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Issues of Cancer Survivorship

An Interdisciplinary Team Approach to Care
Edition: 1
Publication Date:
October 1, 2015
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Issues of Cancer Survivorship brings much-needed, expert guidance to the challenges of cancer care. This all-new, standardized text fully addresses ...
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  • Issues of Cancer Survivorship brings much-needed, expert guidance to the challenges of cancer care. This all-new, standardized text fully addresses the psychosocial issues experienced by the patient and interdisciplinary collaboration, covering areas such as psychological distress, short- and long-term effects of treatments, body image issues, and family relationships. This vital guide should be read by all nurses, and is indispensable to those seeking to provide the holistic care now increasingly required in oncology services.

    You’ll benefit from experienced guidance through all aspects of cancer survivor care, including . . .

    Coverage of survivorship topics - Definition of cancer survivor; phases of cancer survivorship
    Coverage of cancer management topics:
    • Clinical manifestations of cancer treatments - Nausea, vomiting, fatigue
    • Psychological distress - Contributing factors; anxiety; depression
    • Screening/assessment guidelines; National Comprehensive Care Network care guidelines
    Coverage of psychosocial issues:
    • Personal concerns - Finances; family relationships; social support; medical treatments; spirituality/religion; fear of recurrence
    • Short- and long-term effects of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation - Temporary and permanent disability; body changes; bone health; end-of-life issues
    Coverage of pediatric cancer survivor issues:
    • Long-term effects and secondary cancers resulting from treatment
    • Specific needs of pediatric long-term survivors
    • Impact on immediate family
    • Developmental differences of pediatric patients
    • Nursing theories - Helping patients deal with: uncertainty of outcomes; unpleasant symptoms; transitions; adaptations; increasing resiliency
    Coverage of health care team members roles and collaboration, including:
    • The roles and responsibilities of oncology nurse navigators, oncology case managers, oncology clinical nurse specialists, mental health nurses, social workers, and clergy
    • Pain and palliative care teams
    • Survivorship care plan
    Chapter features include: key words, learning objectives, and case studies with thinking questions to help you absorb content
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    6 x 9
    Publication Date
    October 1, 2015
  • Debra Kantor
  • Contents

    Section I—Understanding Survivorship

    Chapter 1: Survivorship
    Kathleen Pelc, MS, RN, OCN

    Section II—Potential Consequences of Cancer Management

    Chapter 2: Symptom Management
    Maureen Cardoza, PhD, RN, CDP

    Chapter 3: Psychological Distress
    Debra Kantor, PhD, APRN, BC

    Section III—Psychosocial Issues of Cancer Survivorship

    Chapter 4: Family Relationships, Social Support, Fear of Recurrence, and Finances
    Mary Rzeszut, MSW, LCSW

    Chapter 5: Spirituality
    Judith A. Schreiber, PhD, RN

    Section IV—The Pediatric Cancer Survivor

    Chapter 6: Pediatric/Family Concerns Post Treatment
    Ann Marie Paraszczuk, EdD, RNC, IBCLC
    Michelle Schaefer, RN, BSN, CPON

    Section V—Nursing Theories

    Chapter 7: Theory of Uncertainty
    Kristen Sethares, PhD, RN, CNE
    Maryellen Brisbois, PhD, RN, APHN-BC
    Elizabeth Danells Chin, PhD, RN, ANP

    Chapter 8: Theory of Unpleasant Symptoms
    Alaine Stadelman, MSN, RN

    Chapter 9: Transitions
    Eun-Ok Im, PhD, MPH, RN, CNS, FAAN
    Yaelim Lee, MSN, RN, PhD (c)

    Chapter 10: Adaptation
    Akhtar Ebrahimi Ghassemi, PhD, MHC, MSN, RN

    Chapter 11: Resilience
    Debra Kantor, PhD, APRN, BC
    Nona Holmes, DNP, APRN-BC, NP Psychiatry

    Section VI—Understanding the Nurse’s Role in Cancer Survivorship

    Chapter 12: Oncology Clinical Nurse Specialists
    Heidi Bentos-Pereira, MSN, MBA, RN, OCN

    Chapter 13: Oncology Nurse Navigators
    Joyce Davis, BS, RN

    Chapter 14: Oncology Case Managers
    Rebecca Perez, RN, BSN, CCM

    Chapter 15: Mental Health Nurses
    Susan Glodstein, PMHNP-BC, PMHCNS-BC

    Section VII—Collaboration With Other Health Team Members

    Chapter 16: Role of the Social Worker
    Mary Rzeszut, MSW, LCSW

    Chapter 17: Role of the Clergy
    Rabbi Stephanie Dickstein, LMSW
    Rabbi/Chaplain Abraham Rabinovich

    Chapter 18: Pain and Palliative Care Team
    Paula Lester, MD, FACP
    Jessica Weinberger, MS, FNP, ACHPN

    Section VIII—Life After Cancer Treatment

    Chapter 19: When the Cloud Returns
    Maureen Cardoza, PhD, RN, CDP

    Appendix : Nursing Diagnosis
    Zelda Suzan, MA, RN, CNE
    Debra Kantor, PhD, APRN, BC

    Suggested Resources
    About the Editors
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Issues of Cancer Survivorship

Issues of Cancer Survivorship

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