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JBI Evidence Implementation

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Publication Frequency:
Published 4 times per year (Quarterly)
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  • JBI Evidence Implementation is an official journal of JBI.  It is an international peer-reviewed, online journal that publishes manuscripts encompassing evidence implementation and implementation science within a healthcare context.  JBI Evidence Implementation is a premium platform for the dissemination of rigorous, high-quality papers that advance the theoretical, methodological and measurement aspects of the science of implementation that informs healthcare practice, including organisational and policy making environments.

    JBI Evidence Implementation actively supports healthcare communities globally through a virtual network, and is indexed in:
    Index Medicus (MEDLINE),
    Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature (CINAHL),
    Database of Reviews of Effects (DARE),
    Science Citation Index Expanded (also known as SciSearch®),
    Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, and
    Current Contents®/Clinical Medicine.
    JBI Evidence Implementation accepts manuscripts on methods, outcomes, economics, processes, theory and methodology associated with implementation or practice improvement.  This includes original research, systematic reviews, scoping reivews, quality or practice improvement studies, experimental or evaluation studies, psychometric studies, case studies, qualitative studies, program evaluations and theoretical/methodological studies across the full spectrum of primary care and health services settings.
    Types of questions related to methodology and method, including but not limited to implementation interventions, development and validation of instruments that assess implementation constructs, implementation of stakeholder engagement or stakeholder involvement, culture, education, capacity building, equity, quality improvement, context analysis, facilitation, evaluation or analyses of published implementation reports will be considered for publication.
    JBI Evidence Implementation co-publishes JBI methodology and methods with its partner JBI journal, JBI Evidence Synthesis. Protocols are not accepted.

    Product Format
    Online Journal Only
    Publication Frequency
    Published 4 times per year (Quarterly)
  • Hanan Khalil
    Craig Lockwood
  • -- Official Journal of The Joanna Briggs Institute
    -- A leading online evidence-based healthcare journal
    -- Published quarterly (March, June, September, December)
    -- For more information visit the journal website: www.ijebh.com
  • 4 Issues / 12 months ($4.00/issue)
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  • 12 Issues / 36 months (/issue)
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JBI Evidence Implementation

JBI Evidence Implementation

ISBN/ISSN: 2691-3321
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