Home / Medicine / Heart Disease Anatomical Chart

Heart Disease Anatomical Chart

Edition: 2
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With updated images and text and improved design elements, this new edition of our Heart Disease chart provides an easy-to-understand ...
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  • With updated images and text and improved design elements, this new edition of our Heart Disease chart provides an easy-to-understand overview of the important anatomical aspects of heart disease.
    The progression of heart disease in atherosclerosis is shown in three stages, each with an anatomical image of the surface or cross-section of the heart, a cross-section of an artery, and a cross-section of the heart wall. The stages show how a narrowed artery leads to ischemia; how a blocked artery leads to a myocardial infarction (heart attack); and show the recovery period with collateral blood supply.
    The chart also shows heart disease in hypertension which can lead to hypertrophy and dilation of the left ventricle. Congestive heart failure, mitral valve prolapse, and the effects of aging on the heart are also illustrated and described.
    For comparison, the chart also contains illustrations of normal heart anatomy, including anterior surface and cross-sections of the heart, the systems coronary arteries on the heart, and a cross-section of a normal coronary artery.
    Available in English and Spanish
    Made in the USA.
    Available in the following versions :
    • 20" x 26" heavy paper laminated with grommets at top corners ISBN 9780781773386
    • 20" x 26" heavy paper ISBN 9780781773379
    • 20" x 26" heavy paper laminated with grommets at top corners Spanish ISBN 9780781782197
    • 20" x 26" heavy paper Spanish ISBN 9780781782180
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Trim Size
    20 x 26
  • Anatomical Chart Company
$ 16.99 USD $16.99

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Heart Disease Anatomical Chart

Heart Disease Anatomical Chart

ISBN/ISSN: 9780781773379
USD $16.99 Quantity:
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