Clearly written, colorfully designed, and updated with the most current, evidence-based nursing considerations, Health Assessment in Nursing, 7th Edition helps ...
Clearly written, colorfully designed, and updated with the most current, evidence-based nursing considerations, Health Assessment in Nursing, 7th Edition helps students develop the comprehensive knowledge base and expert nursing assessment skills to confidently perform accurate, timely health assessments in a variety of healthcare settings.
This popular, student-friendly text is known for its innovative 2- and 3-column design and intuitive organization, presenting in-depth assessment information alongside dynamic visuals to make concepts easy to understand. Powerful learning tools in the text and available online further hone students’ data collection capabilities and cultivate the critical thinking skills students need to analyze data and detect client problems.
Reflecting the latest trends and topical issues facing today’s practicing nurses — including opioid use and human trafficking — this 7th Edition equips students with the assessment, documentation, and analytical skills to meet the clinical challenges ahead and ensure successful client outcomes throughout their nursing careers.
Product Format
Hardcover Book
Trim Size
8 3/8 x 10 7/8
Publication Date
November 10, 2021
Janet R Weber
Jane H Kelley
UNIT 1 Nursing Data Collection, Documentation, and Analysis
Chapter 1 The Nurse’s Role in Health Assessment
Chapter 2 Collecting Subjective Data: The Interview and Health History
Chapter 3 Collecting Objective Data: The Physical Examination
Chapter 4 Validating and Documenting Data
Chapter 5 Thinking Critically to Analyze Data to Make Informed Clinical Judgments
UNIT 2 Integrative Holistic Nursing Assessment
Chapter 6 Assessing Mental Status Including Risk for Substance Abuse
Chapter 7 Assessing Psychosocial, Cognitive, and Moral Development
Chapter 8 Assessing General Health Status and Vital Signs
Chapter 9 Assessing Pain
Chapter 10 Assessing for Violence
Chapter 11 Assessing Culture
Chapter 12 Assessing Spirituality and Religious Practices
Chapter 13 Assessing Nutritional Status
UNIT 3 Nursing Assessment of Physical Systems
Chapter 14 Assessing Skin, Hair, and Nails
Chapter 15 Assessing Head and Neck
Chapter 16 Assessing Eyes
Chapter 17 Assessing Ears
Chapter 18 Assessing Mouth, Throat, Nose, and Sinuses
Chapter 19 Assessing Thorax and Lungs
Chapter 20 Assessing Breasts and Lymphatic System
Chapter 21 Assessing Heart and Neck Vessels
Chapter 22 Assessing Peripheral Vascular System
Chapter 23 Assessing Abdomen
Chapter 24 Assessing Musculoskeletal System
Chapter 25 Assessing Neurologic System
Chapter 26 Assessing Male Genitalia and Rectum
Chapter 27 Assessing Female Genitalia, Anus, and Rectum
Chapter 28 Pulling It All Together: Integrated Head-To-Toe Assessment
UNIT 4 Nursing Assessment of Special Groups
Chapter 29 Assessing Childbearing Women
Chapter 30 Assessing Newborns and Infants
Chapter 31 Assessing Children and Adolescents
Chapter 32 Assessing Older Adults
Chapter 33 Assessing Families
Chapter 34 Assessing Communities
Appendix A Nursing History Guide
Appendix B Physical Assessment Guide
Appendix C Manual of Collaborative Problems
UPDATED! Content familiarizes students with emerging trends in heath assessment, including opioid use and human trafficking.
NEW!Biological (Genetic) and Cultural Behavior Variations sections in select chapters describe genetic and cultural differences that may affect structure and function of body systems as well as communication patterns and other behaviors related to health.
NEW! Nursing Concepts listed at the beginning of each chapter make clear how content applies to Concepts-based curricula.
UPDATED! Evidence-Based Health Promotion and Disease Prevention boxes equip students with helpful strategies — based on Healthy People 2020 goals — for teaching clients to reduce risk factors for common diseases.
UPDATED! Abnormal Findings boxesin select chapters contain photos and descriptions to teach which findings need to be referred to a primary care provider for further assessment and diagnosis.
UPDATED! Assessment Guides acquaint students with essential equipment and techniques.
UPDATED! Assessment Tools provide questionnaires to help students conduct effective client interviews.
Colorful, visually engaging design keeps students focused and clarifies assessment concepts.
Unfolding Case Studies threaded throughout each chapter challenge students to apply assessment concepts to commonly encountered client scenarios.
Clinical Tips strengthen students’ clinical confidence with helpful real-world insights for effective practice.
Safety Tips alert students to important considerations for ensuring client safety.
Older Adult Considerations and Cultural Considerations highlight vital considerations for the care of special populations of varying cultures.
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