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JCO Oncology Practice

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*Institutional subscriptions are Print only and do not include online access. For online access, please contact Ovid.

Publication Frequency:
Published 12 times per year (Monthly)
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  • *Subscriptions will begin with the January 2021 issue.

    JCO Oncology Practice (JCO OP) provides necessary information and insights to keep oncology practice current on changes and challenges inherent in delivering quality oncology care. All content dealing with understanding the provision of care—the mechanics of practice—is the purview of JCO OPJCO OP also addresses an expressed need of practicing physicians to have compressed, expert opinion addressing common clinical problems.

    Subscribers to JCO OP receive the print version of JCO OP and are provided with access to JCO online.
    Product Format
    Print Journal + Online Access
    Publication Frequency
    Published 12 times per year (Monthly)
    ASCO Journals
  • Linda D Bosserman
  • -- An American Clinical Oncology Society (ASCO) Journal

    -- Impact factor: 3.551 as reported by Clarivate in its 2019 Journal Citation Reports.

    -- JCO OP content focuses on care delivery from various perspectives, including: quality and value of care; improvement science; health services research; business and socioeconomics; performance of clinical trials; professionalism and ethics; and health policy

    -- State of Cancer Care in America (SOCCA) articles focus on issues that impact the delivery of efficient, cost-effective, high-quality cancer care

    -- JCO Oncology Practice podcasts

    -- CE opportunities

    -- Website: https://ascopubs.org/journal/op

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JCO Oncology Practice

JCO Oncology Practice

ISBN/ISSN: 2688-1527
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