Detailed enough for your students to use as an atlas and concise enough for efficient review, Human Gross Anatomy provides concentrated coverage of anatomy that promotes learning rather than rote memorization. Throughout the book, high quality cadaveric photographs and explanatory diagrams are presented side by side with to-the-point bulleted explanations to help students develop a true understanding of each anatomical structure.
Addressing current curricula trends with a systemic approach to anatomy, consistently structured within regional chapters to reflect the structure used in dissection labs, this practical, user-friendly book highlights important muscle information through “action boxes” and uses color-coded labels for origin, insertion, and innervation. The book is accompanied by a complete image bank to enhance lecture and exam preparation.
Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Trim Size
8.375 x 10.875
Publication Date
July 10, 2015
Anthony B. Olinger
Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences, Kansas City, Missouri
Chapter 7: Neck Neck Osteology Hyoid Bone Cervical Vertebrae Chrondrology Laryngeal Cartilages Arthrology Pharyngeal Ligaments Laryngeal Joints Cervical Vertebral Joints Cervical Fascia Myology Posterior Triangle Anterior Triangle Pharyngeal Muscles Laryngeal Muscles Anterior Vertebral Column Muscles Endocrinology Thyroid Gland Parathyroid Glands Pulmonology Pharynx Larynx Trachea Gastroenterology Pharynx Esophagus Angiology Common Carotid Artery External Carotid Artery Subclavian Artery Superior Vena Cava Lymphatics Tonsils Neurology Cranial Nerves in the Cervical Region Cervical Plexus Phrenic Nerve Autonomic Components in the Neck Sympathetic Nervous System in the Neck Parasympathetic Nervous System in the Neck
Chapter 8: Head Head Osteology Skull Neurocranium Facial Bones Auditory Ossicles Skull Foramina and Contents Chondrology Nasal Cartilages Auricular Cartilage Arthrology Skull Sutures and Landmarks Temporomandibular Joint Dentoalveolar Joints Vomerethmoidal Joint Atlantooccipital Joint Myology Muscles of the Calvaria Muscles of Facial Expression Muscles of Mastication Muscles of the Orbit Muscles of the Palate Muscles of the Tongue Muscles of the Middle Ear Endocrinology Pituitary Gland Pineal Gland Pulmonology Nasal Cavity Paranasal Sinuses Nasolacrimal Duct External Nose Gastroenterology External Oral Region Oral Cavity Tongue Palate Salivary Glands Special Neurology Eye Orbital Apparatus Lacrimal Apparatus Ear External Ear Middle Ear Inner Ear Angiology External Carotid Artery Internal Carotid Artery Vertebral Artery Cerebral Arterial Circle Dural Venous Sinuses Neurology Cranial Nerves Olfactory N. (CN I) Optic N. (CN II) Occuolomotor N. (CN III) Trochlear N. (CN IV) Trigeminal N. (CN V) Abducent N. (CN VI) Facial N. (CN VII) Vestibulocochlear N. (CN VIII) Glossopharyngeal N. (CN IX) Vagus N. (CN X) Spinal Accessory N. (CN XI) Hypoglossal N. (CN XII) Brain
The book’s consistent presentation (actual cadaveric dissection photos with pertinent labels that allow readers to view “real” human anatomy and color diagrams that clarify each structure’s purpose, along with high yield bulleted information beside the images) helps readers understand what’s shown in the photographs and visualize the relationships between structures.
Organized to conform to the regional structure used in dissection labs, the book prepares students for future courses and clinical practice.
Action boxes (yellow) and color-coding of labels for origin (red), insertion (green), and innervation (blue) provide muscle action and innervation information that aligns with photographs and illustrations, allowing students to make immediate visual connections.
Comprehensive information on each structure is presented in a concise, bulleted format to facilitate reference and review.
Summary Muscle Tables summarize muscle origin, insertion, and innervation information for quick reference and review.
An introduction to systematic anatomy section provides students with an overview of the material.
An introduction to terminology section helps students master the vocabulary of human gross anatomy and is ideal for quick review.
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