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Hospital for Special Surgery's Illustrated Tips and Tricks in Foot and Ankle Surgery

Edition: 1
Publication Date:
May 29, 2019
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Looking for real-world surgical advice traditional textbooks often leave out? This heavily illustrated first volume of a brand-new series is ...
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  • Looking for real-world surgical advice traditional textbooks often leave out? This heavily illustrated first volume of a brand-new series is a compendium of surgical wisdom from veteran attending surgeons passed on to fellows, residents, and students. Guidance is contextualized to the contributor’s surgical field and facility or hospital, and chapters cover injuries (including sports injuries), deformities, chronic conditions, and more. A concise package of hints for surgical success!
    • First volume in a new series focused on frequently untold nuggets of advice from practicing surgeons in various specializations.
    • Each chapter covers key procedural topics like patient positioning, instruments and equipment, technical procedures, complications, and post-operative care.
    • Written by fellows and veteran surgeons at the Hospital for Special Surgery, the nation’s oldest orthopedic hospital, routinely ranked #1 for orthopedics.
    • Ideal for fellows, residents, and students in orthopedics and orthopedic surgery, trauma, and podiatry.

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  • Edition
    Product Format
    Hardcover Book
    Trim Size
    8 3/8 x 10 7/8
    Publication Date
    May 29, 2019
  • David Levine
  • Contents
    1 • Management of Hallux Rigidus 3
    Abdul Arain and Khusboo Desai
    2 • First Tarsometatarsal Joint Arthrodesis—Modified Lapidus
    Procedure and Akin Osteotomy 9
    Samik Banerjee, Mostofa Abousayed, and Andrew J. Rosenbaum
    3 • Management of Metatarsalgia and Equinus Contracture:
    Gastr ocnemius R ecession, P er cutaneous T endoac hilles Lengthening,
    and Diaphyseal Metatarsal Shortening Osteotomy 19
    Rachel J. Shakked, Maxwell C. Alley, Jr., Christopher Johnson, and Andrew J. Rosenbaum
    4 • Management of Lesser Toe Deformity: PIP Arthroplasty and
    Extensor Lengthening 25
    Rachel J. Shakked, Maxwell C. Alley, Jr., Christopher Johnson, and Andrew J. Rosenbaum
    5 • Correction of the Flexible Flatfoot 31
    Jonathan T . Deland and Mackenzie T . Jones
    6 • Correction of the Rigid Flatfoot 41
    Jonathan T . Deland and Austin E. Sanders
    7 • Forefoot-Driven Cavovarus Deformity 53
    MaCalus Hogan
    8 • Hindfoot-Driven Cavovarus Deformity 57
    MaCalus Hogan
    Preface ix
    Acknowledgments xiANKLE ARTHRITIS
    9 • Tibiotalar Arthrodesis: Anterior Approach 65
    Mackenzie T . Jones and Scott Ellis
    10 • Total Ankle Arthroplasty With Prophecy
    Technique (Wright Medical, Memphis TN) 75
    Austin E. Sanders and Constantine A. Demetracopoulos
    11 • Hamstring Harvest and Principles of Autograft Reconstruction 89
    Sydney C. Karnovsky and Mark C. Drakos
    12 • Achilles T endinopathy 95
    Sydney C. Karnovsky and Mark C. Drakos
    13 • Acute Achilles Rupture 103
    Sydney C. Karnovsky and Mark C. Drakos
    14 • Peroneal T endinopathy 109
    Sydney C. Karnovsky and Mark C. Drakos
    15 • Dislocating Peroneal T endons 1 15
    Sydney C. Karnovsky and Mark C. Drakos
    16 • Tibialis Anterior T endinopathy 121
    Sydney C. Karnovsky and Mark C. Drakos
    17 • Lateral Ankle Instability 127
    Andrew J. Rosenbaum
    18 • Medial Ankle Instability 133
    Andrew Posner, Kyle Angelicola-Richardson, and Andrew J. Rosenbaum
    19 • Arthroscopic Management of Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus 143
    Y oshiharu Shimozono and John G. Kennedy
    20 • Autologous Osteochondral T ransplantation 155
    Y oshiharu Shimozono and John G. Kennedy
    21 • Fifth Metatarsal Stress Fractures 167
    Akash Gupta and Martin O’Malley
    22 • Navicular Stress Fractures 175
    Akash Gupta and Martin O’Malley
    23 • Medial Malleolar Stress Fractures 187
    Akash Gupta and Martin O’Malley
    24 • Pilon Fractures 195
    Matthew Anderson, Stefanos Haddad, and Andrew J. Rosenbaum
    25 • Ankle Fractures 205
    Keegan Cole and Hamza Murtaza
    26 • Talus Fractures 215FOOT TRAUMA
    27 • Metatarsal Neck Fractures 227
    Curtis T . Adams, Stefanos Haddad, and Andrew J. Rosenbaum
    28 • Lisfranc Injuries 237
    Casey M. O’Connor and Jillian Kazley
    29 • Navicular Fractures 243
    Eric Perloff, Joseph Y oung, and Andrew J. Rosenbaum
    30 • Calcaneus Fractures 249
    Afshin A. Anoushiravani
    Index 257
  • This volume in the Illustrated Tips and Tricks orthopedics series focuses on the foot and ankle. It is very much a hands-on approach manual and provides a no-nonsense approach to each topic. It includes access to an electronic format as well.
    This book is designed to provide readers with the benefit of the experiences and wisdom of the primary authors. It is, truly, a compendium of their shared and personal experiences in a broad array of foot and ankle procedures. The electronic version aids in accessibility, since this is physically a big book and not readily portable.
    The intended audience is practicing surgeons, as well as residents and fellows, primarily in the fields of orthopedics and podiatry. Given the book's premise and presentation, it meets these objectives. The authors are well known and respected in their field. Of the slightly more than 30 contributors, nearly half are residents in various levels of training in orthopedic surgery and their relative expertise is not known.
    The book is arranged into 30 chapters covering selected forefoot conditions, flatfoot and cavus foot deformities, ankle arthritis, tendon disorders, and foot and ankle trauma. Each chapter gets straight down to the practicalities of the performing the procedures. Indications for the most part are not discussed.
    Each procedure starts with a bullet-pointed instrument list, positioning, and a description of the procedure. Surgical tips and pearls are highlighted where relevant. Each chapter is well illustrated with excellent use of color plates, line drawings, and diagnostic imaging where relevant.
    This book is of excellent quality and will be most useful to those whose primary focus is foot and ankle surgery as well as those who encounter foot and ankle pathology as part of more a general musculoskeletal practice. While many are reference tomes, which this book does not compete with, its nearest rival would be Foot and Ankle Surgery: Tricks of the Trade, Raikin (Thieme, 2018). It is slightly different in format, but it offers an individual perspective with tips and pearls. It will have its devotees nonetheless and is slightly more practical in how it handles each topic. Recommended.
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Hospital for Special Surgery's Illustrated Tips and Tricks in Foot and Ankle Surgery

Hospital for Special Surgery's Illustrated Tips and Tricks in Foot and Ankle Surgery

ISBN/ISSN: 9781496365101
USD $209.99 Quantity:
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