Health Promotion and Wellness is designed to provide health care providers with both the theoretical knowledge and practical skills they need to provide high-quality clinical preventive services. This unique resource is separated into two sections: The first section gives information on risks, ways providers can assess for risk and tools they can use to advise and help patients move forward. The second section is a tool kit with information, resources, tools and other items that can help the clinician provide evidence-based, patient-centered information to their patients. This accessible reference provide readers with the basic elements necessary to help their patients change their health behavior related to the most prevalent risk factors, and to serve as a springboard to keep pace with the latest evidence arising in the applied science of wellness, prevention and health promotion. INSIDE YOU’LL FIND: • Screening, prevention, health promotion and advising information and resources that will complement your routine care of the patients you serve • Instructions for how to appropriately use CPT codes for billing preventive services Become well-versed in prevention and health promotion approaches, purchase your copy today!
Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Trim Size
7 x 10
Publication Date
January 30, 2017
Cheryl Hawk DC, PhD
Will Evans DC, PhD
CHAPTER 1. Introduction 1 CHAPTER 2. Understanding Health Behavior 4 CHAPTER 3. Principles of Wellness Coaching 14 CHAPTER 4. Heath Communications in the Clinical Setting 24 CHAPTER 5. Consumer Health Information and Literacy 34 CHAPTER 6. Advocating for Health in the Community 42 CHAPTER 7. Wellness Assessment and Clinical Preventive Services 50 CHAPTER 8. Counseling and Coaching on Physical Activity 68 CHAPTER 9. Nutrition for Prevention and Health Promotion 83 CHAPTER 10. Weight Management 100 CHAPTER 11. Injury Prevention 111 CHAPTER 12. Tobacco and Substance Use 119 CHAPTER 13. Stress Management and Stress-Related Conditions 129 CHAPTER 14. Worksite Wellness 142 CHAPTER 15. Retooling Your Office for Health Promotion and Wellness 149
INSIDE YOU’LL FIND: • Screening, prevention, health promotion and advising information and resources that will complement your routine care of the patients you serve • Instructions for how to appropriately use CPT codes for billing preventive services
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