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