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Introductory Guide to Cardiac Catheterization

Edition: 2
Publication Date:
September 25, 2010
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Updated for its Second Edition, Introductory Guide to Cardiac Catheterization is an easy-to-follow 'how-to' guide to diagnostic and therapeutic cardiac ...
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  • Updated for its Second Edition, Introductory Guide to Cardiac Catheterization is an easy-to-follow 'how-to' guide to diagnostic and therapeutic cardiac catheterization. This pocket-sized, concise manual presents practical pointers, tips, ACC/AHA guidelines, and highlighted clinical pearls and includes troubleshooting sections that provide solutions to frequently encountered problems. Numerous illustrations demonstrate the complex procedures now being performed via the catheter.

    This edition has a section on complications in each chapter, a new chapter on peripheral angiography, and a new question-and-answer review chapter. Other highlights include new safety precautions and updates on novel closure devices.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    5 x 8
    Publication Date
    September 25, 2010
  • Arman T. Askari MD
    Staff, Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Associate Director, Cardiovascular Medicine Fellowship, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH
    Medhi H. Shishehbor DO, MPH
    Staff, Vascular Medicine and Interventional Cardiology, Heart and Vascular Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH
    Adrian W. Messerli MD
    Department of Interventional Cardiology, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO
    Ronnier J. Aviles MD
    Cardiovascular Branch, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD
    Arman T. Askari MD
    Staff, Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Associate Director, Cardiovascular Medicine Fellowship, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH
  • 1: Pre-Procedural Evaluation
    Bethany A. Austin

    2: Setting up the Lab
    Matthew Kaminski

    3: Native Coronary Angiography
    Stephen Gimple, Niranjan Seshadri, Robert Hobbs, and Sorin J. Brener

    4: Bypass Graft Angiography
    Kellan E. Ashley

    5: Left Ventriculography and Aortography
    Mateen Akhtar and Frederick Heupler

    6: Cerebral and Peripheral Angiography
    Inder M. Singh, Steven J. Filby, and Mehdi Shishehbor

    7: Hemodynamics in the Cath Lab
    Brian W. Hardaway, W.H. Wilson Tang, and Frederick Heupler

    8: Approach to the High-Risk Patient
    Daniel J. Cantillon

    9: Hemostatic Devices
    James E. Harvey and A. Michael Lincoff

    10: Post-Cath
    Ryan Christofferson

    11: Study Questions
  • -- NEW : 'Complications' section in each chapter
    -- NEW : New safety precautions
    -- NEW : Question-and-answer review chapter
    -- NEW : Update on novel closure devices
    --Easy access to relevant material for the trainee
    --Multiple tables, figures, and tricks of the trade
    --Reader-friendly, concise
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Introductory Guide to Cardiac Catheterization

Introductory Guide to Cardiac Catheterization

ISBN/ISSN: 9781605478852
USD $84.99 Quantity :
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